What's the first thing you'd do if you got all it back???


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Name the first thing you would do if your hair suddenly regrew (pre-hairloss, thickest hair ever) to a Norwood 1.

I would probably go swimming at my local pool/beach, because I wouldn't be scared of people seeing my thin spots all over. It's been so long since I've enjoyed that.


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Re: What's the first thing you'd do if you got all it back??

Aplunk1 said:
Name the first thing you would do if your hair suddenly regrew (pre-hairloss, thickest hair ever) to a Norwood 1.

I would probably go swimming at my local pool/beach, because I wouldn't be scared of people seeing my thin spots all over. It's been so long since I've enjoyed that.

the pool/beach would be great. can't go there now without a hat.


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Grow it into a really cool hairstyle. Maybe even pour a ton of gel on it just for the hell of it.

The Gardener

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I'd fly to Vegas, stock my jacuzzi-equipped hotel room full of hookers, have a crate of champagne sent up, and let 'er fly.


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The Gardener said:
I'd fly to Vegas, stock my jacuzzi-equipped hotel room full of hookers, have a crate of champagne sent up, and let 'er fly.

ding ding! we have a winner..


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I'd spend about 1 month looking at all the magazines to find a really cool haircut. After a year I'd probably cut my hair real short again since I wouldn't give a damn about the hair anymore. You get used to this sort of things real soon I think.


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I'll do what I've said before, I want to grow it long and down to the lower half of my neck Edward Carnby style. I'll work out more, find better work after I finish school and feel more confident in myself. Then I'll shave it and look badass. I don't have to constantly see my thinning in mirrors.

I would be close to perfection of what I want to be.

Getting all of it back would be one of the best gifts I've ever gotten. It's like getting what I wanted for my birthday or Christmas.


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I'd be happy to have the hair, but said I did not get my body in shape sooner.


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tembo said:
Join the jelqing forums.
HAHAHAHAH so right man
i got hair now? Awesome now lets move onto a gigantic dick lol then after that comes the how to make yourself be 6'0" forums. LOL im playin but it is true noone is ever satisfied


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i agree with JayB. once you got the hair, there's always going to be something else that's not good enough. i guess it's just human nature to never be satisfied and always wanting more.


I would be the happiest man alive. I would grow a really extravagant hairstyle like David Beckham and wear tons of gel, knowing that my hair won´t fall out. Damn, I can´t wait for HM to be out......


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start a new forum called:

'the hair restored forum'.

it would provide a vent for everyone on here, unable to handle their new luxuriant head of hair....ie most of you, coz you're all neurotic lol


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i just want to go back to being able to do my hair how i want and not this stupid ceasar comb over look.

Hans Gruber

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i was going to say 'cut it all off' to be funny,but i actually would do that cos then i could watch as each and every hair rises up like a phoenix :hairy:

id enjoy watching that :hairy:


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JayB said:
tembo said:
Join the jelqing forums.
HAHAHAHAH so right man
i got hair now? Awesome now lets move onto a gigantic dick lol then after that comes the how to make yourself be 6'0" forums. LOL im playin but it is true noone is ever satisfied

I agree with this aswell. Especially since 80% of the guys on here are about Norwood 1.5 - nw2. They think hair will make their life complete but when they find that it does'nt make women fall at their feet they will just blame something else.


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I'll answer this one for 2/3rds of the people who post here:

I'd find something else I don't like about myself and find the appropriate forum.


s.a.f said:
JayB said:
tembo said:
Join the jelqing forums.
HAHAHAHAH so right man
i got hair now? Awesome now lets move onto a gigantic dick lol then after that comes the how to make yourself be 6'0" forums. LOL im playin but it is true noone is ever satisfied

I agree with this aswell. Especially since 80% of the guys on here are about Norwood 1.5 - nw2. They think hair will make their life complete but when they find that it does'nt make women fall at their feet they will just blame something else.

saf this is not why all of us want hair. sure thats why some do but i have a great gorgeous girlfriend and im totally happy with her. and she wouldn't care if i went to nw7, she would still love my face and my mind and everything. i know this because she spends hours talking to me how my baldness is really not a big deal. i already am well endowed and yeah i am short, about 5'9", but i can't change that, so no point stressing over it.

so the reason i want to have a lot of hair is not to attract women, it's to feel good about myself. hair adds confidence in life.


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get back into modelling? (dont laugh its easy money)