Juha's story


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i hope u r aware of the fact that rogaine could cause some scalp problems like flaking and itchiness as side effects


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lilltoolate said:
i hope u r aware of the fact that rogaine could cause some scalp problems like flaking and itchiness as side effects

oh i'm well aware. i figure it can't get much worse than what i'm going through right now. but the keyword is could, not will

maybe i'll be eating these words in a few months! who knows! only 1 way to find out :)


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have u consulted a derm yet?? i think improving the condition of your scalp with some extra treatments can do a lot of good with your hairloss treatment....i personally have some trouble with dandruff and flaking which tend to worsen at times...i'm using liquid 2% minoxidil and it has worsened flaking for me...i dont have minoxidil foam available here ..so i dont know how good that is...


Hey, good to see a fellow finn in here. I hope everything goes well for you. Your story sounded very similar to mine btw... starting from the "my hair has always been very thin so I thought it was normal" :lol:. Damn us finns and our shitty hair type.


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[I think I will give the Rogaine and Nizoral a shot for a few months to see if there is any improvement. If not, I will start the Finpecia. I can see this going either really well or really bad.

You mention worried about taking finasteride. One very important report disclosed a months ago, about finasteride, showed that it has protected patientes from getting prostate cancer in a significant percentage. This means that the drug has protective effects on prostate as it probably slows the lasting effects of DHT on the target tissues.

regards, beto


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Itching and inflammed scalp = male pattern baldness.

The whole reason your hair falls out is because DHT makes your immune system is attacking your own scalp because it thinks the DHT is a forgien object.

A biopsy of a bald man's scalp looks the same as an organ transplated from one pesron to the next that is being rejected.


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WorldofWarcraft said:
Itching and inflammed scalp = male pattern baldness.

The whole reason your hair falls out is because DHT makes your immune system is attacking your own scalp because it thinks the DHT is a forgien object.

A biopsy of a bald man's scalp looks the same as an organ transplated from one pesron to the next that is being rejected.

Hate to burst your bubble, but women get itchy and inflammed scalps too :wink: