Recent content by faskljdfoei

  1. F

    1st year anniversary

    That looks like a miracle man. I'm the same ethnicity as you..hopefully I'll get a miracle too!
  2. F

    Big 3 -2 months , excellent results, 20 y/o

    Your english is good. It just made me laugh how you were pleading, urging people to start treatment.
  3. F

    Big 3 -2 months , excellent results, 20 y/o

    "please for god sake" Made me Lol.
  4. F

    Does anyone here not squeeze the bulb for the liquid minoxidil dropper?

    I think you're method will work find and get enough on the scalp. I just don't obsess too much because, like I said, I want to do the BIG 3 each day and not over think it.
  5. F

    Is this male pattern baldness or "Mature Hairline"?

    Google Neil Flynn your hair looks like his. He has had a Norwood 2 for YEARS and does not seem to be balding otherwise. The key is whether its a 'mature line' or if there is acceleration of the recession or thinning/shedding in other areas. Keep attention to it, if you notice changes, see a derm if...
  6. F

    Okay, How Screwed Am I?

    "This next part was stupid - I stopped taking everything." Sorry bro, it seems like it was. get back on that stuff pronto and pray for the return. At least it hasnt been gone that long so higher chance of return.
  7. F

    What Norwood am I?

    yes, looks diffuse.
  8. F

    18 years old and starting to recede

    I think you're minoxidil will HIDE any hairloss for a while, not telling you if you are really balding or not, which is bad, because if you are, finasteride is considered the only way to go. What you really need is to see a Doctor who can look at your head with a microscope. If you cant get a consult, I would...
  9. F

    what is my norwood scale age 19

    Lol bro you will make many of us jealous about your awesome hairline and thick hair. Relax, be vigilant, take lots of pictures and check back every 3-6 months for signs. If the hair starts shedding, then worry. If the pics look different, then worry. Your line looks like just a regular guys line...
  10. F

    What do you guys think?

    Very similar hair type (wavy) and loss as me. Your hairline does look receding, but if its not accelerating, It may just be your time to get and adult hairline and not really male pattern baldness yet. Yes, go to your derm. If you can't wait and want to stop the 'receding' now and feel paranoid, maybe get a...
  11. F

    Does anyone here not squeeze the bulb for the liquid minoxidil dropper?

    I tried that at first, but I worry if I am getting enough on each spot and how long it takes. I try to do my big three regimin quickly each day, not drawing too much attention to my hair, especially since Im in the 'shedding' phase.
  12. F

    zzzzz's 1 year dutasteride results

    I wonder how much of your crazy fast regrowth between 4-5 months is because of dutasteride. It seems many of the intense regrowths happen with dutasteride, but I am afraid of it, Had minor sides on finasteride so far, which are going away...may not want to push my luck with dutasteride, though it seems my favorite regrowth...
  13. F

    finasteride - timing of sides/results?

    Good gosh yes, the itch and inflammation and general dryness has gotten worse on finasteride, not sure if BECAUSE of finasteride, i had the itch before it, but it got worse after. Nizoral seems to help with the itch. I started finasteride 1 month ago and had minor sides which are subsiding. If you didn't have sides...
  14. F

    Why am I losing hair on the sides (and even back) of my head?

    I'm shedding all over, including the side and back of my head. I've got a receding hairline also, and the classic male pattern baldness pattern I think, but is it common to have thinning in these places? Im pretty sure its male pattern baldness and not Telogen Effluvium, but Im able to easily pull out hair from my chest, legs...
  15. F

    List of some of the best success stories!!

    I've seen a lot of good stories, please post your favorite ones so that we can have a thread to go to for inspiration and support on the rough days. I would especially like to see the long term ones (1+ year) but any you like are welcome. Here are my favs: Nickypoo full regrowth on...