Recent content by Ryansworld

  1. R

    Ryansworld's story

    Its been along time since I posted here. Around 8 month I believe. I've come back to tell everyone how things are going and to cut it short things aint good. I've been off finasteride for several months after experiencing some nasty sides that I noted in my previous post back in June. As of now things...
  2. R

    Ryansworld's story

    Things aint looking too good right now :thumbdown2: after 14 weeks on finasteride 1.25mg per day ive taken a massive blow in my fight against hairloss. It seems that finasteride is just not good for me i have been experiencing pretty severe sides and Ive been advised by my doctor to stop taking finasteride...
  3. R

    Ryansworld's story

    I'm starting to scare myself about the side effects of finasteride. Ive been researching alot and im particularly worried about the effect finasteride has on estrogen levels. I have been on finasteride for 14 weeks now and i believe im showing sides. My libido has dropped alot and although i can gain an erections its...
  4. R

    Hello new to the forum and hair loss.

    Basically the big 3 is a combination on 3 products most sucsessful in treating hairloss. they are Nizoral, minoxidil, and finasteride. Look them up on this site its very useful. Also you asked what would happen if you stopped taking propecia... Basically if you stop at any time the hairloss will...
  5. R

    Hello new to the forum and hair loss.

    Well to put it pure and simple. If you don't take propecia you will go bald! It don't matter if you cut out the drink or cigarettes or change diets or take any supplements you will go bald eventually. If you wanna retain you hair then you must start using finasteride. Why stop using propecia...
  6. R

    Im going into battle with 2/3 of the big three !!!

    nizoral and minoxidil will help slow your hairloss but ultimately if you want to beat hairloss you need to get on finasteride asap. I can almost guarantee some years down the line you will look in the mirror and wish you had started finasteride when you first started the "battle" dot worry about the sides there over...
  7. R

    Ryansworld's story

    Quick update: Kirkland minoxidil 5% | Twice per day | 9 Weeks 5 Days Nizoral | Every 4th day | 9 Weeks 5 Days Generic Finasteride | 1mg - Everyday | 7 weeks Ok hello everyone its been almost 2 month on fins and things are looking great and I have made a new discovery that may help beat my...
  8. R

    Ryansworld's story

    Quick update: Decided to cut the nizoral down to once per week. Although its only 1% nizoral the 3x week applications was killing my hair and left it dry and flaky. I researched and found that overuse of nizoral actually increases hairloss. So instead of cutting it out completely il use only...
  9. R

    Heretogrow's story - Hairloss From Early 20's

    Hi, Im fairly new to using minoxidil however i have read that minoxidil only stimulates the follicles for around 4 hours. Thats why you apply it 2-3 times a day so your hair is always stimulated to grow. Id try to maintain the 2x application. Perhaps wake up an hour earlier to let the minoxidil...
  10. R

    Ryansworld's story

    Only had itching for the first few days or so. I do however itch when i apply the minoxidil when my scalp is slightly damp after a shower. However Ive read that a slightly damp scalp helps absorption so maybe its itching because its more effective then :)
  11. R

    Ryansworld's story

    I tried using a concealer for my temples but it was a disaster. It was awkward to apply and the color was not decent match. Decided not to bother with a concealer.
  12. R 10 - 14 days delivery, Free delivery. Cheap, reliable, No prescription. Ive used this site and Ive had no problems. and im from the Uk
  13. R

    0.25mg of finasteride, still getting sides, any advice.

    Ive been taking the exact same brand of finasteride 1mg for 9 days now and i can totally relate to the ball ache. However Ive read many times on here that its temporary and it will subside eventually so id just stick to it and see what happens. If you start experiencing worse symptoms like...
  14. R

    Ryansworld's story

    Update: Been taking 1mg of finasteride for 9 days now and so far only minimal sides. No erection problems or loss of sex drive yet. But im getting aching pains in my left testicle. Its hurts like hell but only lasts for a few minutes I heard this was normal. As for my hair it seems to be alot...
  15. R

    Ryansworld's story

    Update: Ok so today I popped my first finasteride pill! Infact i couldn't wait to swallow it down. Been using minoxidil for approx 1 month and its caused my hairline to shed slightly but nothing to worrying. Hopefully il see some results soon. :)