Update On Prostaglandin Protocol. Officially An Alternative To Finasteride And Minoxidil.


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Started receding around my temples around age 15-16. The male pattern baldness gene is extremely aggressive in my family and i even have sisters and mothers who have hair loss. All the men are norwood 6 by age 32 in my family.

Below is my highschool graduation pic (year 2006). Its hard to see but I had recession in my temples that I would cover my growing my hair long.



Before (April 2016)

Right Temple


After (May 2018)

Right Temple

After (July 2018)




  • No sexual or anti-androgenic sides like finasteride i.e erection/libido issues, thinning the beard (allegedly), body comp changes
  • no skin sides like minoxidil i.e bloating/water retention, dark circles, wrinkles (allegedly)
  • Setipiprant @ 2g/day massively reduces acne. Havent had a pimple in forever
  • You can get it right now through private sources

  • Expensive as f***. Seti is $11/day @ 2g/day and PGE2 is about $1.40/day @ 1mg/EOD
  • You might notice its hard to stay asleep for the first week. It goes away though.


My Current Regimen

  • 1g Setipiprant taken orally every 12hrs
  • 1mg Prostaglandin E2 in 3ml of distilled water applied topically to scalp after very lightly microneedling session (goal is not wounding or to draw blood and should not be painful!). I usually do this every 2-3 days.
Edit: Im also taking 2400mg/day of n-acetylcysteine as a bonus treatment since its really cheap and easy to get and it supposedly stops the crosstalk between PGD2 and testosterone in the hair follicle.

Also Im not sure if this helps at all but Im also on nofap.


This has been a looong ride with a lot of tinkering and trial and error. I can say that all of the growth is from pge2+microneedling. Seti is only for maintenance and a prerequisite for pge2 to work. For pge2 to work you must also microneedle before applying it.

I made a huge mistake in assuming that seti would be enough and all that was needed to get regrowth. I can not stress how important both are (Seti+pge2) and it makes sense since Allergan the company thats doing trials for seti is also doing trials for bimatoprost a PGF2α agonist.

Im making really good gains still. The areas where I had hair but were thinning (my vertex area) are extremely thick now. im 100% satisfied for those areas.

As for my temples and crown where i had severe hairloss its filling in very nicely.

EDIT: You dont have to wait 2 year for these results.

Almost all of the regrowth have been in the last 3 months because of the PGE2+microneedling I added.

Seti alone will only give you maintenance and why I got a lot of flack for posting updates with minimum results over the last 2 years since people were expecting solid regrowth (I did Seti alone for a while and then I did PGE2 in ethanol topically but in hindsight it turns out the PGE2 in ethanol didnt do much now that I recently started with PGE2+microneedling)

Like i said it was all trial and error and it looks like Im finally on to something with the PGE2+microneedling



Setipiprant FAQ

Microneedling + Prostaglandin E2 FAQ
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Hmm, not sure. Maybe it wasnt worth it since they have another PGF2α agonist (latanoprost)

Hey are you on /r/Braincels as well?


What do you think about Braincels? I'm not sure if it suits me. It would also be another time sink.


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What form of PGe2, how often? i recall reading about wildly varying half-lives between the different forms.


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Hei @westonci , thanks for your update. Very usefull. One question:
What do you think about the topical use of setipiprant? I talk about an high concentration, using salted setipiprant, like 10 or 15 %. Thank you.


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@westonci There is visible regrowth, no doubt!
Thank you for your contribution and your efforts despite the negative comments.
btw, can we see a picture of the temples?


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Decent results that price is way too ridiculous to be a proper alternative, even if it would be only half the price.


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300 per month for 2 years? rly? O_O

You dont have to wait 2 year for these results.

Almost all of the regrowth have been in the last 3 months because of the PGE2+microneedling I added.

Seti alone will only give you maintenance and why I got a lot of flack for posting updates with minimum results over the last 2 years since people were expecting solid regrowth (I did Seti alone for a while and then I did PGE2 in ethanol topically but in hindsight it turns out the PGE2 in ethanol didnt do much now that I recently started with PGE2+microneedling)

Like i said it was all trial and error and it looks like Im finally on to something with the PGE2+microneedling
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Senior Member
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A great success story, no doubt. Without Seti he would be totally bald, for sure. Yeah ... It's true. Seti works. It's wonderful. I'm so relieved now, we have our cure.

You're really childish and annoying in Seti threads. What's your problem? Jaded that it doesn't regrow a NW1?


My Regimen
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I was not sarcastic ... I'm really relieved. We have our cure. A lot of guys after seeing this post are going to jump on Seti. You will see.


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I resubmit my question:
@westonci What do you think about the topical use of setipiprant? I talk about an high concentration, using salted setipiprant, like 10 or 15 %. Just for manteinance with less costs. Just your opinion, thank you.