Wisdom's story - (2 YEARS AND 2 MONTHS UPDATE)


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Im 20 years old and ive noticed in the last year or so that my hair has been getting thinner and thinner at the back(crown) and slightly on top. Only now have I decided to do something about it. Im really scared that in another year I will be bald.

I have recently purchased Kirkland Minoxidil 5% 4 month supply and will start to apply this when it arrives.

I am also booked in to a hair check next friday at advanced hair studio (http://www.advancedhairstudio.com) where I may decide whether to have laser treatment. Havent a clue what this involves though.

Anyone with any experience or tips on what I have in place please reply. Been a hard few months reading all about it.

Cheers Greg.


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man, ino, its an awful situation to be in. ur feelings will get SLIGHTLY better soon anyway.

im taking propecia and minoxidil and nizoral shampoo.

i say propecia u shud definately consider. ask at the hair studio about that. i dont know much about laser treatment but i wudnt say its effective.

get a years supply of minoxidil and propecia and give it atleast a year to think about things further. please post ur pics and progress please, so we can all give help to you.


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andrew do you use the 1% nizoral or th 2%?


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Re: Hi guys! Help needed!

HelpMePlease said:

Im 20 years old and ive noticed in the last year or so that my hair has been getting thinner and thinner at the back(crown) and slightly on top. Only now have I decided to do something about it. Im really scared that in another year I will be bald.

I have recently purchased Kirkland Minoxidil 5% 4 month supply and will start to apply this when it arrives.

I am also booked in to a hair check next friday at advanced hair studio (http://www.advancedhairstudio.com) where I may decide whether to have laser treatment. Havent a clue what this involves though.

Anyone with any experience or tips on what I have in place please reply. Been a hard few months reading all about it.

Cheers Greg.

I'd recommend canceling that laser hair appointment. There's nothing that proves it to grow cosmetically significant hair. In my opinion, it is money 100% wasted. It's also certain that you will be pressured into a year-long commitment for very expensive "treatments" for which you'll have nothing to show for in the end.

Instead, go see a dermatologist and ask about propecia (finasteride). This and the minoxidil you already have are the absolute best weapons you can have in your arsenal. The money saved from not falling into the laser treatment trap will pay for a few years' supply. Not only that, they'll probably work for you.


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Yep, please forgot the laser treatment. There are countless negative reviews about those "clinics" where they laser your head for 2.000$ or charge 2.000$ for a 60$ standard treatment of finasteride and minoxidil.

Try finasteride in the first place. It´s quite good at mantaining and probably regrow/thicken your existing hair, due to the fact that your loss is recent and slightly noticeable. And it´s a very easy treatment to take, just a pill a day.

Always remember to combine it with nizoral shampoo every other day or 3 days a week. It helps a lot with scalp health.

You´ll probably have heard about minoxidil too, but if I were you I´ll stick to finasteride and nizoral, reserving minoxidil for the future, as finasteride loses efectiveness with time. This way you´ll have another new treatment to add to your fight to guarantee prolonged results in time. Also minoxidil is not as easy to apply as finasteide (pill) or nizoral (shampoo), you'll have to apply the lotion 2x daily and as long as you want to keep your hair.

So, in conclusion, start safe & easy with the basics (I suppose you´r not suffering an advanced degree of loss), and wait for things to go worse before adding all the guns to the fight.

Remember: This is a motherfucking slow process, you´ll have to wait months before your hair gets good. There are going to be times where you´ll feel nothing is working, but always have in mind: You have a 83% chance it does work. finasteride is nothing marvelous, but it works pretty well about mantaining what you have. With enough time you´ll also have a chance regrow what you´ve lost. I´m talking about 12-15 months before you can judge it has worked or not. To check your progress take pics. Not everyday, please. At the baseline, and evry 2 months or so. Post them here and people will comment your progress and if you´r on the right steps to success. You´r eyes can deceive you, pics don´t.

And if you´ll always have the other FDA approved treatment, minoxidil, to add to your combo if you feel you have space for improvement up there.

And if even that doesn´t work, you can come back to the forum and educate yourself about the miriad un-proven treatments that can potentially work on you: dutasteride, copper peptides, spironolactone, ZIX, etc...



Why do you say that finasteride loses effectiveness after 2 years? If OP starts now he could maintain his hair into his late 30s and 40s.


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it will not help you at all. if it is just the laser comb, it probably won't hurt you. Just try to cancel it and get whatever money back you can get.

1 year is not that bad. you can regrow what you lost in just a year. click on my profile, click on my posts, and skim through my recent ones. they detail what you need to do to grow your hair and all the posters who've been here a while will vouch for the list. It is much more detailed than most people here will take time to write.


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finasteride does not loose its effectiveness after 2 years


finasteride does not loose its effectiveness after two years.

solo is saying that because after 2 years, the average person on finasteride continues to slowly loose hair. Let me explain this again.

all of your hairs have different levels of sensitivity to DHT, like a bell curve. The more DHT you inhibit, the higher the precentage of hairs that can thrive. If some are small because they can't handle 100 units of DHT, but can handle say 50, and you drop the level down to 30, these hairs start to grow. but male pattern baldness is progressive, and that 50 that the one hair could handle mayl be 40 next year, and hopefully not get much worse than that, though genetics decide. The hairs that could handle only 35 and dropped down to only handling 25 the next year are the ones that start to disappear each year. Lower your levels down to 10 units with dutasteride, and they start growing again. Genetics, and maybe DHT attack, but not finasteride, causes follicles to become more sensitive each year. It takes several years for them to be permenantly killed, but each year they are harder to revive.
Finasteride keeps its effectiveness for a life time. It is your hair that changes. Topical anti-androgens can provide extra protection, and minoxidil, copper peptides, and other stuff you can read about in my or bryan's posts are good for mitigating damage done by other factors after the DHT attack starts the snowball rolling.

If you think Finasteride stopped working, just get off it and you will see how much help it actually was doing. Your hair will fall out fast. I've seen graphs where DHT levels were plotted against time in days after various doses of finasteride up to 100mg. The levels always came back up to the original level, and never went even slightly above it. This should show that your follicles are not react by producing more DHT in response to finasteride.

Jayman, keep up the good work. Please put this myth to rest by copy pasting the above stuff when you see the myth.

The only factor people need to be concerned with is that you will continue to loose some hair each year as long as you have DHT touching your follicle androgen receptors and are not fighting this with enough other stuff.

Similar myths exist for minoxidil and other products. There is not dependence developed. Only the hairs that got genetically weaker over time are dependent on the protection level. You would not have those hairs at all if you were not on the drugs. Yeah some people keep shedding. That is why they are on this site. Did they expect a miracle? Even if you regrow hair, you still will shed 100 hairs per day. Regrowth means you grow more than you shed.


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I haven´t said anywhere finasteride loses his efectiveness in two years.


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Solo said:
I haven´t said anywhere finasteride loses his efectiveness in two years.

lol...yeah..I read over your above post three times looking for the statement where you said that. I thought maybe I was losing it for a sec


Sorry dunno why I said the two years thing about Solo. But he did say that finasteride loses its effectiveness which I think may just be semantics. I think that male pattern baldness just begins to overpower the finasteride but that's not the finasteride's fault.


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Oh, crap!!

If everyone re-reads that post my flagrant gramatical mistakes are going to be pretty exposed!!


Solo all I was saying was that it's not the finasteride's fault. Your hair doesn't build up a tolerance to it or anything like that.


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andrew do you use the 1% nizoral or th 2%?

um, the 20 mg/ml one? uno, says that on it. red label. im from uk so i dont think its says the % here, but i do beleive the 1% has a blue label.


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cheap, powerful regimen

You need propecia. It will greatly reduce the odds of you getting prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men. Side effects are rare, go away if you stop, and you should try it first and see if you get any before you worry about them. Asprin has more side effects.
As for propecia, get proscar. The active ingredient is finasteride. Proscar has 5mg, propecia has 1mg. At a regular pharmacy proscar is $90 USD and propecia is 60. You can get these for half the price online without a prescription. Ask Beaner or Goingat20 where they get theirs. Elitenetpharmacy is one place.
1 USD = about 0.6 pounds.
0.2 mg/day regrow 82% as much hair as 1mg/day, which regrows 83% as much hair as 5mg/day. The dose is not important. Cut the Proscar with a $5 pill cutter. Cut it in 8 pieces and take one every other day. That will cost you $90/16 = 6 USD per month. I know you can afford that. This will give you 0.3 mg/day, which will lower you DHT levels just as much as Propecia will.

If you can spend an extra $6, get Avodart at elitenetpharmacy $60 and take one 0.5mg capsule every 5 days. That is as strong as 5mg finasteride per day and will cost you $12 per month, instead of $6 for finasteride.

Of corse get generic Rogaine, which is called minoxidil 5%. If it costs too much over there, order it for $27 for 4 bottles at minoxidildirect.com. Dr Lee is at minoxidil.com. You can get both and use the dr Lee's before you sociallize, but it is ok to use it once a day some days. i think you should put half a mL around your hair line and front sides at night, and then do the normal minoxidil 5% in the morning over most of your top for maintainence. That will be $4 per month for the regular stuff and $18/4 = $5 for the quick drying, totalling $9 per month.

Get nizoral 1% shampoo. It costs $15 dollars per bottle. Find a generic if you can. Wash your hair with a tea spoon 2 times a week. That will last you 14 weeks, which is about $4 per month, and will help keep more hair from shrinking. It is a weak anti-androgen, good for your strong hair but not good enough for the thinning ones. It also will take away any irritation if minoxidil gives you any.

You need copper peptides. These are great for damage control for many post DHT follicle attacks. Buy folligen liquid spray for $30 (Guys, where is the best place to buy it?) Dilute it with water to 1/2 strength. Apply about 2mL to your whole top and hair line one every other day. That should last you 8 months (right guys?) for $3 per month.

If you want to regrow your hairline for sure, you need a strong anti-androgen on just your hairline. I'm not going to take the time writing the directions for making your own spironolactone cream for $10/month because it might be a problem if your girlfriend stays over a lot. Ask Felk if you want directions. I advise you to buy Eucapil for $50 for a month supply. It comes in 2mL glass ampules that you break open. Get some silly puddy and seal them air tight and try to make each one last 4 days, using it only on your hair line. This will drop the cost to $13 per month, and it evaporates in 2 minutes. Do it 3 hours after you shower when your hair is very dry. Go to Eucapil.com.

That comes to $36 USD per month.
If that is too much for you, you should just
* use the minoxidil 5% once a day and maybe twice when you can, skip the dr Lee's, (save $5 per month)
* And apply the eucapil every other day or two days out of three (make sure it does not evaporate on you! seal it good) (save $5 per month)

This brings your monthly cost down to $26 per month,

And if you already suppliment your diet with protein powder, cut back a little and use the money to get arginine bonded to glutamine. You can find it at vitacost.com. I won't explain the biology but you can read about it at drproctor.com. The arginine helps your hair, and the glutamine gets it absorbed better than L-arginine. The glutamine is also a conditionally essential amino acid that you need if you work your muscles VERY hard. You need it for recoveries. So if you workout really hard in the gym, you get two for one. Take 2 grams total per day.

I'm not sure you can regrow your hairline, but you can get your sides.


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So generally the idea is I should cancel the laser treatment and work on propecia?

Is this expensive and where are the best places to buy it from? and quickly?


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Some GREAT sound advice in that post above there... don't go Advanced Hair, people on here know more than the guys that operate those joints.


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you can get it from elitenetpharmacy.com but it will take 21 days to get here.

Common, guys. someone here must know of a site without prescriptions with a good reputation that is based close by or just has fast shipping.

contact Goingat20 or beaner. They will know where to get it fast. i get mine at a regular pharmacy.

really cancel that laser. save your money for these topicals. the laser comb is just a flashlight and any other laser might do damage to your follicles. if you can't get your money back, then just don't go at all. it is not worth the wrisk of them damaging something.

I just bought two bottles of folligen 8oz liquid spray at follica.com. because it was over $50 the shipping was free, and it sounded like they will ship it fast.

if you cant get the finasteride in under 21 days, just order some for 21 day shipping if you have to and take advantage of the minoxidil and copper peptides and nizoral now because it is better than nothing.

there is one other product for powerful hair loss fighting. I forgot if I mentioned it. It is called prox-N at drproctor.com. it is $30 for 2 months, if you use 30 drops a day, but the directions say 10 drops. i'd just use those in and under your hair line and in your sides (temples?). If you wipe the stuff around there at 10 drops a day that will be $5 per month extra. It has many chemicals in it. I bought some. It also smells REALLY good. It got here in under a week, but I'm in the US and so is drproctor.


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sorry solo, I must have been losing it. I thought for sure I read that. oh well. at least now he won't get discouraged by others I saw write that many places on this site.