Uncensoring A Previously Censored Website


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My Regimen
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So for several years we have had even the mention of baldtruthtaIk censored from this site. Anytime someone would try to type it in a post, it would automatically change to ****************. This was primarily because of a run-in I had with Spencer more than a decade ago when we attempted to work together as hair loss sites.

It's strange how things can seem perfectly normal to you for so many years, and then you wake up one day and realize what a petty, childish thing you've done. I logged in here today and saw a reference to it with the asterisks. I realized that if I were visiting this site for the first time, and saw something like that, I would think the owner of this site was not the type of person that I would respect. That he's not someone who handles situations appropriately. And I would be embarrassed for him. It struck me how ridiculous it is to try and block all mention of a website - especially more than 10 years after an isolated incident.

I've decided to remove the censorship on the mention of the bald truth site, as I am embarrassed that I even made this decision in the first place. Spencer has poured his heart, and a large portion of his life into providing a service that nobody else bothers to provide for hair loss sufferers (at least not in any official capacity): Empathy. Despite all my experiences or opinions, when I watch his podcast, and someone calls and starts sharing their pain, I can see in his face that he honestly empathizes with them, and cares about what they have to say.

In that sense, we are both here for the same reason, and in that sense we are fighting the same fight, for the same people, towards the same goal. I'm honestly embarrassed that I ever thought swapping asterisks for letters was a mature way to handle a disagreement.



Experienced Member
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So for several years we have had even the mention of baldtruthtaIk censored from this site. Anytime someone would try to type it in a post, it would automatically change to ****************. This was primarily because of a run-in I had with Spencer more than a decade ago when we attempted to work together as hair loss sites.

It's strange how things can seem perfectly normal to you for so many years, and then you wake up one day and realize what a petty, childish thing you've done. I logged in here today and saw a reference to it with the asterisks. I realized that if I were visiting this site for the first time, and saw something like that, I would think the owner of this site was not the type of person that I would respect. That he's not someone who handles situations appropriately. And I would be embarrassed for him. It struck me how ridiculous it is to try and block all mention of a website - especially more than 10 years after an isolated incident.

I've decided to remove the censorship on the mention of the bald truth site, as I am embarrassed that I even made this decision in the first place. Spencer has poured his heart, and a large portion of his life into providing a service that nobody else bothers to provide for hair loss sufferers (at least not in any official capacity): Empathy. Despite all my experiences or opinions, when I watch his podcast, and someone calls and starts sharing their pain, I can see in his face that he honestly empathizes with them, and cares about what they have to say.

In that sense, we are both here for the same reason, and in that sense we are fighting the same fight, for the same people, towards the same goal. I'm honestly embarrassed that I ever thought swapping asterisks for letters was a mature way to handle a disagreement.

Cudos to you Admin.

Regardless this site is way better, that place has become a graveyard as of late.

Wish you continued success here as we all benefit from it.


My Regimen
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Thank you for doing that!! For those of us new to hair loss it is confusing when we see ***.


My Regimen
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bald truth talk is garbage. man that felt good! thanks admin!


Senior Member
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So for several years we have had even the mention of baldtruthtaIk censored from this site. Anytime someone would try to type it in a post, it would automatically change to ****************. This was primarily because of a run-in I had with Spencer more than a decade ago when we attempted to work together as hair loss sites.

It's strange how things can seem perfectly normal to you for so many years, and then you wake up one day and realize what a petty, childish thing you've done. I logged in here today and saw a reference to it with the asterisks. I realized that if I were visiting this site for the first time, and saw something like that, I would think the owner of this site was not the type of person that I would respect. That he's not someone who handles situations appropriately. And I would be embarrassed for him. It struck me how ridiculous it is to try and block all mention of a website - especially more than 10 years after an isolated incident.

I've decided to remove the censorship on the mention of the bald truth site, as I am embarrassed that I even made this decision in the first place. Spencer has poured his heart, and a large portion of his life into providing a service that nobody else bothers to provide for hair loss sufferers (at least not in any official capacity): Empathy. Despite all my experiences or opinions, when I watch his podcast, and someone calls and starts sharing their pain, I can see in his face that he honestly empathizes with them, and cares about what they have to say.

In that sense, we are both here for the same reason, and in that sense we are fighting the same fight, for the same people, towards the same goal. I'm honestly embarrassed that I ever thought swapping asterisks for letters was a mature way to handle a disagreement.

I know alot of people don't like Spencer for various reasons but he reminds me so much of myself in so many ways that I can relate to him. He was the first person who made me feel like I was not alone in "my thoughts" about body image problems including my hair. And I agree, his empathy is definitely genuine. I kind of feel like a "Spencer" on here as I empathize with so many members on here. Like I said before, this place is an excellent example of "group therapy". I think Spencer has a similar following.


New Member
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Takes a big man to admit faults. We all have them, but we all don't admit them. I bet you feel better.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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We all make mistakes. We're all in this fight together against hair loss, I believe that is important in this community.