Well, I ordered one...


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...a hair integration, that is.

It's a mesh top with 1-inch mesh openings that I can pull my own hair through. It also has clips--placed fairly low on my head, where the hair isn't so delicate. It's made of human hair, costs $800, and it will last for a year. (I'm doing a bartering deal, so I'll be getting the first one for $400.)

It will look like a medium amount of my own hair, tied on a mesh weave, and the weight of my own hair will help hold it down (along with the clips, of course). I'm lucky, because my real hair looks pretty much like Indian hair, which is what they use--and I won't have to bleach or dye it, which means the piece will last much longer.

Why now? Because after a year of using every hair-loss product know to man and woman, I "suddenly" noticed that the hair on the center of my head is also thinning. It seemed that one day it was fine, the next I could see scalp.

Although my hair still looks normal after I've styled it, I'm not waiting around for improvement--it ain't gonna happen. I've accepted it, and I'm not going to mourn it anymore. I'm getting older, these things happen, I'm married to a lovely man, have a pretty good life, and screw it--I just can't torment myself anymore.

I feel pretty good. The woman at the salon wears a piece herself (she unclipped it and showed me her real hair--it wasn't even that bad) told me, "I could get away with NOT wearing one, but I don't have the hair I want anymore."

That's the way I'm looking at it. I don't have the hair I want anymore, and I'm doing something about it.

I'll get it in about 6 weeks--I'll keep you posted.