Recent content by rockandroll

  1. rockandroll

    Anyone want a Tricomin bottle?

    Yes, I still have it. And I have never opened the thing, but it wasn't sealed or anything like that when it arrived in the mail. I just haven't touched it. And I would give it to you in person if you want me to, of course....and my cell phone or whatever you need to make sure I'm not trying...
  2. rockandroll

    Anyone want a Tricomin bottle?

    Anyway, I got a Tricomin bottle about a month ago and decided that I was going to ride my current regime a while longer before adding anything to it. Is anyone in the LA area wanting to buy it off of me? I don't know how much it's going for, but I'll give it to you for 15% cheaper than...
  3. rockandroll

    Immunotherapy treatment?

    I wonder, since hairloss is caused by a reaction of the immune system, has anyone ever tried to use some sort of immunotherapy (you know, the kind you get for allergies) to treat it? I know that allergies are not the same as hairloss, but I was wondering if anyone had ever come up with the idea...
  4. rockandroll

    im pretty close to giving up on propecia

    The 2% doesn't mean that your hairloss will be worse from Propecia. It just means that Propecia isn't doing anything for you. If your hairloss is accelerating it's probably because of your natural genetic programming, or maybe it hasn't accelerated but the cummulative effects are starting to...
  5. rockandroll

    Simple question

    How is Propecia pronounced? Is it "Propeshia" or "Propecia?" I've seen it written all over the place, but I've never heard anyone say it, so...
  6. rockandroll

    propecia in mexico

    It's definitely worth it. I'm from Mexico and visit every holiday...I got 10 packages of Propecia this time for about 40USD each (it had a discount, which you can usually find at one ar another pharmacy). Proscar apparently is a whole lot cheaper though!
  7. rockandroll

    Does anyone have any bald rolemodels?

    Rob Halford (Judas Priest)
  8. rockandroll

    Prilosec and hair loss (new info)

    Somone on this forum posted something about Prilosec being allegedly related to hair loss. Well, I just found an article ( - there's plenty more to find if you google Prilosec and B12) that states that Prilosec causes malabsorption of the B12...
  9. rockandroll


    I know someone on the forum already mentioned that it was working for them, but I was checking to see if anyone else has had any experience with the stuff. It sounds kind of questionable to me on first impression, but I might as well ask.
  10. rockandroll

    Need advice on what to do following 8 months of treatment! let me know recently that length of hair does not affect hair loss in any way whatsoever, which makes me deduce that it's just an urban myth (this was pretty important to me, since I have long hair). The effect is merely cosmetic...the shorter it looks, the better. I don't see the point...
  11. rockandroll

    Is it just me or is there a lot off company reps here?

    It's not just you; there are. Fortunately enough, most of them are so retarded that it's pretty easy to sort out just who is trying to feed us bulls**t. But I completely agree that these people are scumbags.
  12. rockandroll

    body P.H. impact on degree of hair loss

    Michael, I'm not arguing with your entire theory, which might be valid or not, but I myself worked in a company with a lot of Japanese personnel, and asome of the "older" guys were in fact balding...roughly in the same proportion than the young ones. Couldn't this just be a simple matter...
  13. rockandroll

    Pfizer completes Phase III trials for male pattern baldness Treatment????!!!!!

    Well, if it's the foam it's obviously a disappointment because it won't be the product that makes Propecia look useless in comparison, but hey,at least it dries quicker than Rogaine and is more potent! better to have some improvements than none at all.
  14. rockandroll

    Tricomin® Solution Follicle Therapy Spray

    Jeff, given how much you stuck with Rogaine, Tricomin is not going to work miracles either. I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm saying you're going to have to stick with it for a while and not expect to have hair as thick as Bruce Willis' (when he was 15, of course! :D )
  15. rockandroll

    Latest Propecia safety information.

    Yes, Propecia causes death. But only because your testicles shrink all the way back to your throat and keep you from breathing. It's quite horrible, really.