Any natural solution for hair loss


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Hello everyone:

I am having a serious hair loss.
My hair started thinning in 3 years ago, and in the last 2 months(25 years old), speed picked up and I lost tons of hairs at my temples, as well my top is starting to form a "hole". I am sure this is not genetic problem b'cos my parent's hair are as thick as sweep.

THen I went to doctor and asked for solutions.

He pointed out that
-hair would still be lost if you stop using Rogaine/50% chance that it will regrow
-If i used Procepia, it will be a DHT inhibitor. That would decrease the amount and quality of sperms, which means that i may have trouble to have babies, or even sex. (or it means it may not be inhibited if i stop taking the drug)
-Laser treatment may cause brain tumor, even though it is not proven yet
-don't drink protein shake b'cos that causes serious hair loss
-don't drink coffe or coca cola

Hello everyone, does anyone have any suggestion or natural solution to share with? Thx


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lots of onions in your diet.

MSM tablets.

Green Tea

lots of green veggies, etc.

natural topicals: Nutrifolica: Spectral DNC : Apple Poly

pills: Procerin P*R*O*C*E*R*I*N

saw palmetto pills,

manual: Skin needling, scalp massages, scalp rubbing cloth,


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Propecia, rogaine, or go bald. Very easy decision. Or you can take a bunch of crap and go into the sea of unproven treatments, but I hope you have a large boat because its a very large ocean of crap.


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-don't drink protein shake b'cos that causes serious hair loss
-don't drink coffe or coca cola



wayaza, if you have temple recession your hairloss is genetic. Your parents hair doesn´t matter that much, just tells about the likeness you will have male pattern baldness. I would get on Propecia and Rogaine, useful natural supplements are silica and Biotin, but if at all they should serve as support in your hairloss regimen.


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Do protein shakes cause hairloss?


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My family doctor said that protein shake caused hair loss because DHT is used to fuel penis erection and to build up musicle. However, DHT has already been proved that it caused hair loss. Therefore, my doctor said that protein shake caused your body to build up too much DHT at once, and I should avoid that if my hair is lossing already.

I do believe in him b'cos my hair started to be thin when I started taking proten shake for roughly 4 years(not everyday b'cos I did stop often).

Hello TheHairGrower, what are MSM tablets and Procerin? Thanks. And do the items you suggested help you to recover hair?

Hello Taugenichts, may I know are you currently on Procepia? If so, do you have trouble on sex? B'cos my doctor said that my quality and quanity of the sperms will be bad and low in the future, and I may have trouble to have penis erection as well as baby.

I post these information not trying to discourage people, but to let people know what are the side effect before you jump onto the wagon.


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protein shake... has protein.. like meat eggs... don't eat all! :lol:

What he is saying is that u lifting weights , ur hair get worse's another theory that has possibles explanations.
Personally i doubt that weight lifting will cause any significant problems...
i workout almost everyday and drink protein shake.. in a few months i will tell u the results lol


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wayaza said:
My family doctor said that protein shake caused hair loss because DHT is used to fuel penis erection and to build up musicle. However, DHT has already been proved that it caused hair loss. Therefore, my doctor said that protein shake caused your body to build up too much DHT at once, and I should avoid that if my hair is lossing already.

I do believe in him b'cos my hair started to be thin when I started taking proten shake for roughly 4 years(not everyday b'cos I did stop often).

Hello TheHairGrower, what are MSM tablets and *********? Thanks. And do the items you suggested help you to recover hair?

Hello Taugenichts, may I know are you currently on Procepia? If so, do you have trouble on sex? B'cos my doctor said that my quality and quanity of the sperms will be bad and low in the future, and I may have trouble to have penis erection as well as baby.

I post these information not trying to discourage people, but to let people know what are the side effect before you jump onto the wagon.
wow, amazing, tell us more about this penis "fuel"


wayaza said:
Hello Taugenichts, may I know are you currently on Procepia? If so, do you have trouble on sex? B'cos my doctor said that my quality and quanity of the sperms will be bad and low in the future, and I may have trouble to have penis erection as well as baby.

I post these information not trying to discourage people, but to let people know what are the side effect before you jump onto the wagon.


I am not on Propecia, but I have been on generic Finasteride (Finpecia and Fincar) for about ten months. Well, I don´t have a girlfriend or a sex life in general, but my libido/ sex drive is totally down. I feel almost zero desire to have Sex. I also have erectile dysfunctions. The erections I occasionally get are not really hard as they used to be.

I don´t know about the quality of the sperms, and I don´t think that Propecia will actually cause you to have no babies. Well, to me it doesn´t matter anyways since I won´t have children anyways.

All in all I have to say that I had to decide between my sex drive or my hair. I took the hair since it is more important to me than anything else.

Nevertheless I want to remind you that we have many people here who have zero problems with their sex drive while on Propecia. Everybody reacts different when it comes to hairloss treatments. So, it is up to you to make a decision.

Good luck on whatever you do!


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Taugenichts said:
wayaza said:
Hello Taugenichts, may I know are you currently on Procepia? If so, do you have trouble on sex? B'cos my doctor said that my quality and quanity of the sperms will be bad and low in the future, and I may have trouble to have penis erection as well as baby.

I post these information not trying to discourage people, but to let people know what are the side effect before you jump onto the wagon.


I am not on Propecia, but I have been on generic Finasteride (Finpecia and Fincar) for about ten months. Well, I don´t have a girlfriend or a sex life in general, but my libido/ sex drive is totally down. I feel almost zero desire to have Sex. I also have erectile dysfunctions. The erections I occasionally get are not really hard as they used to be.

I don´t know about the quality of the sperms, and I don´t think that Propecia will actually cause you to have no babies. Well, to me it doesn´t matter anyways since I won´t have children anyways.

All in all I have to say that I had to decide between my sex drive or my hair. I took the hair since it is more important to me than anything else.

Nevertheless I want to remind you that we have many people here who have zero problems with their sex drive while on Propecia. Everybody reacts different when it comes to hairloss treatments. So, it is up to you to make a decision.

Good luck on whatever you do!

WELL, on the other hand, I am also on Finpecia (4 months). It has in no way had any negative effect on my sex-drive. If anything, my mind is telling my body "uh-oh, you're supposed to be having boner-problems!" so that sort of causes me to have a higher sex-drive because i'm trying to prove my mind wrong. this may sound neurotic: my boner is proving my mind wrong


juhis said:
WELL, on the other hand, I am also on Finpecia (4 months). It has in no way had any negative effect on my sex-drive. If anything, my mind is telling my body "uh-oh, you're supposed to be having boner-problems!" so that sort of causes me to have a higher sex-drive because i'm trying to prove my mind wrong. this may sound neurotic: my boner is proving my mind wrong

Yes, everybody reacts different to it, that´s why I tell all the people to give it a try at least even when they are scared of sides. No risk, no hair....

Follically Challenged

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abcdefg said:
Propecia, rogaine, or go bald. Very easy decision. Or you can take a bunch of crap and go into the sea of unproven treatments, but I hope you have a large boat because its a very large ocean of crap.

You don't know what you're talking about, go f*** yourself. Thank you, don't come again.

Follically Challenged

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More natural treatments:

grape seed
superoxide dismutase (it's biotech but it is a naturally occuring substance in the body)
stinging nettle extract
emu oil
soy (to create equol in the body)
turmeric extract (curcumin)
silica (horsetail extract)
omega 3s and GLA


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just take propecia. As for libido get a girlfriend that makes you hard.


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I take protein shakes for about 3 months and didn't noticed excessive hairloss but I believe my hair is slowly thinning, when it's wet it looks kinda bad..
Anyway, if any of you guys take protein shakes and then experience excessive hairloss please post here, I want muscles but I'd rather keep my hair even though I'm skinny.