18 years old and starting to recede

A constant fighter

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Hello fellow hair-loss haters, worriers, and fighters! This is my first time posting on this forum, and I'd like to open up with a little background: Over the past year I have noticed my hairline starting to recede and thin at the corners and temples of my hairline, this thinning has started to give me a V hairline. I used to have a thick low hairline but recently my hairline keeps thinning and creeping up, one forehead wrinkle at a time. I noticed this 9 months ago and so I went on minoxidil, but it still seems as if my hair loss and miniaturization is still progressing, especially on my corners, after each minoxidil shed the hairs don't grow back thicker but rather thinner and more miniaturized. 3 weeks ago I decided to go on finasteride for this reason, in hopes that it would reverse the miniaturization and grow back the peach fuzz that is reminiscent of my minoxidil sheds. My questions are as follows: Will finasteride thicken and grow terminal hair out of the small existing miniaturized hairs that appear on the corners of my hairline? Did I attack my hair loss early? What norwood am I? Lastly, should I quit worrying now that I am on finasteride since it should stop hair loss if used with early indication of hair loss?

Photo on 8-27-14 at 8.18 PM.jpgPhoto on 8-27-14 at 8.19 PM #2.jpgPhoto on 8-27-14 at 8.19 PM #3.jpgPhoto on 8-27-14 at 8.19 PM #4.jpg

My regimen:
1% Nizoral shampoo
5% minoxidil (twice daily)
1mg finasteride (once a day)


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very difficult to say from the pictures

but if you say it is receding into a v, then yes you are receding


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I don't see any miniaturization at the center of the hairline, not sure if you are receeding yet

A constant fighter

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I used to have a very thick frontal lock that was the pinnacle of the V, but the tip of the V is slowly miniaturizing and making the front turn into more of a U shape. Are my corners and temples receding?

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This picture was taking awhile ago, probably 5 months ago.


  • Photo on 4-8-14 at 12.22 PM.jpg
    Photo on 4-8-14 at 12.22 PM.jpg
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Man you started minoxidil with barely any loss...

It's hard to tell whether you are receding or not from these pictures but you seem to have a very thick hairline, who cares if it's v-shaped.

I think it's too early for treatment but if you really want to start it, finasteride alone will be more than enough to maintain what you have, probably for life.

A constant fighter

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So is the reason my corners and frontal lock are still receding on minoxidil due to the maturation process or is it just not stopping mbp at the source? My dad is bald and so is my brother, most of my uncles are bald too. My dad started balding at a very young age and was bald at 31.

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I realize I started minoxidil very early, I did this for two reasons:

1. I believe that starting the process of fighting hair loss early is a good measure
2. I am very paranoid about losing my hair since its a part of my identity


Senior Member
My Regimen
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don't start rogaine, start finasteride instead, if you even have male pattern baldness. If you have male pattern baldness minoxidil won't slow it down


Senior Member
My Regimen
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your wasting your time with the minoxidil. Have fun applying that every single day for the rest of your life for pretty much no extra benefits


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Just a mature hairline, mine receded slightly around age 18-20 and has stayed that way until my 30's. Unfortunately I started experiecing loss in my crown early 20's and had to hop on finasteride, but my hairline was never really an issue.

I wish I would of started finasteride when I was 18 might have prevented the crown loss. It's hard to get it back once it goes, finasteride works best at stopping hairloss.


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i doubt you are experiencing hairloss tbh, your hairline looks wonderful to me. Most likely a mature hairline, the quality of your hair looks superb when you pull it back with your hand. See a derm to confirm. Don't listen to this nonsene about the shape that ur hairline is forming, its hardly concrete evidence.

I honestly think you have a perfect hairline, I know you say you are receding but are you sure its not your skull growing? Trust me it happens, the skull expands and your hairline changes as a result. Please see a derm asap.

A constant fighter

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Alright I'll make sure to go to the dermatologist soon to have then check it out for me. Thank you for the comment and the advice, I appreciate it greatly.


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I think you're minoxidil will HIDE any hairloss for a while, not telling you if you are really balding or not, which is bad, because if you are, finasteride is considered the only way to go. What you really need is to see a Doctor who can look at your head with a microscope. If you cant get a consult, I would take many pics, keep an eye out for real changes, and then think about starting finasteride. Your current 'recession' looks as though it may be simply developing a regular adults mature hairline, not 'receding hairline'

A constant fighter

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If I catch the recession early and I am diagnosed with male pattern baldness and go on finasteride, will it halt the hair loss and potentially regrow some lost hairs 100% guaranteed? Will finasteride work on small miniaturized hairs to regrow them into thick terminal hairs over time, even if those hairs are tiny but existing?


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There are never any 100% guarantees when dealing with any drug. One can only say that it will likely halt the hairloss but it may not based on the previous experience of others. The only way to find out is to try it. I wouldn't bother with the minoxidil. it's a lot of effort and expense for something that isn't really necessary in your case


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id say give it a year or two, u have a normal hair line, if u experience a shed or anything then look into treatments

A constant fighter

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I've definitely noticed a major change in my hairline, It used to be at my second forehead wrinkle and now its moved all the way up to my third wrinkle and the temples look like they may be moving further back from that even. I sure hope this is all normal

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Also, these past few weeks I've noticed it's really starting to form a V shape even more and more, my temple and corner hair is very very fine. I don't know if this is due to the finasteride or what