Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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Random question: how often should we wash our hair to minimize damage? I try not to wash everyday, but using minoxidil twice a day leaves my scalp itchy if I don’t wash.

Supposedly it’s not good for the scalp and hair to be washed and shampooed everyday, I try to only shampoo hair 3-4 days a week but sometimes everyday. You may want to look into getting a dry leave-in shampoo for days you want to skip a wash.

Mandar kumthekar

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How many people following this thread have good results? I don't see any photos showing improvement. This thread has most comments but is it worth to stick to dermarolling ? I mean what if it turn bad than good at the end.

Seeñor Pelitos

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How many people following this thread have good results? I don't see any photos showing improvement. This thread has most comments but is it worth to stick to dermarolling ? I mean what if it turn bad than good at the end.
I started on May 1st so I will be uploading before and after pics on August at the 3 month mark and then again at the 6th month.

Me Vs DiffuseThinning

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My hands now are full of thick and very black hair, my face, especially cheeks (slightly below the eyes) also all in new thick&black hair, every week i need to shave my face (cheeks, forehead) and hands...But i dont have result on my scalp....... why ?
P.S. even my eyebrows are a little wider and thicker :D:D
You will see earlier results on hair that is already in better shape. The thinnest hair will take the longest time to thicken up.


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LMAO WHAT THE f*** haha, now this is what i call a hair loss treatment followup and progress tracking haha, i'm amazed... You really deserve your hair congrats and i hope you keep it as long as possible... I really don't get this people who still think it does not work when they see progress like yours, not talking about CHEN who went from completely BALD to NW2 or NarWhal7 even if he used finasteride, you must be really retarded to not believe it, completely fucked up in the brain... f*****g amazing, your consistence has payed off, well played guys, well played !

This years i came to the conclusion that most people are not consistent and can't stick with it that's why they don't get results... A lot just want to take a pill and that's that, most don't even take that pill every day, skip days or weeks and after wonder, don't want to talk about rolling daily like CHEN did 2 times a day with 2 applications of minoxidil for 2 years, just a few manage... The non result ones, it's true that some don't respond, it's normal some have very aggressive hair loss, some are in very late stages and it take time to reverse but most after 3 months or 1 year max abandon it all even if in that year they were not consistent anyways with it... You get bald in 10 years and you expect hair back in 3 months, pathetic... Over 50% of minoxidil users world wide quit after the first shed because the panic settles in i saw a study somewhere, i was one of them so i can relate to it...

The truth is that most people just want a pill and they don't even take that constantly, but i understand in some way, when i see an old 70 year old f*** who did nothing for his hair all his life, it's seems like a curse for us to do something just to keep it, don't want to talk about being bald like CHEN was and sticking with it until you start to see cosmetic results, but look at him now, i saved his photos and look at them from now and then just to give me encouragement in doing it also consistently...

I’m not familiar with this CHEN guys progress, do you know where I can find his progress info/photos?


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It starts from the 10th comment and go on with the pages until he finishes or search his post history by viewing his profile !

An extraordinary member of this forum made a summary of the majority of success stories on this thread and that's how i started also being difficult to go through 500 pages until you find the results... 400 of this pages are finasteride fanatics trying to dismiss everything because they could not believe their eyes... When guys like Chen came in none of them said nothing lmao, it's like when a success story like his comes around they all disappear !

Here you have the summary post, it misses some lately results but it's still well made of the majority of success stories...

This guy beaten all the records but he is taking finasteride also, NarWhal7 is his profile name, here is his post..

Another great result from user Jamesdunn comment 17 on the page, comment 3, 7 and 14 on the next page.

And this guy that i commented above i first saw on reddit, half of the site accused him that he had topic on his hair and that it's not real, the post got buried and after i found him here with this tremendous photo album that shows every step of his progress...

Great stuff! Thanks man!


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Close up pic of my mole on my temple. Can just about make it out on right pic.


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Super Metroid

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Interesting results! Two questions (they are probably somewhere around here, but 500+ pages is a bit much to search through)

- What protocol did guys who have success with this method use? How long are the needles, how long do they apply the dermaroller, how many times a week etc?

- Can we make sure the pictures posted are legit? Someone could in theory post pictures of the current state as baseline and then upload older pics, where the hair loss is less severe, and present that as the treatment working or anything. You know, just trying to be sure. Some journeys presented here look amazing, going from pretty bald to the point where the average person wouldn't even see the person is losing hair at all...


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Interesting results! Two questions (they are probably somewhere around here, but 500+ pages is a bit much to search through)

- What protocol did guys who have success with this method use? How long are the needles, how long do they apply the dermaroller, how many times a week etc?

- Can we make sure the pictures posted are legit? Someone could in theory post pictures of the current state as baseline and then upload older pics, where the hair loss is less severe, and present that as the treatment working or anything. You know, just trying to be sure. Some journeys presented here look amazing, going from pretty bald to the point where the average person wouldn't even see the person is losing hair at all...

You can find all that info without looking through 500 pages. I'm happy to help but this is just lazy.


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Sorry - not great pics but hopefully they show the growth I have seen since the end of February. The hair is a little longer in the second pic which might exaggerate the growth but there is definitely progress.
My regimen is 5% minoxidil - 2x daily
Dermapen at 2 mm at least once every 10 days
Dermastamp at 1.5 mm every 3 days
Nizoral once per week
I have just added finasteride to my regimen in the last 3 weeks


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Sorry - not great pics but hopefully they show the growth I have seen since the end of February. The hair is a little longer in the second pic which might exaggerate the growth but there is definitely progress.
My regimen is 5% minoxidil - 2x daily
Dermapen at 2 mm at least once every 10 days
Dermastamp at 1.5 mm every 3 days
Nizoral once per week
I have just added finasteride to my regimen in the last 3 weeks

Some nice early growth, keep at it!

Super Metroid

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Check the 3rd comment above your comment you have there a link of a summary thread that has most of the results with everybody's progress and regimes and links to every single one of them... I don't get you guys what the f*** are you reading ?

I replied in this thread without checking the recent posts. But fair enough and thanks for summarizing!

And the second question, are you serious ? Let's say that one idiot would do that, even if i would not understand why would somebody lie because nobody is selling nothing, just people who want to save their hair and share their progress because they are compassionate about others also and because they are happy with their results and want to share them... But thinking that every single one of them would do this, what the f*** level of paranoia must you have into thinking like that ? I don't trust sh*t and nobody and i would still not believe it or find a reasons for people to lie in that manner, especially that they don't have nothing to sell or any benefit from that lie....

Stop smoking weed omfg, it makes you paranoid lmao ...

I am from Amsterdam, but I neved touched weed ;)

If you see the poster Narwhal for instance, who went from being nw7 to no hair loss at all, I think it is legitimized to ask the question. Not that I don't believe him, but just to make sure. His results are better than what Shiseido, Tsuji etc. would bring even if they would be able to deliver on the hype. If it looks to good to be true, than at least ask questions.

Will start a dermarolling protocol as well btw, let's see what this brings :)


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I replied in this thread without checking the recent posts. But fair enough and thanks for summarizing!

I am from Amsterdam, but I neved touched weed ;)

If you see the poster Narwhal for instance, who went from being nw7 to no hair loss at all, I think it is legitimized to ask the question. Not that I don't believe him, but just to make sure. His results are better than what Shiseido, Tsuji etc. would bring even if they would be able to deliver on the hype. If it looks to good to be true, than at least ask questions.

Will start a dermarolling protocol as well btw, let's see what this brings :)
I am a real person, but I dunno about chen or that 74775446 guy :)


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I feel like my hair has gotten worse since April (thickness) but my hairline looks like it is improving. I think I might be shedding so I might improve in the upcoming months. Just needling and finasteride. Going to start Min in a few months, might as well go all out.

It looks like the temples are slowly filling in?


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jay kim

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Hey guys. Do any of you think using minoxidil 4x a week would give me any benefit?

My regimen

Finastaride 1mg daily
Microneedling 3x a week at 1.25 mm
Minoxidil morning 4x/week
Biotin 10000mg/daily
Vitamin D/daily
College peptide tablet/daily
Nizoral shampoo 2x/week

Thanks in advance