What is a bald man supposed to do on a Saturday night?


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You're so strong mentally you spam self-pity threads on a hairloss forum. Come on friend, don't bullshit us.

If really didn't care you wouldn't be posting here.
Respond to the other thing i said. I come on here to vent a bit when i feel down


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You got one bad experience with a woman, there are still good women out there.

And you should find a line between putting in work/changing and staying true to yourself. If you put on a mask/adopt a new persona then it's very exhausting. Be yourself but fix/soften the bad parts of yourself.

Also could you expand on your old "formula" in detail, why was this formula not healthy?
the problem is "myself" is ugly and unnatractive. I've never met a women who liked me for me. It's a bitter pill to swallow. Do you see my dilemma now?
it just involved extreme dieting, eating, training, taking certain supplements, etc putting my hormones through hell feeling like sh*t trialling things etc just to be attractive for a chance with an average women is it worthit?


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You have 5 mentors here @Feelsbadman in @INT , @Micky_007 , @Pigeon , @justinbieberscombover & @Oknow . You are a lucky boy

LOL. Yeah @Feelsbadman you can go for speech classes where they teach you how to speak well.

It takes time and effort but most often people come out really well.

Then after that there are public speaking/toastmasters classes you can take.

Speaking well is a skill. It needs hours and hours of practice to get good at it.

Extroverts are naturally great at it coz they've been talking for most of their lives. Introverts barely practice talking often and wonder why their so bad.

It's like saying you're bad at math but never studying for it well in advance. Doesn't make sense to expect a positive income when you haven't put immense time and effort.


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honestly i just have no answers. a therapist told me to use dating apps. I have horrible genetics and the only time women liked me was when i spent 24/7 obsessing about my appearance which worked but also proved to me how superficial women were. Women treat me like a bad smell. then when i was good looking women wanted to get to know me and i even had a girlfriend and hell no it wasnt because i was "more confident " in fact i was more insecure because of all the attention i got. In my experience the only time women are with ugly man is if he is very social or wealthy.. being that good socially is pretty much genetic and even rare. The gift of the gab. I can speak well but ill.never be great socially im quiet thats who i am.
i dont know what to do.
ive tried being with very ugly and overweight women but coudlnt get an erection. it seems the only advice is i need to become a high alpha value male millionaire become a female or move to a 3rd world country. dont say i didnt try because i did. I tried so hard and GOT A GF after years of trying..she ripped my heart out and left me for a better looking male..that sh*t killed me for years. but now im.at peace with it and realised she was trash. But the fact is that there is nothing i can really do . women just do not like men with my genetics small height frame weak face pale ugly balding. all.the traits women dont like ! yes i couls work hard again but it takes tremendous effort for marginal improvements in results. im learning to accept it and just be without women thats my fate. we cant all win. some of us have to lose. some people are born disabled ffs


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the problem is "myself" is ugly and unnatractive. I've never met a women who liked me for me. It's a bitter pill to swallow. Do you see my dilemma now?
it just involved extreme dieting, eating, training, taking certain supplements, etc putting my hormones through hell feeling like sh*t trialling things etc just to be attractive for a chance with an average women is it worthit?
Obviously it is worth it. But not because you want to attract a girl. You should do it for yourself. You should have some standards for yourself. High standards.

When you have low standards for yourself, people can tell and will treat you like sh*t. Choose whether you want to be an alpha or a beta b**ch that gets treated like sh*t.


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If you're negative 24/7 or are constantly complaining, bitter then of course nobody will like you. (do you have a lot of male friends btw?)

Your looks can be fixed with a hair system, clothes and having a normal body. You don't need steroids or other crap, hell most women don't even like that buffed look.

Also learn to respect yourself, no sh*t you won't change positively if you keep on repeating you're worthless in your head. Your biggest issue is your mindset, please try to adopt a positive mindset, despite how hard that may sound.

Oh yeah; a thing that helped me was having a SELECTIVE "not giving a fck" approach. You will get shot down in the dating game but you need to learn to not give a fck about that. Rejection is part of life in every aspect but you can't let it get you down.

go tell a disabled deformed balding 5 ft 2 man to just change his mind set and women will like him
lol that book is cringe i read it only low iq people think its some breath takijng new science
vrry cringe


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i dont care about rejection at all never
Lol so you're disabled and deformed now? Come on man. Also how tall are you really, don't bullshit us.

Of course that book is not "new science", it's just distilled in a way for the average person to understand the concept.
im.saying that mind set means f*** all
i had a gf when i was jobless and depressed


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How long do you have pfs? And did anything to improve it?
Dropped for a week and still haven't had a morning wood in quite a while now. Feeling tired, lethargic, low libido, sh*t erections, anxious and depressed, not feeling 100% masculine

I was in denial for a long time. But it's indisputable that antiandrogens have fucked me up massively. The funny thing is that they also fucked up my hair so much. Literally garbage, useless drugs that have caused me to suffer inflammation and shedding that still haven't fully gone away, even though they have decreased a lot after dropping it

I will cycle Proviron, Cabergoline and Clomid for few months until i'm cured. It will f*** my hair up even more. But i have no choice at this point, i feel like sh*t everyday


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I think the people on this forum should be viewed as "reinforcers", not mentors ;) Feelsbadman is running on some sort of internal treadmill of self-pity, defeatism and negativity. A stable, self-reinforcing loop. And we are all basically reinforcing the loop. Then again, if we weren't doing it, somebody else would.

You are right, Marcus Halberstram


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Since you have no vices to stay in your country like no friends, relationships, etc. I'd suggest you move to a country which is both a holiday destination, low cost of living and they have really good looking women which don't care how you look as long as you have money. Like Thailand for example.

You'd be able to f*** as many hot women as you want.

And your cost of living would be low, so you could save your money for the upcoming hair treatments or if you can't wait just get a hair transplant in like Turkey for a fraction of the cost. Live like a king in Thailand. Get a job in Thailand.

Also, it's a lot easier to feel more confident in a country like that where you don't know anyone, there's a lot less pressure and competition for you as a man, and also it's a holiday destination.

Also, no I've never gotten with a mtf, I'm 100% straight till I die.

I still suggest you get a hair system, will really help your self esteem. Fake it till you make it.

If you don't already have a good/decent paying job, you can easily switch to teaching English in Thailand. With a degree you can make an okay amount of money but since the cost of living is low af, its quite good.

Also, living in Thailand you can make a lot of friends as the new guy.
Do you live in Thailand?