Recent content by juhis

  1. juhis

    Any natural solution for hair loss

    why'd you stop taking finasteride?
  2. juhis

    Any natural solution for hair loss

    WELL, on the other hand, I am also on Finpecia (4 months). It has in no way had any negative effect on my sex-drive. If anything, my mind is telling my body "uh-oh, you're supposed to be having boner-problems!" so that sort of causes me to have a higher sex-drive because i'm trying to prove my...
  3. juhis

    If the Wikipedia article on saunas is to be trusted...

    take it from a FINN: going to the sauna is always beneficial. You do know sauna is Finnish (from Finland) don't you?? Of course you do, you read the wikipedia article! (and if that's not in there, i wouldn't trust that article for a damn) I do not believe sauna will have any impact on your...
  4. juhis

    Does FOAM even work?

    but dude....aren't you kind of contradicting yourself? even by using rogaine youre going against what nature intended and that is to go bald
  5. juhis

    Rogaine foam and residue on scalp

    i'm white as a ghost....BUT i only use the foam at nites. therefore in the morning when i take a shower there is not residue left. ultimate solution? only apply it once at nite?? :)
  6. juhis

    The result of MSM.

    so does msm have any benefits for dry scalp??
  7. juhis

    Just A few questions...

    do you need a prescription for MSM?
  8. juhis

    Article and abstract about Propecia in Wikipedia

    I wasn't discrediting anything BUT wikipedia. Don't base your personal health on a website which can be edited by anyone. Are you that careless with your body???
  9. juhis

    Juha's story

    Hate to burst your bubble, but women get itchy and inflammed scalps too :wink:
  10. juhis

    Article and abstract about Propecia in Wikipedia

    i could log in to wikipedia right now and change that if i wanted to. i wouldnt take medical advice from that website
  11. juhis

    The Big Tips Thread

    any good tips for applying Rogaine foam?
  12. juhis

    hairloss at 24, I need you guys to help me fight it (pics)

    i'm in the same situation as the thread-starter. do you have a recommendation on HOW to start the big 3? all at once seems like an overkill
  13. juhis

    Scalp probs

    i realize that. i suppose i shouldnt have specified how much i bought because i plan to buy more. it was the best deal i could find at the time
  14. juhis

    Juha's story

    oh i'm well aware. i figure it can't get much worse than what i'm going through right now. but the keyword is could, not will maybe i'll be eating these words in a few months! who knows! only 1 way to find out :)
  15. juhis

    anyone shedding from the foam?

    Re: Wait, until get a real feedback from long term foam user well, i'm no dermatologist or rogaine customer support person, but i'd have said to go back to the liquid too. it's like saying "hey Doctor, it hurts when i do this" and his reply would be "well, don't do that"