Recent content by beholder

  1. B

    A Review of male pattern baldness Research.

    There have been multiple people before talking about DHT-laden sebum spilling from sebaceous glands to nearby follicles effectively causing them to "get infected" with DHT which continues the downward spiral for more and more sebaceous cells that way. I am not sure if it's just a scientific...
  2. B

    A Review of male pattern baldness Research.

    Hello, S Fote., Armando Jose, I was just writing this yesterday in a private message.. perhaps I have found a link between your "drainage scenario" and the Armando Jose's sebaceous glands. In male pattern baldness androgens cause sebaceous glands hyperplasia as the glands abnormally enlarge at the same time as...
  3. B

    Free radical scavengers: the bane of PGE2 (read to get your hopes crushed)

    Yep, that pic is what I was talking about. Thanks for the HLH thread, already started reading it. - - - Updated - - - As I have written before, an awesome thread! What I got from it is this, now get this guys: Those Koreans should get an...
  4. B

    urea & salicylic acid & some more

    Thanks for the extensive answer, I will try to figure out what happened there.. For now the two biggest suspects are the salicylate and mometasone furoate (MF). I am already trying the aspirin on my nose to see if it would have any effect. For a week or two. Then I will try the corticosteroid...
  5. B

    Free radical scavengers: the bane of PGE2 (read to get your hopes crushed)

    Not really. COX inhibitors are common drugs (NSAIDs) and work quite well. However they all may work in one specific way, so any other compound - like the ones I listed in the 1st post - is welcome. Or not, depending on the angle you approach hairloss-hairgrowth problem. I am now more interested...
  6. B

    Is Nizoral enough for this? Pictures below

    Get nizoral on IMMEDIATELY. It's great for that dandruff. Dandruff is from massive oiling your scalp experiences. But nizoral is not enough. Get also ascorbic acid, cetirizine, MSM. Make a solution. Use it daily whole day and night or just for night. You need to get that skull dry ASAP. Oiling is an...
  7. B

    Haven't been able to use rogaine for a few weeks - is this a big deal?

    no big deal from my perspective. Did a break for 1 month and nothing. No shedding. I am overdosing my hair with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), MSM, caffeine and cetirizine FWIW.
  8. B

    How about we could just fry our Androgen Receptors.

    For the purpose of blocking androgens I have started to use a combination of ketoconazole and ascorbic acid. There are studies which confirm in vitro that ascorbic acid blocks DHT-induced DKK-1 mRNA expression. These studies confirmed that L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate or topical L-ascorbic acid...
  9. B

    Free radical scavengers: the bane of PGE2 (read to get your hopes crushed)

    Sure, thanks man. As for information on those other things, I have only this: this thread is not about them. I will research them a bit soon, may post findings later.
  10. B


    I believe some time after minoxidil. But it won't hurt if you do it immediately. You just need to get both to the skin in required concentrations. Using it 30 min after minoxidil would "reactivate" the minoxidil already on the skin, perhaps it would even be beneficial that way, i.e. more minoxidil would get...
  11. B

    How close are we to a cure?

    No worries, Goldilocks, the cure is here and now! We just don't know what it is exactly. Let me explain. The pharma companies actually do know which chemicals and compounds are effective but they don't want to do studies as there is no profit in non-pattentable compounds. Therefore they search...
  12. B


    adding to minoxidil would just dilute it and add impurities which could be detrimental to the minoxidil itself. Just use it in empty minoxidil container, after or before minoxidil treatment, directly on your hair. Remember to keep for at least 5 months to see results. Keep log where you specify your...
  13. B

    urea & salicylic acid & some more

    ****, you're kidding me, right? This thing works for nose pores? I heard only one thing worked for nose pores (they are called "comedones"): adapalene. Can you write specifically which things you put into your face mask that worked? I will isolate individual components and will try to find out...
  14. B


    Interesting info, thanks. I checked some links between propolis and COX1&2 blocking, there seems to be something going on. But we need more studies in vitro or in vivo to actually try putting this on our scalps. HOWEVER the compound in obtainable and quite cheap. You get my points for this.
  15. B

    Vit d deficiency?

    I do believe that the opposite may be true. The men who experience Androgenetic Alopecia have less hair -> more scalp is exposed to the sun. The UV rays induce vitamin D production in scalp. Vitamin D presence has a provable effect on lowering of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production so it may induce more hair loss...