Okay, How Screwed Am I?


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Okay, How Screwed Am I? **Update w/ pics

Buckle in because I think this post may get slightly lengthy.

I'm 23 years old and since about 20 I've noticed my temples recede very slowly. I've always had very "fine" and "thin" hair, my father does too, but it's always covered my whole head so I figured it was what it was. December 2013 things got pretty bad and I noticed my temples start to thin drastically along with the front of my hairline. I began generic finasteride and minoxidil (foam). After three months my hairline looked stronger than ever and I had no worries. This next part was stupid - I stopped taking everything. I ran out of both min and finasteride and just sort of forgot to re-up since everything looked great.

Now, these are a couple pictures of my hair about two months ago. Sorry I know they're not excellent as far as references but the best I have. IMG_9210.jpgIMG_0316.jpg

I've always been able to see my scalp when my hair is wet, I just don't have super thick hair. But about 1 month ago I noticed things starting to thin again. Here's a picture of my hair wet 1 month ago. IMG_6776.jpg I restarted minoxidil & finasteride but this time went with the liquid instead of foam. Since then my hair has been falling out more rapidly than ever. It might be shed? But I have now reached a point within 3 weeks where my hairline is worse than it's ever been. It could be stress related because I started a new job about a month ago and have been incredibly stressed since.

Here are some pictures of me from tonight, after one month on finasteride and minoxidil. But, I did change back to foam minoxidil yesterday which I hope helps. IMG_0623.jpgIMG_0624.jpg

I know that this combo works for me but I've never seen such rapid loss. Any insights or comments... whatever really would be helpful. I suppose more than anything I'm just incredibly worried and it's becoming an incredible burden.


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liquid is better than foam and stay on your regimen


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That's pretty damn thin, I have thinning as well and can see my scalp when my hair is wet so I hear you on that...

I don't know if my regimen of Finasteride, Biotin, and Saw Palmetto has helped much but my hair is a bit thicker at least... still no new regrowth at all, my temples have actually receded if anything :(.

So depressing...


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i belive that if you stick to the big 3 you should see major improvement in a couple of months...
the key is to stick to it no matter what


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thats crazy amount of loss in just a month, from perfect hairline to now. You must be a wonder responder to the drugs, keep on em and youll be good


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It is a crazy amount.... I'm still losing rapidly every day. Probably 75-100 strands daily. It's leading me to believe that this may be stress induced or otherwise temporary. Regardless I'll stick to the regimen (unfortunately it hasn't kicked in yet but only been a month).


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"This next part was stupid - I stopped taking everything."

Sorry bro, it seems like it was. get back on that stuff pronto and pray for the return. At least it hasnt been gone that long so higher chance of return.


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liquid is better than foam and stay on your regimen

You seem to be a bit of a sage around here. Can I ask, does this sudden recession seem like it may be shedding? It started 3-4 weeks after beginning my regimen. Before I started I hardly noticed any hairless, I started it sort of preventatively after I saw a picture wherein I noticed some thinning. FF 3 weeks and I'm losing just... a ****load of hair. Is this indicative of a shed meaning that the regimen is working?


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If you quit now you will never Know whether or not it's minoxidil. related shedding. I'm no sage around here, but I think most would agree if you stop your situation will absolutely worsen. All the best.


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You seem to be a bit of a sage around here. Can I ask, does this sudden recession seem like it may be shedding? It started 3-4 weeks after beginning my regimen. Before I started I hardly noticed any hairless, I started it sort of preventatively after I saw a picture wherein I noticed some thinning. FF 3 weeks and I'm losing just... a ****load of hair. Is this indicative of a shed meaning that the regimen is working?

maybe there is no certainty


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One Month Update

It's been a little over a month since I posted this and I am happy to report major success with no side effects.

1.25mg finasteride daily
Foam in the morning
liquid at night
Biotin daily (whatever the maximum amount is)

I first noticed the hair in my temples coming back in a few weeks ago and my hair grows quite fast so it's filling in really nicely now. I'm happy with the results and hope that this is an indication of good things to come long term.
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cut it short hit it with big 3 for like a year or two. if you see any results just add 1000 grafts to make it look like before.

liquid does really work ways better than foam. i tried liquid first time i got in treatment. would say its so big i wouldn't recommend going full on liquid for longer than a month. otherwise make sure to wash your pillows on odd days. you don't want that minoxidil ending up on your face growing all of that facial hair.


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He's not trolling.

He's playing a visual trick. Maybe just on you guys. Maybe also on himself.

He has his head tilted forward in the after picture. This gives the illusion of more hair. Because the top/back of his hair is thick. And now visible.

He's also lifting his eyebrows significantly, which gives the illusion of less forehead, and more hair coverage.

When you cut out all the extras, this is what you're left with:

There really is no difference.


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