I'm 18 Years Old - Is my Hairline Receding or No?


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Hello, this is my first post on the forum :)

Im 18, male, and my hair color is a mixture between medium colored brown, naturally straight and very thick and I have little natural streaks of blonde in my fringe.
I dye my hair black and my roots usually look really light.

I had my hair at a length of 5-6inches all over for about 4-5 years and ive only recently thought about my hairline and how it is doing.
Im really self conscious about my hairline now and im terrified of going bald.

I think i have attached an image of my hair wet and slicked back.

Can you tell me if my hairline is good or if im receding badly for my age?


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I can see it receding at the temples. Also, in the third pic, it looks a little thin behind the "widow's peak" area, sorry, I dunno the technical term for the front of the hair line, dead centre. Just behind your hairline, it looks thinning too.

lol. the curse of being male. Who would wish this on their enemy?


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It looks like there is thinning, but the lighting is horrible. Go and take some pictures in natural light, either outside, or in a room where the sun is coming through the windows, not the fluorescent lighting used here.


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The way I slicked my hair back makes my hair look thinner, the hair is chunked up and it looks really gappy. But my roots are blonde in my fringe and that makes my hairline look a little receded. I remember having a nice straight hairline a good 3-4 years ago.


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Hey there.

Your question is very abstract. We have no baseline to compare it to. Show us a picture of what your hair looked like say, 3-4 years ago and then we can make
a good guess. From over here your hairline seems to be fine, but again, we have no baseline to compare it to.


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Like rudimentary said we don't have a comparison. If your hairline was reasonably similar to even a year ago then it's unlikely you're going through androgenetic alopecia since all men go through a uniform recession of their hairlines as they age. Have you ever seen a middle-aged or old man with the more anterior hairline of the average 17 year old?

It's impossible to say whether your hairline is receding, but there's definitely some balding at the front. Heck, it resembles what I currently have now. If you have any dermatological conditions then they might be worth checking into.


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yes, nw1(soon to be nw2) on one side, nw0.5 on the other.

i was an nw0 at 17, nw1 at 19, nw2 at 21 and started using finasteride/nizoral then. how much does your scalp itch/shed? oh yeah, stop dying your hair. that **** destroys.


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My crown started itching strangely back in summer last year, but im pretty much sure it was the cheap conditioner i used and it really irritated my crown.
I used head and shoulders anti itching shampoo and it cured it completely.

No thinning of the crown.

Up near my temples where it looks like it is receding used to be lots of thin blonde baby hairs and they used to curl over. They have all fallen out as ive reached 18 and now the picture i posted is what my hair currently looks like.


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My Regimen
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Make sure you are using Nizoral once every 3 days. Soak for the duration of your shower. You want to make sure there is no itch because that exacerbates any thinning you may be experiencing. With your hair I believe Propecia would be effective (with Nizoral) to stop it from progressing. You may also wish to apply Topical spironolactone to your hairline once a day. Your goal at this stage should be maintenance, and I think you should have the same amount of hair in 10 years if you stay consistent with a regimen.



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To the OP: Your hair looks just like mine, actually. Kinda scary.

Just like the Admin said, Get started on finasteride, a Ketaconazole Shampoo and a topical DHT inhibitor like Topical spironolactone or Crinagen. You can get all these treatments at the store: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/shop/

andrew lincoln

To me it looks like a normal mature hairline, well for right now at least...