Women Hate Bald Guys Part II


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@F2005Look into FUE hair transplant. Its scarless and Ferdthebelgian took it And now he is NW2.5

It isn't scarless at all; it still produce white dots where the follicles were extracted. And it can't even come close to creating a full head of hair. I am nervous about any kind of surgery, especially on my head of all places.


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Unfortunately hair transplants are not a solution to hair loss for lots of people. No hair transplant is scarless and I don't want the permanent head scarring. It cannot create anything close to full head of hair and since I cannot tolerate finasteride, I have no way of preventing loss of native hair.


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@Fredthebelgian Holy ****, that is barely noticeable... I'm speechless. Just looked at your main topic and that is some beautiful growth.