Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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To the people who say that needling alone isn’t working. Or working very minimally. I don’t think that’s a surprise. There have been a few cases of people growing hair with just needling but they were very aggressive with their regimes.

I personally think if done intensively enough needling can grow hair on its own. I think the science is there.

However even follicas patent involves the use of a growth stimulant after needling to “wake up” dormant follicles.

I think the million dollar question is can we keep compounding on those results indefinitely.


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10 months in doing just needling alone with nothing else.

Hair has never looked worse, confirmed with pictures. There looks to be some minor thickening in some parts but overall theres a net loss in density. Have developed a slight island around the forelock which I never really had before. I'm a diffuser and unfortunately it's done nothing for me.

Thinking of adding minoxidil but something inside keeps saying not to. I feel like I'd be a rogaine prisoner and the results (if I get any) would be temporary cos every1 knows that a few years after you'll be back below baseline.

Either way I need to do something, hair fibers aren't really cutting it any more with the hairstyles I want.

Have you done a thyroid, heavy metal blood and vitamin D test?


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this is very good. Is it me or wounding does something?
hey @squeeqee post the calcification and vascularization pictures before after of scalp biopsies for our friends to see what's happening under the skin surface with wounding.

Depending on the severity of stimulates new collagen production and within that collagen new stem cells are present and they either turn into skin cells or hair follicle cells, minoxidil brings in the needed blood circulation to kick the cells into hair follicle cells more rapidly.


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Ok people, we can stop harming our scalps I've found our new hair cut



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Ok people, we can stop harming our scalps I've found our new hair cut

View attachment 128632

I should look at this and straight away I should be thinking of Tekken but my first thought was his baldness and probable lack of donor hair.


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So, today i can say that i have won the battle with my hairloss, i know i still have NW6-7 pattern, but now i dont care anymore about my hairloss, just apply some hair fibers on my crown and im NW0 - 1
No stress,No social anxiety, and most importantly my desire to live returned
Good luck guys :)
DermaPen+Min WORKS


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i want to share my exp
minoxidil gave me good results along with microneedling
but after my 6 or 7 month my heart start to exp some bad sides he1rt palpitation left side spc , i have all heart stroke symptomes
i advice every one to consult a doctor im almost 10 days off and still having sides .i hope it did not damaged my blood vessels
be carefull


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i want to share my exp
minoxidil gave me good results along with microneedling
but after my 6 or 7 month my heart start to exp some bad sides he1rt palpitation left side spc , i have all heart stroke symptomes
i advice every one to consult a doctor im almost 10 days off and still having sides .i hope it did not damaged my blood vessels
be carefull
Just apply minoxidil every three days, it will work


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think i will wait a little longer to see how it goes ,believe me when i tell you that im scared from death , its that seriou not trying to scare you up ,abdominal strange pain left arm is num sometimes , i literally can feel my left heart vessels pain its that serious overall weakness that i did never experinced before , and it did not go away for more than a week now..hope you all the best

Super Metroid

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think i will wait a little longer to see how it goes ,believe me when i tell you that im scared from death , its that seriou not trying to scare you up ,abdominal strange pain left arm is num sometimes , i literally can feel my left heart vessels pain its that serious overall weakness that i did never experinced before , and it did not go away for more than a week now..hope you all the best

If it is that serious, there might be more going on than just you taking minoxidil. Good luck.


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hello guys . my new photos


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think i will wait a little longer to see how it goes ,believe me when i tell you that im scared from death , its that seriou not trying to scare you up ,abdominal strange pain left arm is num sometimes , i literally can feel my left heart vessels pain its that serious overall weakness that i did never experinced before , and it did not go away for more than a week now..hope you all the best

About 10 years ago I was taking both Dutasteride and Minoxidil. I was fine on Minoxidil, but after taking Dutas I started getting shortness of breath. Initially, I didn't know what was going on. It started very simply, where once a week I'd experience shortness of breath, and then it was twice a week and so on. About 10 months later I got a pounding rapid heartbeat that scared the hell out of me. And at times I could barely speak.

I called my doctor and he told me to go to the ER. It turned out the Dutasteride was the culprit. They took me off the drug and I immediately felt better. Two weeks later the problem was gone and I've stayed away from Dutas ever since. Honestly, while I was on Dutas, my hair never got any better. I went back on Finasteride and was just fine. I hadn't had any side effects. Now I'm off Finasteride completely. The only thing I'm using now if needling and Minoxidil after that. I haven't lost any hair since then, and I'm seeing some growth in my crown.

jay kim

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hello guys . my new photos

Nice job. Congratulations! Damn I can see where your hairline is going to be. Can I ask you if you think minoxidil will lose effect long term? You have been using it for awhile and there are people saying minoxidil stop working after a few years. Can you comment on that.


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How many years do people generally use minoxidil before they see the effectiveness of minoxidil start reducing or stop?