Recent content by takenick2

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    Where Do You Guys Get Your Hair Cut?

    I need to find a hair stylist like this who's not going to make me go broke. Help.
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    Just change your diet, and it's ok to have a cheat day. But honestly unhealthy food make me feel sick now. It's an acquired taste and a sign of maturity I think to eat healthy. I don't want to be buff either. If I could look like Conor McGregor I'd be happy. My BF% is 15% and I'm trying to get...
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    Got sick of using dermmatch. Buzzed my head. Felt liberated (woo!). Now I'm trying hairdye. Goal image: buzzed head, facial hair, shredded frame, tats, mma. Cliche as **** but it's my destiny. Embrace your destiny.
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    Post- Propecia Crash & Persistent Side Effects - How Long?

    I'm going to start taking zinc again to block estrogen. Going to get my bloodwork done hopefully soon. I quit finasteride because of the mental side effects (OCDish anxiety) which resulted from sexual sides effects. I also feel like the sexual sides got worse over time. I couldn't handle all of it.
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    Post- Propecia Crash & Persistent Side Effects - How Long?

    I literally have ED right now. Only time I experienced this was the first day after starting finasteride. This is seriously ****ed. Someone help.
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    Post- Propecia Crash & Persistent Side Effects - How Long?

    I was on finasteride for about 1.5 years. Quit 10 days ago and I feel worse than when I was on it. When can I expect to feel normal again? I've heard a lot of people say it took a few months. Anything I can do to recover faster? I stopped taking zinc and am working out....thinking of taking nitric oxide...
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    Over 10+ years as a balding young take on it...

    Appreciate the response dude. The girl made another excuse, as expected. And since this is the worst time of the year to try to get girls, I'm done for now. Hope I can handle being alone for another ____ months/years...:sad:
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    Do you guys believe in looks theory, LMS, F.A.C.E., hypergamy, or are you blue pill?

    lollllllllllllll. I pretty much agree with this, but recently I've been seeing a lot of fat/ugly dudes with hot girls.
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    Propecia Shedding Associated with Increased Sex Drive?

    wtf? right when i started finasteride, the shedding stopped immediately and the negative sexual sides came on immediately. seems this drug is having the opposite effect for you.
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    Normal Serum DHT levels and still losing hair

    if you get on finasteride, expect: pros: slowing/stopping of hairloss, cleared up acne cons: dick problems. and if you have a history of ocd/depression tendencies: mental problems. i realized how much finasteride was ****ing with my head. now i'm only taking .1mg and am going to start minoxidil.
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    I'm 18 Years Old - Is my Hairline Receding or No?

    yes, nw1(soon to be nw2) on one side, nw0.5 on the other. i was an nw0 at 17, nw1 at 19, nw2 at 21 and started using finasteride/nizoral then. how much does your scalp itch/shed? oh yeah, stop dying your hair. that **** destroys.
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    nizoral shortage? again?

    nizoral lady on the phone said they're rebuilding the factory or something and there are "shipping delays in 2013." guess i'll just buy it at 1200% markup:
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    Gigz89's Story- Hair started thinning at 17. This is my hair now 5 years later

    nice hairline. just need to shave or at least buzz your hair everyday...
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    Is my hair receding? Confused

    if your head itches and you're shedding hairs, you have male pattern baldness...