Need advice on what to do following 8 months of treatment!

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I've been using Fincar religiously for 8 months now. I also started AC peptides about 5 months into treatment, and opted to start using the Amazing laser comb a few weeks ago. When I started I was splitting the pills into quarters and taking 1.25 mg a day. I was amazed that my hair oss (or shedding have you) all but ceased not even a few weeks after started. My hair loss was very noticeable to me, being that I have very long hair; I was literally having sh*t loads come out in my hands in the shower, finding hairballs all over my floor and finding lots of hair in the sink.

Not too long after starting I ended up getting myself a girlfriend, and that's when I noticed I had a problem. My erections weren't as hard and I was having a hard time keeping it up during sex. Then about three months into treatment it happened, one night I wasn't able to even get it up for sex (which has never happened to me in my life). This is when I said f*** that and cut back to 1.25 eod (mon, wed, fri, sun).

I also was having an issue of itching all over my body (I would take my pills at night), and it was preventing me from sleeping. So about five to six months into treatment I decided to switch to the mornings with my dosage.

To bring you up to date, all was going well until about a month ago. This is when I started noticing more hair loss again (hair in my hands in the shower, hair on the floor, and hair in the sink); still this isn't as much hair as was coming out at baseline.

The following questions resides in my head now: could it be bunk pills (I got them from the recommended site drugs-one from this site), or perhaps one of the packages out of the six I ordered is bad? Do any of you have experience with drugs-one and know that they're reputable? Could it be that that using pills only eod has caught up with me (I know it'd probably take numerous months time for this to happen, which it has been) and is now causing me to back-track? To do with the eod use, could it be that the efficacy has warn down, and I need to bite the bullet and try using 1.25 every day again? Could it be that switching to mornings has had an effect? Or could it be that I'm possibly just going through my first real shed with the finasteride (if this is the case, should I count on the hair growing back)?

I'm wondering to myself, if I bit the bullet and went back to every day use again (would I suffer these sexual sides again)? This is about the only option I can really think of right now, other than riding this out and hoping it doesn't keep progressing as so.

Any comments or suggestions from you guys would be greatly appreciated! Please help, I'm freaking out on what to do here!




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I don't think anyone can accurately attribute your recent loss to anything, since there are so many variables at work:

1) You're not using the recommended dosage (see #2)
2) You're not taking the drug at the recommended interval (see #1)
3) Everyone's different. You may be in a treatment-induced shed
4) If #1 and #2 are harming effectiveness, you could just be losing more hair due to good ol' male pattern baldness
5) You ordered the pills from the internet I'm guessing. While they may be fine, you'll never really know what you're getting...will you?

Stop guessing. Don't expect to get accurate medical advice from the internet. Go to your doctor. Get a prescription so there are no questions in your mind. You'll feel better about things, I promise.

snowboardjunkie said:

Come on people! I know someone has got to have some advice for me :(
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As far as #2 goes, my dermatolgist actually told me when I asked him about my eod usage, that it shouldn't really make a difference. That's where half the confusion lies with me. He's always said to me, if anything, the finasteride should be good for your prostate if anything.

Only reason, as I stated that I'm not taking it at the recommended dosage, was I couldn't get my member up; that's some serious sh*t in my eyes. When I cut back to eod usage, it started working half functional again.

I'm just wondering what I should do, should I go back to every day usage (and see if it fucks with me sexually as before), or should I ride this out and just pray it's my first actual shed?

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I'd hope after 54 views, due to the number of users that know their stuff here, that I'd have a lot more responses than just one. What the hell is up with this board anyhow? Is it really that hard to get some sort of response out of any of you? Do I need to stand on my head and scream out loud (blah)? I figured I'd get a lot more responses by now, being I'm sure a lot of you have went through the same thing.


I don't think it's a good idea having long hair, when you are actually losing hair.

If you are losing hair, and you are gonna start a regime, I think the best is to cut it very short and the ideal is to shave it.

Just my two cents.
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Well, that's just not ideal to me. Being that I've had long hair for over a decade now, and that's the whole point of me being on hair-loss treatment is to save my long-hair. If I had to have it all off, I'd probably just say f*** it, and not deal with the hassle.


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0 let me know recently that length of hair does not affect hair loss in any way whatsoever, which makes me deduce that it's just an urban myth (this was pretty important to me, since I have long hair). The effect is merely cosmetic...the shorter it looks, the better.
I don't see the point in shaving one's head for a regime, then we might as well not go into one at all (unless you're planning to get a hair transplant, that is)
snowboardjunkie...You're probably going through shedding. Maybe. Also, medication doesn't always stop male pattern baldness, but slows it down. Can't say more, and it'd probably be a good idea to post some pictures if you want advice from the veterans.


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Stop f*****g around and take the proper dose, i.e. 1mg Finasteride everyday.

Shave my poodle

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snowboardjunkie said:
Well, that's just not ideal to me. Being that I've had long hair for over a decade now, and that's the whole point of me being on hair-loss treatment is to save my long-hair. If I had to have it all off, I'd probably just say f*** it, and not deal with the hassle.

Live a little, if you've had it long for 10 yrs maybe its time for a change.

Cutting the hair down shorter, to say 1inch will make it look thicker instantly.


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Your increased loss is almost certainly due to the fact that you are now taking half the dose of finasteride that you were taking before.

The thing is that most sexual side effects from finasteride usually disappear with continued use so if you had persisted with taking it everyday your erection issues may have resolved on their own.

Now you don't know, and can only experiment with going back to taking it everyday and waiting a few more months to see what happens both to your hair and your sexual side effects.

In the meantime try taking some cialis to help with erections, or some people also have success with arginine at 3g a day.
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I was wondering if any of you could answer my question on drugs-one as being a reliable provider? I've heard a lot of you say inhousepharmacy is good, and when I bought I checked their prices, but drugs-one (now pharma-orders) is actually cheaper. It'd be nice to have some reassurance that they're legit.

I have three more packets of fincar, and am going to have reup after that, so I'd like to know if I should go through pharma-orders, or go the inhousepharmacy route.

Also, due to my increased hairloss, the reason I opted to go with eod use is due to that chart on here that shows finasteride effectiveness at different levels. I honestly didn't think it'd make that much of a difference based off that chart.

Anyone else have any opinions on the eod use? Possibly people that are going the same route and having success doing so.

Guess I might bite the bullet and go back to every day use. I just hope my body has adjusted by now and I don't have no problems with my guy downstairs.

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Can't anyone give me reassurance over drugs-one (pharma-orders)? I'd figure since it's recommended on the main portion of this site, that someone would have some sort of feedback (whether negative or positive). :(

Does pretty much everyone use inhousepharmacy for generic meds?



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In House Pharmacy everytime


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Most say online finasteride is legit, but absolutely no one has proven this 100%. Most of the online finasteride comes from Cipla in India and though Cipla is a huge generic drug maker, they have no patent laws and little or no regulation. Get a proscar script and cut it into fifths, I prefer just biting off approx a fifth each morning. This will ease your mind.
Side effects seem to peak after a few weeks and then all but disappear as your body gets regulated. Unfortunately, forums like this tend to make people paranoid and they begin to overthink and create side effects.
Long hair simply looks worse then short hair for someone who is thinning.
Our bodies are simply changing as we age and all we can do is take the best current medicine (finasteride) at the recommended dosage (1 mg) add in a proven growth stimulator (minoxidil) if you want and then go live your life. Letting hairloss consume one's life and effect happiness is insane (but understandable). Have the courage and wisdom to accept that you cannot cantrol your male pattern baldness but are doing what you can to hold onto your hair for as long as possible. Then forget about it and live.


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Re: re:

Johnny24601 said:
Get a proscar script and cut it into fifths.

Your pharmacy wont accept scripts that have been cut up.