Wisdom's story - (2 YEARS AND 2 MONTHS UPDATE)


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that website (elitenetpharmacy) is all out of proscar but has propecia in stock. Would you reccommend purchasing this then?


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collegechemistrystudent said:
contact Goingat20 or beaner. They will know where to get it fast. i get mine at a regular pharmacy.

Go to unitedpharmacies.com and get the generic propecia called Finpecia. It's MUCH cheaper than the name brand and delivery is usually a week to 10 days to the US...not sure where you are but they deliver pretty much all over.


Senior Member
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you are in ireland. elitenetpharmacy.com is in UK. propecia is $41 there. private message beaner and goingat20 for the URL of other sights and ask for ones in europe. wait 10 hours for their responses. if they can't find today any that will get it to you in under a week, buy the propecia at elitenetpharmacy.com.

here is the folligen

here is the eucapil

here is the minoxidil. it has a uk branch too. maybe look for the uk part of the site

here is nizoral 1%
might as well get it too since the shipping for everying is a flat rate of $7.

and here is the prox-N
http://www17.serrahost.com/servlet/drpr ... etail?no=5


beaner said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
contact Goingat20 or beaner. They will know where to get it fast. i get mine at a regular pharmacy.

Go to unitedpharmacies.com and get the generic propecia called Finpecia. It's MUCH cheaper than the name brand and delivery is usually a week to 10 days to the US...not sure where you are but they deliver pretty much all over.

yeah just do this- what beaner said. i am going to do this after i finish with my elitenet proscar.


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Okay guys, today is day one of my Kirkland Minoxidil useage! Bought off ebay for around £30! Applied my two amounts for today already one at 1pm one at 4pm.

Its quite aukward to put on tho I must say. When I use the droplet I find that not all of my bald patch is being covered, at least it seems this way! any tips on minoxidil usage? Might just be because I have longish hair!

Pics of Day 1 will be coming on later! lets hope this is day 1 on a road to recovery!


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Decided im still gonna go ahead with the laser thereapy meeting even though I am now using minoxidil. Any thoughts?


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Went to see tricologist the other day, im now using Tycin Scalp Cream Weekly and Tycin Lotion (Vaso-Dilator) stimulant daily. As well as my 5% minoxidil twice per day.
She said she wants to know what is causing the hair loss. She said it might be low iron and vitamins. So im hammering the B vitamins and iron.

Ive posted the one month update pics HERE

obviously you cant tell yet though but the shedding has stopped slightly.

Any views???


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Gone 3 months now and the shedding has stopped.

Went for my second visit to the tricologist the other day and she said new hairs are now growing. My mum also thinks the situation is alot better now but I beg to differ.

sooooo glad the shedding has stopped though!


HelpMePlease said:
Decided im still gonna go ahead with the laser thereapy meeting even though I am now using minoxidil. Any thoughts?

isn't that a waste of money?

glad to hear you are doing well


Established Member
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ah yes your hair is getting pretty thin. But are you sure about laser surgery? have you thought about shaving it?


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I scrapped the laser surgery after a meeting. It was clear they only wanted my money.

My hair seems to be improving in density so says my tricologist and parents but how can this be after around 3 months?

My trichologist also said my hair loss and shedding may have been down to stress levels and nutritional imbalance, hmmmm

Going to post the new pics soon aswell so you can judge for yourself


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Solo said:
Oh, crap!!

If everyone re-reads that post my flagrant gramatical mistakes are going to be pretty exposed!!

One thing to keep in mind that is well documented is that finasteride does not lose its effectiveness after 5yrs. It continues to inhibit type II DHT but there may be other physiological factors that cause your hair to possibly miniaturize over time. That all remains to be seen b/c every individual has different physiologial characteritics. We can only speculate and that can lead to false positives.
Adding other topicals such as minoxidil based solutions and shampoos such as Nizoral add more resistance to male pattern baldness.

Nice avatar!


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Well guys - long time since I last posted!

over 3 months infact. 4 and a half months since I started my regime now. Wow. Still on the regime. And guess what.....ive pics: please tell me your thoughts......


Thank You :lol:


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new pics

Well im nearly at the 7 month mark now and not much improvement from the 4 month mark to be honest. Am a bit disappointed and just want some f*****g hair on the top of my head.

Pics: http://HelpMePlease8.bebo.com

any outside views greatly appreciated. Don't hold back.



Established Member
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Doesn't look like there's too much difference, but it can be hard to tell from pictures. so don't despair. Are you using finasteride? You realise that without it you will continue to lose hair at the same rate you have been over the years? Sure, the minoxidil will grow some new ones, but it may not be enough to replace what you're losing.

I think a dht inhibitor like finasteride should be the corner stone of any attempt to reverse/halt/slow male pattern baldness. Build on it by all means (adding minoxidil etc), but if your hair loss is aggressive then I can't see how you can win the fight without it. Hell, if the hair loss is real aggressive you might want to consider the king of dht inhibitors, dutasteride. I'm giving finasteride a year, if it doesn't work then I'm seriously going to consider the mighty dutasteride.

Anyway, good luck!


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Stu85 said:
Doesn't look like there's too much difference, but it can be hard to tell from pictures. so don't despair. Are you using finasteride? You realise that without it you will continue to lose hair at the same rate you have been over the years? Sure, the minoxidil will grow some new ones, but it may not be enough to replace what you're losing.

Hmmm, i discussed this possibility with my tricologist but she says I should just stick to what im doing now due to the side effects of any other treatment.

hair today gone tomorrow

Senior Member
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really its simple....if you want any chance at stopping your hair loss you need to take an internal 5alpha-r inhibitor which would mean finasteride or dutasteride....without your chances aren't very good


Established Member
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HelpMePlease said:
Stu85 said:
Doesn't look like there's too much difference, but it can be hard to tell from pictures. so don't despair. Are you using finasteride? You realise that without it you will continue to lose hair at the same rate you have been over the years? Sure, the minoxidil will grow some new ones, but it may not be enough to replace what you're losing.

Hmmm, i discussed this possibility with my tricologist but she says I should just stick to what im doing now due to the side effects of any other treatment.

Sure, side effects are a possibility, but on finasteride it's just a case of stopping and they'll go. Even then, you're better off continuing despite the sides as they usually subside with time. I had a few minor side effects myself but they all cleared up fine!

I don't want to be too presumptuous about you trichologist, but I get the feeling that if she was balding man she might not be so hesitant to prescribe finasteride... and I don't want to tar all women with the same brush, but they rarely seem to understand what it's like for a guy to be losing hair. There's no analogue of hairloss in women (and female hairloss is pretty damn rare) - so they have nothing to compare it to. Now if there was some condition that affected only women and caused some alteration of their appearance and resulted in premature aging (let's face it, balding really ages a guy) we'd never bloody hear the end of it! As it is they already fuss like hell over individual wrinkles! Can you imagine what it would be like if they lost hair like we do? Anyway, we're men, and we're supposed to grin and bear it. f*** that.


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Just started the foam minoxidil guys instead of the liquid minoxidil.

There are major pro's and cons from my perspective:


Nicer smell
East to apply
Doesnt leave hair greasy


Change in hair colour
No way a months supply
The foam was squirting fine at first then seemed to go very liquidised. Probably leading to why runs out quicker then expected. Anyone know why this is?

Finally I saw this the other day


Cheers guys