Recent content by LicoriceSucks

  1. L

    Finasteride Makes Me Constantly Tired?

    Finasteride is interesting because it works pretty much the same across ALL DOSAGES. There is no reason to take Finasteride daily, I used to take it daily until I read a few more of the posts about Finasteride on this forum. Finasteride blocks DHT receptors for about 3 days. I take 1mg every 3...
  2. L

    Shedding Is A Lie. Shedding Does Not Exist.

    I understand that there are different phases of hair growth, but not one of these phases has actually been shown to be a strictly shedding phase. In other words, there is no phase of hair growth in which the hair MUST fall out. All hair loss is unnatural. All hair shedding is not normal. If...
  3. L

    How Does Estrogen Affect Male Hair Follicles? Is Estrogen Anti-dht And Protects The Hair Follicle?

    Bump, would still like some replies and more answers to this question.
  4. L

    How Does Estrogen Affect Male Hair Follicles? Is Estrogen Anti-dht And Protects The Hair Follicle?

    Hmm, interesting. What hormones do MTF take to transition? Just estrogen/estradiol? There's so little information about what Estrogen does with hair follicles if anything, and too much focus on DHT (which is obviously not the entire picture either.)
  5. L

    How Does Estrogen Affect Male Hair Follicles? Is Estrogen Anti-dht And Protects The Hair Follicle?

    This study abstract claims that Estrogen NEGATIVELY affects a WOMAN'S hair follicle: Since Finasteride raises Estrogen, and Estrogen can negatively affect the phases of hair growth, can this be the reason why some people...
  6. L

    Does Stress Affect Your Hair Loss Personally?

    Have you personally noticed more hair loss when stressed out? Stress obviously takes on many forms but often times it is in the form of work/employment stress or relationship issues or conflict within your relationships. Stress is also often an accomplice to hair loss/balding, although even...
  7. L

    I'm 14 Years Old Wondering About My Really Weird Thinning?

    Itchy scalp + smell = FUNGUS. You had a fungal infection of the scalp, which is why Head & Shoulders cleared it up.
  8. L

    Will Hanging Upside Down Increase Blood Flow To Scalp?

    Like on the monkey bars. Can I force all the blood in my body to go to my scalp if I hang long enough?
  9. L

    Spironolactone Pills In Shampoo? Crushing spironolactone And Putting It Into Shampoo

    Link to S5 cream? I also already have the spironolactone pills on hand, whereas S5 would be yet another product I'd have to buy
  10. L

    Does Combing Out Old Hairspray With Toppiks Cause Hairloss In Those With Diffuse Thinning

    How is combing dead keratin supposed to increase hemoglobin and NO in the scalp?
  11. L

    Prp - Anyone Have Experience With Platelet Rich Plasma?

    Hair loss always has a Fat-Loss/Adipose-loss component. This is presumably why black girls oil their scalp regularly.
  12. L

    Does Combing Out Old Hairspray With Toppiks Cause Hairloss In Those With Diffuse Thinning

    Stop using all hairspray immediately. I used hairspray for 4 years daily to school and it only fucks your scalp/hair up long term. I stopped using hairspray for many years, and hair got slightly better. But then I recently started using hairspray when I went out and I noticed same thing -...
  13. L

    Spironolactone Pills In Shampoo? Crushing spironolactone And Putting It Into Shampoo

    I have a bunch of spare Spironolactone. Are there any studies on TOPICAL Spironolactone? I will not be consuming or ingesting spironolactone, please do not suggest that. If I crush the pills and add it to shampoo will it do anything?
  14. L

    Does Combing Out Old Hairspray With Toppiks Cause Hairloss In Those With Diffuse Thinning

    YES! OBVIOUSLY Rough combing, either to get "knots" or hair-product out can definitely TUG at the hair follicle and PLUCK it out. The same concept as tweezing your hair. Sometimes people with long hair will get their hair tangled in a brush or hair-scrunchie or hairband and when they take it...