Ugh... Sebum!


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What about a quality fish oil supplement? Fish oil is the only way you obtain EPA and DHA, flaxseed oil does not contain it. I've never heard that olive oil decreases blood flow however it has been noted that olive oil is prevalent in the mediterranean diet and it decreases the risk of hear disease.


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Hm well I just did a quick search about olive oil and heart health and it turns out you were right. It really isn't as healthy as its made out to be. Monosaturated fats really aren't healthy, they are just less unhealthy than saturated and trans fats.


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baller234 said:
What about a quality fish oil supplement? Fish oil is the only way you obtain EPA and DHA, flaxseed oil does not contain it. I've never heard that olive oil decreases blood flow however it has been noted that olive oil is prevalent in the mediterranean diet and it decreases the risk of hear disease.

Alpha-Linolenic acid, which is the omega-3 fatty acid found within flax seeds coverts to E.P.A. which then converts to D.H.A.


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baller234 said:
Hm well I just did a quick search about olive oil and heart health and it turns out you were right. It really isn't as healthy as its made out to be. Monosaturated fats really aren't healthy, they are just less unhealthy than saturated and trans fats.

Monounsaturated fat is definitely healthier than saturated fat or the nasty trans fat, but it doesn't make it "healthy"...this at first was hard for me to swallow, because I like to eat nuts (which contain larges amounts of monounsaturated fat). But after finding out that monounsaturated fat leads to decreased blow flow, I gave it the boot.

I now realizes that the body stores fat...So the more fat you eat, the more fat your body is gunna store away for times of famine.


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Could olive oil -- long considered the healthiest fat around -- be as bad for us as cheeseburgers or creamy desserts?

That's the jaw-dropping conclusion of University of Maryland heart specialist Robert Vogel, MD. At the March meeting of the American College of Cardiology, he stunned the nutrition world by warning that olive oil could be as dangerous to your heart and arteries as a Big Mac or a giant piece of cheesecake. "If you've been using olive oil because you think it's healthy," says Vogel, "it's time to think again."

Olive Oil? Bad for Your Heart?

Unfortunately, we've grown used to this kind of dietary flip-flop. Many Americans have begun to wonder if even the experts know what they're talking about. One day margarine is good for you, the next it's bad. One day vitamin E protects against heart disease, the next it offers no benefit at all. Now it's olive oil's turn.

Vogel tested the effects of three different meals on a group of 10 volunteers who had normal cholesterol levels. One meal consisted of canola oil and bread. Another was olive oil and bread. The third meal was a piece of salmon. All three meals contained 50 grams of fat.

But their effect on blood vessels was very different. Before and again three hours after each meal, Vogel's team measured constriction of the volunteers' arteries. Sharp constriction can injure the inner lining of blood vessels, according to Vogel.

The arteries didn't constrict much after the salmon meal. After the meal containing canola oil, they constricted slightly, reducing blood flow by 11%. After the olive oil and bread combination, however, blood flow plummeted 34% -- exactly the effect that Vogel had seen in previous research after volunteers ate a Big Mac with fries. ... ekey=50711


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^ So I shouldn't apply Olive Oil to my scalp?

Thanks for all the replies :bravo:


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Natwraggie said:
^ So I shouldn't apply Olive Oil to my scalp?

Thanks for all the replies :bravo:

Go with Jojoba oil.


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Tee1234 said:
I had a sebum buildup (95% sure it was sebum) a couple months back.

Jojoba Oil helped a lot.

Try Apple Cidear Vinegar..way better! :punk:


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follicle84 said:
Tell me why do you guys assume sebum is a bad thing apart from it being greasy? It has an important role in protecting hair not harming it. Just curios.

I doubt that sebum has any role at all, aside from helping contribute to acne. Aside from that, it neither hurts nor helps. The idea that it helps contribute to inflammation is interesting, but I'm not fully convinced that that's significant.


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follicle84 said:
My conclusion is that sebum is necessary to moisturise and hydrate the scalp...

Sebum doesn't moisturise or hydrate the skin or scalp. That's just an old wives' tale.

follicle84 said:
Interesting point about very shiny heads. This was discussed a while ago and some people came to the conclusion that it was to do with scaring of the follicles dying.

Do dying hair follicles get SCARED? :)


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Tee1234 said:
I had a sebum buildup (95% sure it was sebum) a couple months back.

Jojoba Oil helped a lot.

How did it do that?


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Bryan said:
Tee1234 said:
I had a sebum buildup (95% sure it was sebum) a couple months back.

Jojoba Oil helped a lot.

How did it do that?

The substance (again, 95% sure it was Sebum) hardened around the root of many of my hair follicles. The jojoba oil really loosened and dissolved the substance. I was able to pull a lot of the stuff off with my fingers after the jojoba oil did its thing.


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Wasn't ordinary shampoo able to remove that gunk?


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Natwraggie said:
^ So I shouldn't apply Olive Oil to my scalp?

I suppose that topical might be beneficial (considering olive oil contains beta-sitosterol), but I wouldn't recommend consuming it. If you really want to get rid of sebum...get dairy products, cholesterol, and other fats and oils out of your diet, then wash your hair with ketoconazole shampoo. This will definitely help ya!


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For many years I have heard that of all the oils out there, Jojoba oil is most like your own skin oil. I have also heard that it can go deep inside the pores and follicles and clean and dissolve and breakup sebum. I can say it does a great job on the skin as it penetrates deeply with time, it is very thin, never tried it on the scalp, maybe I will.

I have been hanging out with health nuts and hippies for years, and every VEGAN I know is extremely balding and has poor muscle tone. So better take lots of beta-sitosterol or something to counter the DHT!