Recent content by Spanishboy97

  1. Spanishboy97

    Bayer Prolactin Receptor Antibody For Male And Female Pattern Hair Loss

    How many Daltons does SMI have? If you are sticking to the original post of Follicle Guardian you guys are planing to use it in specific small áreas of the scalp so I'm guessing dermarrolling is out of question?
  2. Spanishboy97

    Zarev - March 2021 Consultation and December 2021 Operation

    By the way did he talk about the price? Does he charge 4 euro per graft even in megasessions or he makes special prices for that? If not we could be looking at 40k euros for a Nw6..
  3. Spanishboy97

    Dr Zarev Vacuum Assisted Tecnique For Graft Extraction

    If it's useful, I remember a insta post he said he recomended Minoxidil. I think that always depend on your pattern. He is been critisize for maybe harvesting out of the safest Nw7 area
  4. Spanishboy97

    Dr Zarev Vacuum Assisted Tecnique For Graft Extraction

    That's great, I'm happy for you, 10k grafts is a lot, is your donor area considered average or good in a regular situation?
  5. Spanishboy97

    Kintor Pharmaceutical Announces AR-PROTAC (GT20029) Approved for Acne and Androgenic Alopecia Clinical Trials in China

    I though that hair loss estabilishes usually in your 40s, although I know that is very variable
  6. Spanishboy97

    Dr Zarev Vacuum Assisted Tecnique For Graft Extraction

    Did he told you a number of grafts he'll be using or anything about his tecnique?
  7. Spanishboy97

    Prolactin "minitherapy" with SMI-1 (novel protocol for lowering prolactin locally)

    One question to you guys, if nicotine raises prolactin levels in the body is it possible that smoking makes things worse or it's only when prolactin is raised locally in follicle receptor that It has big impact?
  8. Spanishboy97

    Prolactin "minitherapy" with SMI-1 (novel protocol for lowering prolactin locally)

    God dammit.. I'm shaving my head next Monty at 23 years old because I'm reaching Nw3 and this sh*t is my only hope for the near future (nothing else worked). GO GET IT you f*****g heros!!!
  9. Spanishboy97

    Prolactin "minitherapy" with SMI-1 (novel protocol for lowering prolactin locally)

    But in this business we even hear a lot even about small start ups like Replicel I don't know... Besides arent they working with Bayer?
  10. Spanishboy97

    Prolactin "minitherapy" with SMI-1 (novel protocol for lowering prolactin locally)

    If results on monkeys were so good why do you guys think this hasn't been advertirsed as much as other future treatments in specialized pages like it usually happens??
  11. Spanishboy97

    Do you have that feeling that all is going really fast since 1 year ?

    I've been lurking here since april 2016 or so. Back in 2017 things looked way better for us back then. Shiseido was promising inmune follicles for 2018, Follica a lot of regrowth for 2019, the "super lotion" we called Brotzu for 2018 and Tsuji to release in market for 2020... so no, we are not...
  12. Spanishboy97

    RIKEN Announcement: Succeeded in Developing Tech for HF Regenerative Medicine: Study to be Published Feb 10

    It's good news but I think that for our generation of baldies (from here to 10-15 years) advancements in current transplant methods are going to be way more important
  13. Spanishboy97

    Don't Be Delusional, There Won't Be Anything Better For The Next 30 Years. Deal With It.

    Five years later and almost two Norwoods later, same. The only thing that gives me hope is hair transplants better methods like Zarev and maybe Breezula as an safe anti-androgen. Back in 2017 we were all so sure of Brotzu, Shiseido and Tsuji... All bullshit now.