Recent content by sonofvegeta

  1. S

    does coffee make hair fall out? or not ?

    it does not. just like creatine does not cause hair loss.
  2. S

    Any affordable USA FUE doctors with great prices?

    yes, a friend of a friend recently went to a nyc clinic and it was $7.50/graft.....
  3. S

    Italian man dies of a 'heart attack' during hair transplant in Turkey

    yes....i was warned that my heart would race/beat a little fast and i was literally nervous as all hell shaking probably made it worse but yeah so sad.
  4. S

    Anyone had experience with Dr Gary Linkov in NYC?

    no but he is very informative and a great at producing quality youtube content. typical / expensive nyc pricing
  5. S

    Italian man dies of a 'heart attack' during hair transplant in Turkey oof.....caveat emptor
  6. S

    Got sides from oral finasteride, should I try topical finasteride?

    what brand or product are you using that has a combination of topical finas and minoxidil ?
  7. S

    Propecia during 17 years (Blood analytics)

    is this a generic hormone/ blood test ? also how much does an dHT only test cost any idea ?
  8. S

    is all topical minoxidil created equal ?

    looking for some topical minoxidil....I can get some from prime overnight rogaine foam version but would rather get those with the droppers/ spray question is would minoxidil from different companies like HIMS, keeps, rogaine, elevate, struts, etc....are they all pretty much the same ...
  9. S

    What can I realistically expect from a hair transplant?

    damn lol....that is a lot of work....and no water or let anyone touch double damn haha, i'd say it get it done, also 31 here and i'm 5 days post we wait.
  10. S

    What can I realistically expect from a hair transplant?

    just do it bro, if its been on the back of your mind its a sign to do it, if you have the money for it ...and the 2nd set of pics ?? what kind of concelaer is that lol looks like 2 different people wow ....
  11. S

    The Best hair transplant in the world

    still don't type too much lol but i am surmising you had a botched hair transplant in the 1980s in some $15/night crack hotel with a fake balding fat "doctor" and his 2 racist assistants