Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji


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The price is not clarified...
For example 22-44million yen for a norwood 7 to a norwood 1?what is the price for the coverage of one norwood scale?


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I love you guys, but I am getting really annoyed by this overabundance of posts detailing your personal take on the socio-cultural and evolutionary implications of losing hair. Laymen's psychology is not really my thing, neither is this the place for it....and your contributions simply aren't interesting enough to read to justify a diversion from the topic at hand.
If you think that having the same haircut as Sokrates turns you into a philosopher you are simply wrong.

Yeah, I'm done with this self loathing toxic bullshit. PetersonKj you have mental illness and if you keep posting things like that I'm gone


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So glad I only check this website like once a month
Yup, I'm going to get off this website for a while. 'that guy' is literally 12 years old and petersonKj is trying to get a ton of strangers to give him emotional support in the damn Tsuji thread. Get off this thread unless you want to act like a normal human being please

Pray The Bald Away

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It's great to see that progress is being made in Tsuji's camp! I'll be looking forward to seeing how to price drops over time. I know some are disappointed by parts of the recent news, myself included, but regardless it's still pretty encouraging to know a cure exists.

And on the off-topic discussion, it's odd how one's priorities can change. Before I used to consider hair to be of paramount importance. I would almost rather lose my left hand than go bald. It wasn't until I started getting bad adult acne that began to scar that I stopped giving a sh*t about my hair loss. I got on isotretinoin (a drug infamous for horrible diffuse hair loss) and hoped that it would stop the acne scarring and didn't really worry about it destroying my hair. I guess when you face more horrific things, aesthetically speaking, it puts everything in a different perspective. That's not to discount the suffering of those experiencing hair loss; it still feels devastating in most cases, t's just odd how one's feelings can change over time.


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Let's get right down to brass tacks...

MOST bald(ing) older men right now are still laying down in an already warm bed beside their wives and can sleep knowing they were successful in the gene pool...

It's almost 11pm. I'm going to bed. 'Night guys.


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I guess when you face more horrific things, aesthetically speaking, it puts everything in a different perspective. That's not to discount the suffering of those experiencing hair loss; it still feels devastating in most cases, t's just odd how one's feelings can change over time.
This is for everyone not anyone in particular.
I'm not one to spam this subforum, especially a Tsuji thread but forgive me for doing it once. It's a bit lengthy vid but if you feel like watching it...

There's a quote near the end: "If you want your life, you will go out and get it". I've struggled all my life with this, partly because of complex PTSD, since before the whole hair thing started, but she's right. Let's all become a little more proactive in the face of fuckery guys. You are your brain and your choices, not your hair.
Ok I'll stop before this gets too cringey.

Not trying to downplay hair loss, think of it as damage control
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Of course it will, but that if they go to production in 2021 or 2030 or whatever......

How will it though ? if its an injection of cells rather than a typical transplanted accurately positioned graft it doesn't sound plausible for diffusers

Pray The Bald Away

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In the case of diffuse thinners, I think Tsuji might be a cure depending on the physiological causes for the hair loss. In people with DPA, it will unequivocally be the cure. In those with DUPA, it's a much more complicated answer.

Often times, DUPA is caused by an underlying health problem unrelated to androgens. One example is cell apoptosis caused by cancer treatment. This induces DUPA hair loss on the head. Since cancer treatment is (hopefully) not an ongoing thing, if there is hair left afterwards, this treatment will be able to use the little left over to create a full head of hair. If one has a genetic issue that causes progressive thinning across the scalp, we are to assume there is something either inherently wrong with the scalp/follicle, or there is some physiological issue that needs to be addressed.

I can say with a degree of confidence that this treatment will not work for everyone. Some people have progressive thinning of scalp hair that affects the sides and back as well. If this means there is a defect or unfixable damage to all the follicles, one would think that culturing the cells from these follicles would yield damaged follicles as well. However this isn't certain, since harvesting and combining these cells may yield brand new follicles that haven't been affected by the offending physiological genetic condition. In this case, you could expect the hairs to last just as long as the old ones did (potentially decades).

I guess the point is just that scientists don't really know where the damage resides in many cases of DUPA, so it's hard to say if this treatment could yield healthy follicles from the cells of damaged ones. There's still a light at the end of the tunnel though, since IPSC solutions are on the horizon that create brand new cells from drawn blood. So eventually everyone will be able to get their hair back. Even patients with immune system problems, provided they address those problems first.


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Alright, 4 months to 2020. How many hairs has your "god" put on a human head yet?

You seem nice. I don’t think anyone here has believed hair loss would be “cured” by Tsuji by 2020... And it is likely that they’re releasing a press release at the end of the year. Please get off this thread if you’re going to act like a preschooler