Youtuber does "the bald experiment!".. check it out


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Why would they treat you as dominant if you don't look dominant? Haven't you gone through high school?

Real world is not high school. In the real world, your skills matter. I was recently in a meeting at a company. The most dominant person there was a short bald skinny dude. Of course his status was backed by his work accomplishments.

At another company, the most dominant person is again a short skinny (but note bald) dude. The entire team he works in depends on his technical chops.

If it were true, a guy like Leonardo DiCaprio could get any girl he wants. Yet we both know he can't, can he? You don't actually believe that it's possible?

Leonardo can get a LOT more women than if he were an average joe working at McDonalds (even accounting for the opportunity factor).


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You're talking about a company meeting! Yes I believe you when you say he was the most "dominant" man in the room if that's what you perceived.

But does that mean women of your company wanted to have sex with him? Do you know for a fact any woman has had sex with him because he was "dominant"?

That particular statement of mine was a rebuttal to your claim that only looks/height matter for dominance.

It was not my company, and there were no women in the team, so I cannot say anything about how the dude was viewed by women.

We all like to be around confident people, but that doesn't mean we want to have sex with them. Would you have sex with a fat confident woman?
Confidence/dominance in women do not attract men.

There is a girl in my team who is homely looking. Not quite pretty, and I was not attracted to her at all initially. She is however very intelligent, quite nice, and not a feminist. I have been having impure thoughts involving her lately ...


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Fred, I've rejected more girls than have rejected me and I'm sure as hell not Bradd Pitt. My long term girlfriend rejected me at first, said she only wanted to be friends (some guys think the "friendzone" is a thing, it isn't) and was dating others guys while I was trying to get her. Of course I wasn't her type, I knew her only because she hit on my thin friend with black gorgeous hair. Yet, somehow I've still managed to make her love me and we're together for 8 years and will soon get married.

She sure as hell wasn't attracted to me at first but because we're blessed with an intelligent brain we can go beyond basic instincts. Of course even now she finds other dudes attractive and I also find other women attractive but at the end of the day we only want each other.

Crying on forums and giving me negative reputation sure as hell won't get you anywhere with women (this is not directed to Fred). If there is one non physical thing women don't like is crybabies.


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I am from a norwood 6/7 grade but hair all over the scalp but thin..people always feel sorry about my hair,i am 28 yo..people ask me to do something about hair..still i have got 2 girls in my life one after another who are now married because they wanted me to marry at age 28,not at all possible for me as i am studying medical.One girl said to me she will like to give her hair to me so that i would look awesome,i have excellent facial features..
she really wanted to marry me even i was bald just because she liked me..but she wasn't forgetting about the fact that i didn't have hair.
but such girls are very less in India..

I feel you bro. India is a tough place to be bald. Most of the time people will suggest you this oil and that oil and the saying 'get married before you go bald because no girl will want to marry you then'. Plus with all the jokes people make about you and your hair it's just too difficult to find a girl who will compromise to be with you.


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I feel you bro. India is a tough place to be bald. Most of the time people will suggest you this oil and that oil and the saying 'get married before you go bald because no girl will want to marry you then'. Plus with all the jokes people make about you and your hair it's just too difficult to find a girl who will compromise to be with you.

Man, no offense but I've always have a rather negative vision on India as in very high rates of poverty . Hearing balding is a such an issue even in India really makes me sad about balding.


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here's a recent pic of Bar Raeli's husband, bald and not really that attractive
hope for us all 2A16F35300000578-3143404-Talking_about_her_betrothal_to_Adi_following_his_proposal_in_Mar-a-9_14.jpg


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Its not fair to judge girls on not liking bald guys. They didnt make you bald.

They like what they like.. Just like you wudnt like a fat chick. People are attracted to attractive people in general.

how can you judge a girl for not liking your look ehen you look in the mirror in disgust at your own self.

This topic is buried and dug up everyday. Yes balding makes a man less attractive. Exactly in same way it makes an ugly person born that way unattractive. Only diff being it takes a while to happen. Yes it suck but thats why were here to try orevent it.

moral of the story. Stop judging chicks when you yourselves judge ugly women everyday...


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Its not fair to judge girls on not liking bald guys. They didnt make you bald.

They like what they like.. Just like you wudnt like a fat chick. People are attracted to attractive people in general.

how can you judge a girl for not liking your look ehen you look in the mirror in disgust at your own self.

This topic is buried and dug up everyday. Yes balding makes a man less attractive. Exactly in same way it makes an ugly person born that way unattractive. Only diff being it takes a while to happen. Yes it suck but thats why were here to try orevent it.

moral of the story. Stop judging chicks when you yourselves judge ugly women everyday...

Ill never blame a girl for finding bald men unattractive. Its just NOT attractive unless the guy is seriously tall and good looking.
I will say I was out the other night with a friend who shaves his head and we walked passed a REALLY cute young white girl and she did give him a flirty smile. He has noticeable loss but shaves.
Kudos to him.

Wolf Pack

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Its not fair to judge girls on not liking bald guys. They didnt make you bald.

They like what they like.. Just like you wudnt like a fat chick. People are attracted to attractive people in general.

how can you judge a girl for not liking your look ehen you look in the mirror in disgust at your own self.

This topic is buried and dug up everyday. Yes balding makes a man less attractive. Exactly in same way it makes an ugly person born that way unattractive. Only diff being it takes a while to happen. Yes it suck but thats why were here to try orevent it.

moral of the story. Stop judging chicks when you yourselves judge ugly women everyday...

Well this is what I think. I never once blame girls.

Wolf Pack

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Girls hating on us for being bald would be like you hating on a girl for having mild acne. Sure it's not pleasing to see, but it won't ruin the girl's looks completely.

You're all talking like once you become bald, you turn into the Elephant Man. You're still you, without a frame for your face and your features out of balance, but it's not like it makes you become hideous.

I know what you mean but I feel it's really not about the frame at all. It's just men and women are meant to have hair and it is vital for a personalised, attractive look. It can make you look masculine/feminine depending on the gender.

Sure some pull of razor bald or buzzed but generally it is not the case for non black men.

It's not so much elephant man, but your sexual appeal disappears largely once the hair goes. I would not compare baldness to a few pimples from acne, that doesn't change a girl.

I would compare balding to severe acne or burn scars.

Wolf Pack

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In terms of attraction it is as much of a death sentence as severe acne/burns I feel, that's what I meant with the comparison. Especially as far as casual/instant type of bond forming goes in bars/clubs/mutual friend circles. I respect you because you have dealt with this much longer and had it harder. But this is what I notice from observation around me. Just because it might not look as bad as burns it almost has the same result in terms of casual sex. Don't forget burns/severe acne is pretty rare where as balding men is seen as "normal."

BUT baldness is almost like a "silent killer." That's how I think of it. Makes you invisible and loss of appeal generally. I haven't noticed any open mocking of bald people though.

Also acne you can treat or it tends to disappear past a certain age even the severe form of it. No respite for bald guys.

Wolf Pack

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That's good going but generally you can't say your own attention doesn't go down? It's just little things I notice. I honestly feel there would be a dramatic change in my life in terms of my look, my identity, the attention. I would have to make more effort with girls. I wouldn't initially be noticed.

This is all what I believe. I may be wrong though. Maybe it's just a fear in my mind. Either way, I would like to ensure that shaving is a choice, not something I have to do! Plus I think I just don't want that look either, maybe with time I would grow to accept it.

Spot on about full head guys who are ugly. I know some like that, with an excellent career, doctors, yet very rarely do they get a chance with girls except gold diggers. Also shows career doesn't help as being a doctor carries so much prestige. These guys know I look above average and often hear from their female friends about me, well I fear losing that attention if the hair goes. A premature end to your life.

Also you see ugly guys worry for their hair too. I think that's why I made that thread once saying is it only average to above guys who are hit hardest by hair loss.

I appreciate your insight Fred and thanks. You do say a lot of things that make sense. Maybe not hideous but a substantial decrease in looks is true. I need to do a razor shave experiment for myself!

- - - Updated - - -

EDIT: Jude Law. Look at the change in him though.


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Benedict Garrett, the guy you posted a picture of Fred, got SMP a while back and I think it makes him look a lot better. You can see the results here:

To a certain extent baldness does take the average man down a few notches, but typically I don't think it alone is going to make someone hideous. It defiantly effects some more than others and is really a case by case basis. The other factor that we have to deal with is the secondary effect, the influence that society has had on it. All the negative traits the media has associated with baldness really pigeon hole how society perceives the condition. Not many people can watch 20 movies in a row, where the bad/creepy/stupid guy is bald in every one (slight over exaggeration but you get the point), and not be influenced by that to some extent. That influence will defiantly turn away some people who may still be attracted on a physical level. Its tough to put a pin in something like this and come to any definitive conclusion because people are influenced by so many factors though. I personally feel that some people do find it physically unattractive which turns them away while others are mainly influenced by the negative societal view of it.


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Entitlement again. A lot of things have had more chance to happen to you by the time you're old since, well you're old.

You see where I'm going?

We know for a fact that balding doesn't have anything to do with age and can happen when you're barely 15.

but the vast majority of people do not know this. even my GP says balding is part of aging


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They're ignorant then. Part of ageing, funny how these scientists think that everyone starts balding in their late 50's or something.

yes, it's why guys like Bill Gates ridicules the hair loss industry and thinks we should be curing malaria and everything else pretty much before male pattern baldness. He thinks it's just a bunch of sad middle aged guys trying to get laid when there are also teens and guys in their 20s just trying to look normal

Confront your GP with this: what about the men that don't go bald then?

lol i stopped going to that idiot


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We know for a fact that balding doesn't have anything to do with age and can happen when you're barely 15.
Balding is correlated with age, it's a statistical fact. The more you live, the more DHT messes your hair up. Some lucky men have a NW1 even when they're 90 years old but the other 90% have hairloss.

yes, it's why guys like Bill Gates ridicules the hair loss industry and thinks we should be curing malaria and everything else pretty much before male pattern baldness. He thinks it's just a bunch of sad middle aged guys trying to get laid when there are also teens and guys in their 20s just trying to look normal
That dude lives in a huge *** mansion of astronomical proportions and travels the world in luxuriosu private jets polluting the hell out of the world but blames men for wanting hair? He's a hypocrite. There are countless items we spend our money on that matter way less than hairloss but he had to go the retarded and socially accepted way of making bald men feel ashamed.