Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji


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[QUOTE="When is follica going to be released? I haven’t been following it.[/QUOTE]



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in may he claimed that celino will give us an update on their product and it's efficacy in july at latest. it's almost september and i haven't heard anything from celino
Im not too concerned about that cause it’s a bullshit product


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you already fooled us a couple of times. so go and f*** yourself with your "credible sources"

It sounds like there actually will be a press release end of year 2019 though. It sounds like everyone in this industry is pretty flaky on press releases though. (@Replicel/ RCH-01)


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I can spend 50k max on tsuji
Tsuji is going to have to compete with all the other cloning companies. Plus invitrohair, I believe somewhere mentioned that their hair cloning treatment would be not that much more than a traditional hair transplant. Now I'm not 100% certain where I've seen that from but 200k is just a bit too high if other companies are trying to compete.


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Tsuji is going to have to compete with all the other cloning companies. Plus invitrohair, I believe somewhere mentioned that their hair cloning treatment would be not that much more than a traditional hair transplant. Now I'm not 100% certain where I've seen that from but 200k is just a bit too high if other companies are trying to compete.
Close to 12 euro per follicle. Which means 10000 follicles for 120000. And I'm sure even that price may go down over the years with more and more hair treatments available.


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Tsuji is going to have to compete with all the other cloning companies. Plus invitrohair, I believe somewhere mentioned that their hair cloning treatment would be not that much more than a traditional hair transplant. Now I'm not 100% certain where I've seen that from but 200k is just a bit too high if other companies are trying to compete.
What is the status on Invitro anyway how soon are they saying?

That Guy

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Tsuji is going to have to compete with all the other cloning companies.

There is no competition, again.

Anyone else in this business either has nothing yet, or is very far away from launch.

I would bet money that this will be on the market for ~10 years before there's any real competitor — anywhere.


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There is no competition, again.

Anyone else in this business either has nothing yet, or is very far away from launch.

I would bet money that this will be on the market for ~10 years before there's any real competitor — anywhere.

Stemson plan to commercialise by 2026.

The FDA will also likely change its regulation of autologous treatments - as the UK have done already.


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Tsuji is going to have to compete with all the other cloning companies. Plus invitrohair, I believe somewhere mentioned that their hair cloning treatment would be not that much more than a traditional hair transplant. Now I'm not 100% certain where I've seen that from but 200k is just a bit too high if other companies are trying to compete.

Invitrohair is at what stage? Market release?


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I doubt it.

Just like Tsuji 'planned' for 2020 release and are doing a few people even if it is at vast expense. They will change their cell treatment policy - with other western nations they have little choice if the US wants to play a roll in cell based regenerative medicine before everyone gets so established in the coming years.

That Guy

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negative nancy

No, that's being a realist.

The fact that Tsuji is this close is a small miracle, as far as the history of this industry is concerned.

Most of the others are years away from human trials yet, and that's if they ever get there — many of them have no idea how to multiply the cells yet.

But let's say Stemson Therapeutics does come out in 2026, and maybe there is a price drop. How old will you be?


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No, that's being a realist.

The fact that Tsuji is this close is a small miracle, as far as the history of this industry is concerned.

Most of the others are years away from human trials yet, and that's if they ever get there — many of them have no idea how to multiply the cells yet.

But let's say Stemson Therapeutics does come out in 2026, and maybe there is a price drop. How old will you be?
Hes not replying and I'd like to hear your point on the age though continue say im in my 40s what then? Im too old? I should forego it on some age principle?

That Guy

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Hes not replying and I'd like to hear your point on the age though continue say im in my 40s what then? Im too old? I should forego it on some age principle?

Let's get right down to brass tacks.

There are but 3 reasons any man wants his hair:

1. Women. They want hair so that they can keep up their best-possible appearance to attract and keep a mate so that their blood may continue in the great continuum of human existence.

2. Also women, but for purely hedonistic pursuits.

3. Personal image and peace of mind.

The one to strive for should be 1, but 2 is very common (should probably be discouraged) and the truth is that 3 is most applicable to older men. Older men who are likely already married and have several children.

Despite the tortured wishes of plenty, hair is NOT as important for middle-age+ for a man. At that age, you should not be seeking to "date" or go out partying with all these friends and trying to fit into club scenes and sh*t like the youth do; you shouldn't be trying to gain their approval. If you are, you've fucked up somewhere. That's just the brutal truth. Socially, it's just not as important.

However, this is not going to be so much the case for millenials, zoomers, and maybe Generation Alpha as well. Unfortunately, our generation is largely failing to reproduce at a shocking rate; many young men of this generation have not, or will not pass on their genes. This is an entirely different subject to write about, at great length, so we'll have to omit the reasons for now

but what it means is that many of us will have to snipe women from the younger generation if we hope to ever have families. It's very, very difficult already as a young man to be in such a position right now to get married and stay that way to millennial women, and certainly nowhere near as good as our parents, and definitely not as good as our grandparents had it. Women aren't generally opposed to older men, but they want older men who LOOK like younger men, and hair is absolutely essential to that.

MOST bald(ing) older men right now are still laying down in an already warm bed beside their wives and can sleep knowing they were successful in the gene pool.

Most millennial men, even decent-looking ones, are struggling to just get by. Struggling even harder to find a suitable woman for motherhood. In fact, it is a very real, very sad truth, that many of us will die childless and alone.

So, any man right now in his mid-20s or so should absolutely not being waiting through his sexual prime for Tsuji — you can't afford it in currency of time nor dollars.

Get on finasteride, get on minoxidil, look into transplants, and save your money for Follica and Shiseido so that you can take advantage of what these can do for you. For most medium-low norwoods, these will be sufficient.

A fullhead of hair isn't going to do you much good when you're 45, all alone, and any woman you're much likely to get with now is probably barren. A fullhead of hair isn't going to fill that void where happiness is supposed to go. Instead, you'll wind up one of these 50-year-old bugmen in Cpt. America shirts.


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Let's get right down to brass tacks.

There are but 3 reasons any man wants his hair:

1. Women. They want hair so that they can keep up their best-possible appearance to attract and keep a mate so that their blood may continue in the great continuum of human existence.

2. Also women, but for purely hedonistic pursuits.

3. Personal image and peace of mind.

The one to strive for should be 1, but 2 is very common (should probably be discouraged) and the truth is that 3 is most applicable to older men. Older men who are likely already married and have several children.

Despite the tortured wishes of plenty, hair is NOT as important for middle-age+ for a man. At that age, you should not be seeking to "date" or go out partying with all these friends and trying to fit into club scenes and sh*t like the youth do; you shouldn't be trying to gain their approval. If you are, you've fucked up somewhere. That's just the brutal truth. Socially, it's just not as important.

However, this is not going to be so much the case for millenials, zoomers, and maybe Generation Alpha as well. Unfortunately, our generation is largely failing to reproduce at a shocking rate; many young men of this generation have not, or will not pass on their genes. This is an entirely different subject to write about, at great length, so we'll have to omit the reasons for now

but what it means is that many of us will have to snipe women from the younger generation if we hope to ever have families. It's very, very difficult already as a young man to be in such a position right now to get married and stay that way to millennial women, and certainly nowhere near as good as our parents, and definitely not as good as our grandparents had it. Women aren't generally opposed to older men, but they want older men who LOOK like younger men, and hair is absolutely essential to that.

MOST bald(ing) older men right now are still laying down in an already warm bed beside their wives and can sleep knowing they were successful in the gene pool.

Most millennial men, even decent-looking ones, are struggling to just get by. Struggling even harder to find a suitable woman for motherhood. In fact, it is a very real, very sad truth, that many of us will die childless and alone.

So, any man right now in his mid-20s or so should absolutely not being waiting through his sexual prime for Tsuji — you can't afford it in currency of time nor dollars.

Get on finasteride, get on minoxidil, look into transplants, and save your money for Follica and Shiseido so that you can take advantage of what these can do for you. For most medium-low norwoods, these will be sufficient.

A fullhead of hair isn't going to do you much good when you're 45, all alone, and any woman you're much likely to get with now is probably barren. A fullhead of hair isn't going to fill that void where happiness is supposed to go. Instead, you'll wind up one of these 50-year-old bugmen in Cpt. America shirts.

The problem is that both men and women marry later than they did 10 years ago and have children later. So now it is increasingly rare to see couples with children under 30.

From the age of 30 everything changes, not only is the physical, now is economic stability (the most important thing), monotony, attitude to respond before problems that life is emerging etc.. My current girlfriend is 6 years younger than me, and she doesn't give a sh*t about my hair.

About dying alone most of us as if it were a failure is totally stupid, you can have several children and no one will save you from having problems or when they grow up forget you.

Receiving hair helps us to have a better self-esteem and feel more confident with ourselves both to be in a couple and for work etc and I know many people over 45 who are undergoing transplants and treatments with micropigmentation. I think that if Tsuji intends to market it, he will opt to open the market to as many people as possible.


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I love you guys, but I am getting really annoyed by this overabundance of posts detailing your personal take on the socio-cultural and evolutionary implications of losing hair. Laymen's psychology is not really my thing, neither is this the place for it....and your contributions simply aren't interesting enough to read to justify a diversion from the topic at hand.
If you think that having the same haircut as Sokrates turns you into a philosopher you are simply wrong.