What's the first thing you'd do if you got all it back???


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What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.


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powersam said:
What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.

:bravo: :agree:


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I'd chuck out all the hair strengthening crap I have in the house, and then I'd buy a "normal" shampoo.

uncomfortable man

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powersam said:
What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.
That's deep, but considering that being bald is the bain of my existence and the one and only thing about my physical appearance that I have an issue with, I'm pretty sure if I got all my hair back to say I would be content would be an understatement. For you to suggest that we would just as soon take it for granted implies a troubling sense of ingratitude which I find offensive, personally.


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uncomfortable man said:
powersam said:
What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.
That's deep, but considering that being bald is the bain of my existence and the one and only thing about my physical appearance that I have an issue with, I'm pretty sure if I got all my hair back to say I would be content would be an understatement. For you to suggest that we would just as soon take it for granted implies a troubling sense of ingratitude which I find offensive, personally.

I agree with UMan on this one.
I also wonder, if hair loss is not a problem, why the original poster is on a message board entitled "The Impact of Hair Loss" at all...
If it doesn't bother you, why in the world are you wasting your time here???
I acknowledge that I have a load of other problems, both mental and physical. But getting a guarantee of hair for life would at least put me back to where I was a year ago. Not perfect, but in much better shape than I am now.


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powersam said:
What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.

Nope it's definitely hairloss. You're on a forum dedicated to the effect hairloss has on people. I understand your desire to be profound, but you were trying too hard and wouldn't you know it; you came out not making any sense at all.

Sure we all have our issues beside hairloss but for most if not all of us hairloss is #1.


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I'm just sick of all this 'if i didn't have hair loss my life would be perfect' bullshit.

The thing is that it is easy to whine about hair loss because no one can expect you to knuckle down and do something about it. If the issue was your career etc, and you had issues and complained about them, people would rightfully expect you to actually do something about dealing with the problem.

No I don't want to lose my hair, I like it and think I looked better when my hair was thicker. But I still have a beautiful girlfriend and great friends around me. Hair loss is not stopping you from doing/having anything (except hair of course :) ), although it might make some things a little more difficult.

If hair loss is your number one issue, then you either have an amazing life, or your priorities need serious evaluation.

btw. i just click on the 'new posts' bit. so i never really notice which actual subforum any thread is on.


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powersam said:
What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.

I think this is true of many of the people on here CCS for instance has a huge list of 'faults' that occupy his every waking moment. And I think that many people on here simply lack confidence ect.

But I do know of one example where someones life has been turned around from depression to success after sorting their hairloss problem. Anyone who has met Spex and knows his story would agree.

uncomfortable man

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I think what Powerslam is really referring to is BDD. It is a horrible condition. I know because I suffered from it as a young adult, just like so many other youngsters you see on this site with a full head of hair who see themselves balder than they really are. They literally SEE their perceived flaws magnified when they look in the mirror. It is both strange and fascinating the tricks our minds can play on us. To be fair, what Sam said does apply to certain people-CCS like SAF pointed out, but not for everyone. The suffering that comes with hairloss however is REAL, not perceived and the difference that getting hair back can make on a persons psyche and overall sense of well being should not be trivialized. I never said that my life would be perfect but fwiw it would make a significant impact on not only my appearance but how I feel about myself, which would undoubtedly have a ripple effect into other areas of my life. I get annoyed when anyone tells me that I just need to feel confident. Confidence can't be perscribed....as much as you can't make someone fall in love with you, it just doesn't work that way.

ryan r

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I would screem uncontrolably for 10 minutes, then I would weep gently a few sec.

After that, I would just go out and be social, enjoying life more and flirting my *** off, hook up with some hot chick that night. :punk:
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I'd do what I used to do when I was 17...Spike my hair into that crazy tri-hawk style, then stare in the mirror and obsess over my big nose...

Mens Rea

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i would be sincerely estatic beyound belief. I dont think theres anything that could make me as happy actually (other that really out there things obviously)

that said, it probably wouldn't change of my immediate actions - but simply take away the long term anxiety of the slow balding process im currently suffering and the constant worry of how ill look in 5 years. For me that'd be priceless.


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Ill just cry for a few days, then ill NEVER EVER cut my hair EVER EVER!!! and just sit and relax at the beach 'til im dead :) :) :) ...

somone uk

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get my hair styled like Vincent Valentine (avatar) maybe throw some random red in it
start doing jui jitsu again and maybe take up kendo
go to leeds and spend all my money getting pissed rather than buying propecia and minoxidil
ohh and strech my ears and get a few piercings
i really want a NW1 now


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the reality?....I'd be elated temporarily until I found something else to blame my shortcomings on....


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I know a lot of you said that "you would find something else to worry about or find real problems like low confidence or something"

but if i got all my hair back

I would have more money to spend

less stressed about looking 40 when im in my 20's

and of course more FREE TIME (not researching and worrying), playing my guitar, hanging with friends and my GF, working out, reading and so forth

the countless hours spent online , at docs office, working more hours just to buy stuff hair related......and i know i could have more time if i just accepted going bald but at my age im not gana want to do that

life would be a lot easier is all and that would be awesome

but first thing i do is throw my proscar down the drain while drinking some expensive cold *** beer, then my rogaine and spironolactone.....look at the mirror( which I hate to do now) till night comes, go out and feel great for not worrying that people see that im balding...go to bed with my Gf and actually let her run her fingers through my hair with out worrying about f*****g shedding or getting gunk on her fingers!!!!!

lol man this thread is kinda sad.....well fun at same time


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powersam said:
What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.

:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

Honestly this makes the most sense of anything I've ever read, period. I do blame a lot of shortcomings in my life on my hair, this would happen. But before I realise that I would just stare at myself in the mirror u and just smile until my face hurt, then I'd have a happy cry for the first time in my life. Then I'd go to the barber shop and get a haircut that actually suited me and made me happy not just one that "will do". Honestly I get giddy when I think of this, it would be the happiest 24 hours of my life until I realised the truth of the above quote.

Mens Rea

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TooYoungTooBald said:
powersam said:
What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.

:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

Honestly this makes the most sense of anything I've ever read, period. I do blame a lot of shortcomings in my life on my hair, this would happen. But before I realise that I would just stare at myself in the mirror u and just smile until my face hurt, then I'd have a happy cry for the first time in my life. Then I'd go to the barber shop and get a haircut that actually suited me and made me happy not just one that "will do". Honestly I get giddy when I think of this, it would be the happiest 24 hours of my life until I realised the truth of the above quote.

True but for me personally i dont think i have any other major shortcomings physically and mentally im on course to where i wana be. For me, hairloss is the single one thing which is eating at my looks.

in reality i just have to compensate by enhancing my natural looks as far as possible and mentally develop to not let hairloss affect other things. I think its inevitable that it will hit confidence etc a little bit though but im realistic about that.


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Colin297 said:
TooYoungTooBald said:
powersam said:
What would actually happen is that you would quickly realize that your lack of hair was not in fact the cause of any of your problems. Then just as quickly find something else to blame.

:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

Honestly this makes the most sense of anything I've ever read, period. I do blame a lot of shortcomings in my life on my hair, this would happen. But before I realise that I would just stare at myself in the mirror u and just smile until my face hurt, then I'd have a happy cry for the first time in my life. Then I'd go to the barber shop and get a haircut that actually suited me and made me happy not just one that "will do". Honestly I get giddy when I think of this, it would be the happiest 24 hours of my life until I realised the truth of the above quote.

True but for me personally i dont think i have any other major shortcomings physically and mentally im on course to where i wana be. For me, hairloss is the single one thing which is eating at my looks.

in reality i just have to compensate by enhancing my natural looks as far as possible and mentally develop to not let hairloss affect other things. I think its inevitable that it will hit confidence etc a little bit though but im realistic about that.

I just mean it's probably true for me, it doesn't have to be true for everyone but most would find that it is. Like I would like to be in better shape but my hair loss makes me think "why work out when even if my body looks good my hair is going to let my overall appeance fdown" the fact is that I don't know if that is true or if I'm just lazy, getting all my hair back would let me find that out.