Young and balding


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

you should grow it out and see what it looks like. i have the same hair loss pattern + thinning. you can be my guinea pig to see how it would look like. im scared at what my hair might look like if i grew it out long, plus i know it'll look like crap while it's growing. :woot:

i also wanted otoplasty (and i eventually got one but didnt get it done the way i wouldve liked it)

totally get where youre coming from :sobbing: i look decent now but i would be a superstar with hair.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

Yeah, grow it a little bit just to see what it looks like, at least you'll know one way or another. It might not look as thin as you think, you won't know till you try. Even just a really short cut, like maybe an inch long or a couple of inches, it'd be too short to notice minor diffuse thinning.
I suppose one thing that this website has highlighted though, is that there are a lot more people going through this than you might think. I never noticed whether or not people were losing their hair before I started losing mine. But now I've noticed that I know at least five guys under 20 who are losing their hair pretty badly - worse than mine and a lot worse than yours so don't feel too weird because of it. One guy, who just finished school this year, he's almost a NW3. His ambition in the school yearbook was "to get decent hair" :( All I know is I'm gonna try everything I can and see what happens. If it works, great, but I'm not holding my breath. Now I just gotta find a doctor to prescribe me finasteride...
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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

Bro read your story man and I found out I was going bald at the age of 16! That was the reason why half the time I was walking around high school with a shaved head!

I had let my hair grow a bit by the age of 20 for a bit but then my friends told me that I already needed a combover so I shaved my hair again. I decided to accept it.

I pretty much have the same type of hairloss as you do but on the sides of my head are a little deeper. I'm 25 now and recently let my hair grow just because I entered a job where I didn't care how I looked like. I then found out that I looked decent and by styling it in the right direction I did look pretty damn good. Great even. Hell, I got a smoking hot girlfriend because of it!

I'm pretty much trying to tell you that all those years having my head shaved, trying to hide from it left me depressed and that was a way of telling myself okay I give up.

Don't give up. Don't do drastic things. Yes, finasteride does have side effects but only in 2% of the people who take it.

You're a young guy. At your age I would probably wouldn't even listen to what I'm writing to you but trust me I've been though. I know this sounds gay but when I found out I was eventually gonna be bald...damnit, I cried.

f*** that! I manned up! Don't quit Uni!

To keep your hair get finasteride and stay on it. If side effects do take place then quit. Once you get off of it the side effects take off.

finasteride helps you maintain what you got.

Costco dot com. I'm here in the U.S. I get my stuff from there. You got a Costco at UK? Get a membership card and prescribe for finasteride 5mg. 12 month supply'll cost you $60!

Don't know how to get a prescription? Log onto propecia's website and they have a section that'll help you find a doctor that'll give you a FREE consultation close or closest to you.

I probably repeated what some of the guys already told you on here but I'm still trying to add help.

Hope this helps bro!


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

hey, at least you're good looking and otherwise have good genetics. if you're this depressed, imagine other 18 year olds going through this who were average to ugly looking to begin with? sorry, but i don't have too much sympathy for you.

as others have said, and i agree, you still have enough hair to grow it out. i wouldn't shave yet.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

JOE-91 said:
I can see where your coming from, I think I'm decent looking and before this, I had no big self confidence issues. But going bald and shaving your head brings in new things to look at like skull shape, and I can't tell if mines good or bad, I have always been self conscious about my ears too, and now I'm going bald that's became a real issue. It's made me slightly obsessed and vein. I feel much better over the last few days, but I guess it's a cycle of up's and downs. I shaved my hair off again tonight, I really don't think growing it out will work, mainly because I expect the worst from my hairloss. When I first registered here I didn't even think I was thinning at the back, and so I believe the hairloss must be very aggressive, unless it slows from now. Plus styling it is a massive pain, and it's a rainy winter here in the UK.

yeah, you can say that again mate, its f*****g pouring, where in uk are u?


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

Basically your a good looking guy. Im not gay but its obvious your gonna be a pimp even with out hair. So basically just dont use rogaine cause it will jack up your eyes and give you dark circles. Also dont stay up late reading these forums cause that will jack up your eyes as well.

Basically just rock the buzzed look or grow it out a bit, be your self at parties, and you will be a pimp and have no problems.

I envy your headshape. Never thought id be saying that but I wouldnt care about going bald at all if i had you head shape.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

If your noticing red bumps on propecia id just stay off. Same thing happened to me. I started with your hairloss style in the beginning and then went on propecia and it switched to a diffuse style with red bumps all over my head.

If you keep noticing the red bumps and itchy scalp on propecia id just get off of it. The propecia causes a more diffuse style of hairloss due to the increase in testoserone. The frontal loss looks better than a diffuse style of hairloss.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

JOE-91 said:
Thanks for the kind words Kaze but I really don't think my skull shape is ideal, I will post up a picture of the bump, it's like where my head raises at the back I presume I must have a big brain back there haha, my head is more rectangular than circular. I still have plenty of propecia left so I might just take a little bit everyday, see how that goes.

if i recall some member of this site

dissolved a couple of 5mg finasteride into an eye dropper with "grain alcohol" ever clear etc

he was able to give a daily dose of approx .125mg

IMO experimenting your "sides" with lower dosages is better than no internal
anti-androgen at all
also "sides" can very much be a placebo effect


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

When I first started shaving my head, there was more hair and it was alot thicker (as I said in my own thread I was shaving my head before the thinning) and girls in work/nights out would rub my head and say how soft it was, like velvet :dunno: (?). it was a look that suited me

Earlier this year I bumped into an old flame and they instantly went to rub my head, it was when they said NOTHING about how it felt that I was hurt lol They did it instinctively and I could tell they noticed a big change.

I know what you mean about people touching your head, it can piss you off, it pisses me off now, youre better looking than me but I've noticed big changes in the attention I get from girls since the hair started thinning. Once upon a time I had them literally (I do mean literally in a couple of cases) throwing themselves at me, now I cant find more than one or two number sin my phone that I'd get even slightly close to decking, I've got more money, in better shape etc but have less hair, the only change in the past 3 years.

Sorry this isnt a positive experience to add, I just know how it feels.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

As harsh as it sounds and I know this because its true for me too, those who say that you wont notice any difference in the women that are after you with no hair are wrong. Theres a world of difference between simply having a shaved head and having a shaved balding head, again I know this because I'm experiencing it everyday, balding is very unattractive, horrible as it is for us to admit. The only people that measure how attractive a person is by looking at the hairline down are balding men.

Settling down with a girl is something I'd never considered doing before either but like you I've found myself thinking about it more, infact I've found myself being LESS myself with women in an effort to make up for being less good looking, with the aim of eventually having more in common with them. Before it was very much take me as I am or piss off, now I've heard myself talking utter garbage to women just for the attention.

Theres been a couple of times when I've felt less comfortable being put on the spot in work purely down to how I know I look, you may well come across it when you start working, I'm sure all the members of this forum have. Bit like how you feel when you find yourself with a stunner at a party or in the pub, you can waffle on all you like but you know fine that they've spotted your hairloss and you cant do f*** all about it.

Btw I'm not always this whiney about hair but I suppose this is the place to do it lol.

I'm 26 so a few years older than you but just looking at alot of old photos online (trying to find hair pictures for my thread) I'm seeing things that I've simply not experienced since I was about 24 when the hair thinning started, it is a bit depressing thinking about it all, since finding this website I'm getting very impatient and have just ordered all sorts of crap online to see what can help. The only time I ever get any looks of women is the very few times I need to get suited up in work, even then its just a glance and not a semi drunken thrusting off a hand up my shirt on a dance floor lol. If I could get away with spending all day wandering around in a designer suit I'd be fine, I cant though.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, your skull is just fine. I wish I looked as good as you do with a shaved head. Don't take anything anyone else says about it being as bad as it sounds. You look like a good looking kid and I think you will have no problems pulling chicks. I wish I was good looking too.
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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

Truthfully, in a few years later you'll tell yourself,"Man, I wish I didn't stress about hairloss that much". Basically, because that's how you'll cause WAY MORE HAIRLOSS.

Good luck bro.

Maintain your main!


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

hey man was reading your post and i just went through the same thing in university, was in nottingham in my 2nd year and all my hair fell out, going through half of uni without hair was def one of the hardest things ive ever done in my life man so i know how it feels being around everyone else your age and just thinking why me.

Good luck man sorry about everything


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

JOE-91 said:
No, I'm glad your sharing your experience. I have noticed a drastic drop in girls interested in me too, and the baldness has made me want to settle down with a girl more than anything. It's hard to take that everything you were used to is going to stop so early. I have to say I have never had anyone say anything bad about me being bald, but it makes no difference if you dislike it yourself.

Balding this early in life has made me feel like I need to put more effort into everything, and I have to do 100 times more in life, it's wierd. I have dropped out of university because I don't like the course, losing my hair as well makes this much worse. Through my year or two out before I go back to education in a different course I know I will be doing some standard jobs to save for some travelling e.t.c and to get by, and I just know that if I were happier with myself like I used to be this wouldn't seem so daunting.

Honestly, before when I thought my skull was a decent shape I wasn't bothered about having it clean shaven, and if you read previous posts you will see this, but now, it seems terrible.

Honestly Joe.

You are a good looking guy, I am surprised that it is that hard for you. Yes you are bald but your features are quite metrosexual like. Girls will dig that - and think that you are cute. You're also tanned, a bonus.

You probably just need to work on your charm, you have a good body shape too.

No homo.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

JOE-91 said:
[quote="JOE-91":1l39tsog]I have been taking roughly 0.5mg finasteride since I said I would go back on it, but side effects still remain. The brown patch on my head came back as I started taking it again, and morning erections/ random erections are still very rare. Any advice?

It's scaring me to be honest because during sex I go floppy again way too easily, and I'm a grower, not a shower so I rely on a throbbing boner. I might give it this week and if things stay the same, drop it.

Well guys, tonight I just went ahead and chucked the finasteride in the bin. I really would love to keep my stubble as it does make a difference, but considering I did NOT want to use finasteride as a long term treatment anyway, hopefully I made the right choice.[/quote:1l39tsog]


Remember with your looks all you need is charm: dress stylishly, be funny, and flirt and girls will love you. I have much more hair on my head, but I am no way near as good looking as you + out of shape...and girls love me for it. (and its not because I have much more hair on my head)

You will probably find that with your looks that you will have to work less harder then an uglier guy balding, simply because it suits you.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

Honestly man, you just seem like a big idiot to me. Every post you write is you crying about how you can't get this girl and that girl. f*** it, most likely those girls would not have liked you with hair either. The finasteride sides are all in your head clearly imo. You just read a billion stories about sides before going on it and then just tricked yourself into thinking you would get it too. The over thinking is what is giving you all your sides.

Most people tell me that I am like a Norwood 1.25 but I was shedding quite a bit so I went on it to prevent any further loss. I did not read horror stories or anything all I cared about was that only 2% were effected..2%! For God's sake, I think even Tylenol has a higher percentage of getting a side effect and not one person thinks about it one popping one. Honestly I haven't gotten a single side effect.

You can't keep ditching finasteride and minoxidil and then complain about further loss because that is a choice you made.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

I have to disagree with you simplylies. You can't know at all how a medicine affects someone else. I agree that you can easily scare yourself and that you'll extra-aware of anything that you would otherwise not notice but wel franctly, ignoring side-effects just isn't something that I would advice either.
(Nor is the guarentee that it will actually make a difference)

And Joe there is a difference between being realistic and pessimistic.

I'm not going to write an idealistic post that you should man up and accept your hairloss, god no. It sucks I know. It would be unnatural if hairloss wouldn't have any impact on your self-esteem and confidence. The 'manning-up' part is just what you show of that impact. Of course you will have good days and you will have bad days, so does everyone. Imagining how you would look with a straight hairline however is the last thing you should do as the hairline is not miraculously going to come down to how it was 2 years ago. Just don't let it shine through too much how you really feel about it, that's a killer.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

This is a typical effect of loosing hair... you automatically assume that girls lose interest because your loosing your hair...

First off girls don't really care for a head of hair regardless of what you think you know... Here's an interesting fact: almost every girl i know loves but i mean loves Jason Statham.... and i imagine its not because of his crazy good looks and his full head of hair. Its because this guy in every movie he plays in kicks everybody's *** and portrays CONFIDENCE!! and he even looks worse WITH HAIR!!! check out the movie revolver and you'll see what i mean...

So its not hard to see why girls aren't attracted to balding guys if they are DEPRESSED. Lack of CONFIDENCE in yourself is what girls aren't attracted to not your receiding hairline...

So this is how you can get out of this slump... recognize that its not the end of the world yet... make a decision regarding treatment... follow it or don't... just don't let it affect your Confidence level... Hit the gym... eat well and be healthy and think positive.

Enjoy life and stop going crazy over hair... use that time for other things!
Good luck


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

Here's my take on it. First the bad news:

1. There's no question that you're losing your hair at a young age, and likely will continue to a fairly advanced stage.

2. Finasteride could help you, but I sense that you'd be reluctant to stick with it. For some people (myself included), sides are a big deal, and seem to happen despite decreasing the dosage. Some people never feel quite right on finasteride, even if many people on this board call them deluded.

3. While you may be able to maintain on alternative treatments, this is likely to be a lost - and expensive - cause. There are a lot of forums out there promoting alternatives to finasteride but so far very few compelling results.

4. Therefore, you will most likely face advanced baldness by your mid-20s.

Now the good news:

1. You look seriously cool with the slick look. I'd say you're in the top 10% of people who it "works" for. Bear in mind I have no interest in making you feel better, and if I did I wouldn't have listed the above 4 points. It really does suit you.

2. Close to 100% of people who try the sly look believe it doesn't suit them at first. Even this website is littered with examples of men who look great bald, but who just don't believe it. I would wager that you're in this category. Who do you think's the best judge? Yourself? I'd beg to differ.

3. If you were to go sly, everything else being equal, you'd still look damn cool.

4. You could easily make up any losses in attractiveness by hitting the gym. You're not skinny, but you have a large build and so could bulk up a lot more if you wanted to.

5. It needn't be for life. If you still weren't keen on baldness, you could get a hair transplant in 5 years time when your pattern has emerged and you have a bit more money.

6. You may gain additional benefits from this because you seem to be evaluating life differently. You may look back on this as the time when you really grew up, and stopped pissing around with life. A lot of your friends will still be pissing around in their mid-20s, while you can get your focus now. Baldness puts life in perspective.

7. It's NORMAL to feel depressed in your situation. You don't have to like this feeling, but you shouldn't be surprised by it. You're in crisis mode right now. It will pass.

8. If you stay positive, and most importantly don't put your life on hold, you will still get lots of women, still do fine with mates, and have no problems getting jobs or doing well in your studies. The bottom line is that you look GOOD bald.

9. Shaving your head is the most rational option.


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Re: JOE-91's Story - (18 And losing hair rapidly)

you are still too young to be on finasteride i believe , but still u can keep usin´minoxidil and keto

u do look good whit a shaved head,

i also have sides from finasteride but they really dont afect my performance in the sack ..