Topical Dutasteride Case Assessment Thread


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You don't want it to penetrate , that is the entire point. It should be degraded or prevented from reaching the hypodermis and vascularizing but reach the dermis.

I did a scalp biopsy and my DHT was almost non existent on my scalp while I had low-normal levels in my blood.

This is ideal.
Hey Mustang, could you share the result of this biopsy with us?


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This statement I find amusing. You really think this forum and thread is the center of the universe? There is less information on this entire forum than in one page on other platforms. They are not going to come on here to post for you their success.

Which Forums can you recommend Mustang? Especially about the topic of Topical Duta?


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How is 12 hair transplants even possible? you got super duper thick donor hair or what? I dont believe you had 12 transplants never heard of anyone having it. and how rich are you to afford that? wtf bro... no wonder you aint losing hair after having 12 hair transplants. this guy sounds like a shill for the company that sell the topical duta I wouldnt trust him. besides this guy uses a special vehicle made by some local guy that doesnt contain alcohol or PG, no wonder it doesnt go systemic and he wouldnt reveal the ingredients either because he wanna try to sell the bottles to you for 50 bucks xD

and look what I found on another post of mustang.

I can't guarantee there won't be sides
All I know is that most of it does not go systemic as it would with a different vehicle or perhaps due to the molecular weight itself.

When I took oral dutasteride at 0.5mg I had 0 DHT (Below 30)
With topical dutasteride I take 20mg (2ml at 1%) which is 40 times higher the oral dosage and my DHT stands at 250 ng/ml (range is 250 to 750)
Without topical dutasteride my DHT stands at 450 ng/ml
With oral finasteride my DHT stands at 170 ng/ml

Should it go sysmetic I would have no DHT at that dosage, even if using 1ml at 0.5% (5mg) I shouldn't but I do and I have more than with Oral Finasteride. Reduction is close to being 50% (not even that). I believe this explains my lack of sides. I have no brain fog at all.

I own a couple of business being one of them medium size software company. My mental awareness and ability is vital for daily tasks and I could not function properly with Topical Finasteride nor Oral.

I am also a better respondent to Topical Dutasteride, I regrew more hair in the past 4 months than ever before and even now on TRT it is keeping hair loss at bay as long as I don't forget to use it.

The best part is I only apply it once a week due to the half life of the drug

I still plan on doing Mesotherapy every 15 days with 0.05% dutasteride and bepanthenol at 2mm with a dermapen.

RU58841 is on the freezer if I ever want to cycle.

notice how mustang says with topical duta his serum dht is 250 ng/ml and witout topical duta its 450 ng/ml. and he didnt clearly mention anything about using a "mega" dosage on this post. also he says "Reduction is close to being 50% (not even that). I believe this explains my lack of sides. I have no brain fog at all." so if a mega dose as he claims he used reduced his serum DHT by 50% then a low dose must have at least reduced it by 20% or so. thats alot still for us very sensitive to blocking DHT internally. I cant even take fenugreek orally at 1400mg daily without getting dry eyes.

I have actually had 13 hair transplants now, not 12 and no, my donor is quite average if not on the thin side. Thankfully I have pictures and data of every one of them which I will post in a blog but thanks for freely calling me a liar though.

Just because you are ignorant on a subject doesn't make others a liar. The amount of hair transplants is completely irrelevant. You can have 50 hair transplants of 100 grafts each and you will have had less work done than one patient with two 3K hair transplants. Use your brain.

Where am I selling you or anybody else a bottle for 50 bucks? Where did I post that or charge anybody here for anything? People have offered me money over 30 times to get them some bottles and my answer has always been that I can't for now but I will try to get some extra on my next prescription for others to test it. Do you also realize this sells for 50 dollars up to 100 dollars in the market, where would my gain be on this? You are an idiot dude. Seriously dude f*** off.

Thanks to people like you other stop coming on here to help. I am certainly about to leave this forum and stop sharing any research or information. What for, I don't have time to deal with idiotic comments like these.

If you can't cope with 15% less DHT then go bald. The sides are not worth it. At least be a happy or classy one and not a jerk calling others liars because you can't do the math.


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I have actually had 13 hair transplants now, not 12 and no, my donor is quite average if not on the thin side. Thankfully I have pictures and data of every one of them which I will post in a blog but thanks for freely calling me a liar though.

Just because you are ignorant on a subject doesn't make others a liar. The amount of hair transplants is completely irrelevant. You can have 50 hair transplants of 100 grafts each and you will have had less work done than one patient with two 3K hair transplants. Use your brain.

Where am I selling you or anybody else a bottle for 50 bucks? Where did I post that or charge anybody here for anything? People have offered me money over 30 times to get them some bottles and my answer has always been that I can't for now but I will try to get some extra on my next prescription for others to test it. Do you also realize this sells for 50 dollars up to 100 dollars in the market, where would my gain be on this? You are an idiot dude. Seriously dude f*** off.

Thanks to people like you other stop coming on here to help. I am certainly about to leave this forum and stop sharing any research or information. What for, I don't have time to deal with idiotic comments like these.

If you can't cope with 15% less DHT then go bald. The sides are not worth it. At least be a happy or classy one and not a jerk calling others liars because you can't do the math.

Your "gain" as you call it would be that people buy from YOU and not others, because you seem to have the "secret" formula with very little systemic absorption and now you even claim people wanna offer you 30 times the money for your bottle hahaha exactly my point, people are desperate to buy bottles from will be even richer than you already are, you are a business man I can tell. and btw you seem to be a very very vain person thats really not a good trait to have, I bet you are single and only fap to yourself in the mirror on a daily basis.


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He already said a thousand times that he got work done on the frontal area, and he doesn't apply dutas there. His crown is filled now with photo evidence and he has given us his blood work which no one would bother to do so unless they wanted to help us.

If anyone doubts his work, they can get out instead of making our job harder. Appreciate it


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Your "gain" as you call it would be that people buy from YOU and not others, because you seem to have the "secret" formula with very little systemic absorption and now you even claim people wanna offer you 30 times the money for your bottle hahaha exactly my point, people are desperate to buy bottles from will be even richer than you already are, you are a business man I can tell. and btw you seem to be a very very vain person thats really not a good trait to have, I bet you are single and only fap to yourself in the mirror on a daily basis.

Again, where am I selling this? I am neither a Dr who can prescribe it neither a Pharmacy who can compound it. Furthermore, I have zero interest to do so. I have never mentioned a brand or pharmacy and never sold anything or taken a dime from anybody on this forum or any other. Ask any other user who has messaged me on here if I have taken any money or attempted to sell anything.

I don't have a secret formula, I have said I have used Liposomal and now use a non alcohol based solution as I suffer from Psoriasis, is that so hard to your little redneck brain to understand? Non PG formula, like KB. Any will do.

Nobody has offered me 30 times the money, I said people have offered me money over 30 times. You really struggle to understand simple paragraphs mate

Of course I am a vain person, why would I be on a HAIR FORUM if I wasn't. What kind of ridiculous and stupid statement is that?

Guys is there anyway I can block this clown so I don't have to engage with him further?


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Your "gain" as you call it would be that people buy from YOU and not others, because you seem to have the "secret" formula with very little systemic absorption and now you even claim people wanna offer you 30 times the money for your bottle hahaha exactly my point, people are desperate to buy bottles from will be even richer than you already are, you are a business man I can tell. and btw you seem to be a very very vain person thats really not a good trait to have, I bet you are single and only fap to yourself in the mirror on a daily basis.

If you cared to read the entire thread than you would've known there are currently other people experimenting with TD with positive results! I just dont understand why you'd take the time to make an account on a bloody hairloss forum to end up squabbling with a guy you've never even met saying sh*t like "I bet you are single and only fap to yourself in the mirror on a daily basis" lol whilst you expect us to believe you're slaying pussy when you're here logged in on hairlosstalk!.. I'm sure I speak for most people here when I say we are ALL naturally skeptical but we dont just assume mustang is making all of this up for a negligible profit. Either have an open mind or dont but why accuse someone when you have ZERO evidence.


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Again, where am I selling this? I am neither a Dr who can prescribe it neither a Pharmacy who can compound it. Furthermore, I have zero interest to do so. I have never mentioned a brand or pharmacy and never sold anything or taken a dime from anybody on this forum or any other. Ask any other user who has messaged me on here if I have taken any money or attempted to sell anything.

I don't have a secret formula, I have said I have used Liposomal and now use a non alcohol based solution as I suffer from Psoriasis, is that so hard to your little redneck brain to understand? Non PG formula, like KB. Any will do.

Nobody has offered me 30 times the money, I said people have offered me money over 30 times. You really struggle to understand simple paragraphs mate

Of course I am a vain person, why would I be on a HAIR FORUM if I wasn't. What kind of ridiculous and stupid statement is that?

Guys is there anyway I can block this clown so I don't have to engage with him further?

There seems to be an 'ignore' feature when you click on an account but I'd rather him just be an adult and admit wrongdoing. Dont like the whole block and delete culture but igy your frustration


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Again, where am I selling this? I am neither a Dr who can prescribe it neither a Pharmacy who can compound it. Furthermore, I have zero interest to do so. I have never mentioned a brand or pharmacy and never sold anything or taken a dime from anybody on this forum or any other. Ask any other user who has messaged me on here if I have taken any money or attempted to sell anything.

I don't have a secret formula, I have said I have used Liposomal and now use a non alcohol based solution as I suffer from Psoriasis, is that so hard to your little redneck brain to understand? Non PG formula, like KB. Any will do.

Nobody has offered me 30 times the money, I said people have offered me money over 30 times. You really struggle to understand simple paragraphs mate

Of course I am a vain person, why would I be on a HAIR FORUM if I wasn't. What kind of ridiculous and stupid statement is that?

Guys is there anyway I can block this clown so I don't have to engage with him further?
Use the ignore mention, as long as we ignore him no worries


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Done, sorry for the rant.
I understand people being skeptical, so was I.
Hence my advice of try it at low dosages and spaced once every 10 days and take it from there
Have you seen any evidence of topical dutasteride being more effective than oral finasteride?


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Have you seen any evidence of topical dutasteride being more effective than oral finasteride?
I think he got 80% scalp inhibition with topical dutasteride while fina only blocks around 30% of scalp DHT


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The only evidence I have is anecdotal and my own measurements.

Somebody else measured his scalp androgens and it was lower with RU58841 + Oral Finasteride than with Topical Dutasteride, however, they were very close. 90% vs 80% reduction.

I believe without RU58841 scalp DHT will be much higher with oral finasteride than with topical dutasteride. That is for each to test.


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The only evidence I have is anecdotal and my own measurements.

Somebody else measured his scalp androgens and it was lower with RU58841 + Oral Finasteride than with Topical Dutasteride, however, they were very close. 90% vs 80% reduction.

I believe without RU58841 scalp DHT will be much higher with oral finasteride than with topical dutasteride. That is for each to test.
Yeah I hope more people are going to do scalp biopsies. I am looking into it myself currently. I would be a good test case since I am on finasteride for 18 months now
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I applied the 0.5% liposomal topical dutasteride for the first time 14 days ago. Long post but I want to document for my own reference and everyone else’s. My initial impressions and baseline lab results are below but first some background:

Up until 7 weeks ago I had been taking 0.5mg of oral finasteride daily for about 6 months.

When I am on oral finasteride 0.5mg daily:
  • DHT = 19 ng/dL (measured by Quest Diagnostics, reference range = 14-77 ng/dL)
  • Basically zero libido, no interest in anything sexual, almost never feel the need to jerk it
  • No morning wood; getting an erection is forced and even then pretty weak
  • Weird to say, but on average my d*ck is 50% smaller while on finasteride
  • I’m not sure if I had other neurological effects; I had never given the possibility much thought so if I was operating with impaired mental capacity I probably just powered through it / compensated / deluded myself.
I stopped taking finasteride in order to experiment with topical dutasteride as an alternative.

After 5 weeks not taking finasteride:
  • DHT = 49 ng/dL (measured by LabCorp, reference range = 14-77 ng/dL)
    • Suggests that the 0.5mg daily finasteride was lowering my DHT by 61%
  • Feeling GREAT - not sure if this is the finasteride leaving / 5-AR & DHT returning but generally felt good energy levels and positive about day-to-day life. One caveat; I’ve recently been eating much healthier, working out more regularly, and taking more supplements so a number of variables are at play
  • After walking around for 6 months with a basically shrunken d*ck I suddenly feel like I have a hog in my pants. This alone gives me a weird sense of confidence
  • Morning wood like clockwork
  • Libido on high -- attracted to women I encounter in day to day life, and have a subconscious compulsion to pursue women where there had been none
14 Days ago I applied the Farmacia Parati 0.5% Topical Dutasteride for the first time
  • As a couple people mentioned, the packaging is a little difficult. It has a cap with a small hole and a clicking screw-in mechanism at the bottom which when clicked forces the gel out of the hole in the top. Kind of like a liquid deodorant
  • It makes it hard to dose -- I would click it once or twice, and using a plastic glove put it on my finger then try to strategically place it on my scalp between parts
  • Only after I had done this a number of times i saw the fine print that reads “4 clicks = 1 ml”
  • Not gonna lie I probably clicked that thing 12-15 times. So in my estimation I applied 3-4 ml, which I guess is equal to 15-20 mg of dutasteride. Mega dose off the bat, NOT ideal and big oversight on my part
  • I’ve since realized that I can pop off the cap and using a 1ml syringe I can suck the gel up; I will use this method going forward to accurately measure the amount and apply with precision to intended areas
  • I’m not positive about this, but I had some irritation on my scalp I think from applying topicals including tretinoin/azelaic acid etc (the area stung when applying anything with alcohol), and I’m wondering if by applying the dutasteride there it was much easier to go systemic?
Initial Impressions
  • Ultimately it will be the follow up lab work that is of actual value, it’s hard to trust your own perceptions when you read so much despair on these forums
  • Day 1 (the next day after I applied) I noticed some ball ache. Was nothing debilitating, and If I hadn’t read so many people talk about this phenomenon I probably would have shrugged it off. This was recurring and feels like it actually became more persistent in the 2nd week. Needless to say the boys hurt a bit and it was not imagined. Anyone know why this happens?
  • Day 2 through 14 -- I had a bit less energy in general than in the weeks prior. Mainly felt like it was harder to get out bed in the morning and really had to push through some initial difficulty when doing cardio or weight lifting. I want to stop short of implying causation on this point; I have always had up and down weeks, but would be curious if lethargy/diminished energy is a side effect of 5-AR inhibitors that people commonly experience?
  • Libido is eh. Not non-existent but definitely a step back from how I was feeling 5-weeks after finasteride discontinuation.
  • Same with the shrinkage -- better than when I was on finasteride, but feel like the blood flow is not quite what it had been in the weeks prior
  • Too early to say impact on hair loss, but if the dutasteride went systemic I’m assuming it’s working for hair
Two Week Conclusions
  • This dutasteride sh*t is POTENT. I’m going to see if Parati can formulate a 0.1% concentration instead
  • I took a stupid mega dose, it went systemic and hit me pretty hard
  • I think it is ill-advised to hope this is some holy grail of hair loss, as we all know everything has a trade-off or is a compromise
  • That said, I am hopeful that with some experimentation I can calibrate a treatment regimen with a frequency/amount/concentration which will 1) stop my crown hair loss and hopefully enable some regrowth, and 2) allow me to maintain a sufficient serum DHT level to feel good (feel better than on finasteride)
  • Not sure what the numbers need to look like, but if I can suppress scalp DHT significantly while reducing serum DHT by only ~15% (rather than 60%) I hope this leads to the result I want. This is going to take a smaller dose.
  • Once I resume and am on some consistent regimen for a few weeks I’ll test DHT again
Next Steps
  • I’m going to wait 2 - 4 more weeks until I feel back to normal. Anyone know how long I should expect it to take for the effects of a dose like that to leave my system and 5-AR activity to resume?
  • Going to try to secure 0.1% concentration during that time
The jury is still out on all the theories about being “liposomal” or “500 daltons” and whether they actually matter. In my opinion it does go systemic, it’s not a miracle treatment, but may yet be the best 5AR inhibitor compromise for people that experience sides. As laughable as that story is about guys that tried applying dutasteride for like 3 minutes then washing it out, I can kinda see where their mind was at. I have before photos and will share if there are ever meaningful after photos.

Vincent if you’re here and Mustang -- hit me up on discord, username is”‘dgadgdea”. Or PM me here. Would be good to compare notes

Final note -- I encourage other people to experiment similarly. I think I’ve figured out you can get reasonably priced DHT tests below (IF YOU ARE IN THE U.S.). I haven’t tried these a la carte tests yet but I’m hoping they work out. If you can get a $50 DHT test, then for $150 you could do tests 1) before applying, 2) 24 hours after applying, and 3) one week after applying to get a sense for how systemic it goes and how long it lasts. Small price to pay for something that may benefit you for years to come.

From Quest, including Free DHT:

From LabCorp (doesn’t include Free DHT but who knows if this matters):

From Quest (doesn’t include Free DHT but who knows if this matters):

I'll post a summary of my baseline lab results in a later post


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I applied the 0.5% liposomal topical dutasteride for the first time 14 days ago. Long post but I want to document for my own reference and everyone else’s. My initial impressions and baseline lab results are below but first some background:

Up until 7 weeks ago I had been taking 0.5mg of oral finasteride daily for about 6 months.

When I am on oral finasteride 0.5mg daily:
  • DHT = 19 ng/dL (measured by Quest Diagnostics, reference range = 14-77 ng/dL)
  • Basically zero libido, no interest in anything sexual, almost never feel the need to jerk it
  • No morning wood; getting an erection is forced and even then pretty weak
  • Weird to say, but on average my d*ck is 50% smaller while on finasteride
  • I’m not sure if I had other neurological effects; I had never given the possibility much thought so if I was operating with impaired mental capacity I probably just powered through it / compensated / deluded myself.
I stopped taking finasteride in order to experiment with topical dutasteride as an alternative.

After 5 weeks not taking finasteride:
  • DHT = 49 ng/dL (measured by LabCorp, reference range = 14-77 ng/dL)
    • Suggests that the 0.5mg daily finasteride was lowering my DHT by 61%
  • Feeling GREAT - not sure if this is the finasteride leaving / 5-AR & DHT returning but generally felt good energy levels and positive about day-to-day life. One caveat; I’ve recently been eating much healthier, working out more regularly, and taking more supplements so a number of variables are at play
  • After walking around for 6 months with a basically shrunken d*ck I suddenly feel like I have a hog in my pants. This alone gives me a weird sense of confidence
  • Morning wood like clockwork
  • Libido on high -- attracted to women I encounter in day to day life, and have a subconscious compulsion to pursue women where there had been none
14 Days ago I applied the Farmacia Parati 0.5% Topical Dutasteride for the first time
  • As a couple people mentioned, the packaging is a little difficult. It has a cap with a small hole and a clicking screw-in mechanism at the bottom which when clicked forces the gel out of the hole in the top. Kind of like a liquid deodorant
  • It makes it hard to dose -- I would click it once or twice, and using a plastic glove put it on my finger then try to strategically place it on my scalp between parts
  • Only after I had done this a number of times i saw the fine print that reads “4 clicks = 1 ml”
  • Not gonna lie I probably clicked that thing 12-15 times. So in my estimation I applied 3-4 ml, which I guess is equal to 15-20 mg of dutasteride. Mega dose off the bat, NOT ideal and big oversight on my part
  • I’ve since realized that I can pop off the cap and using a 1ml syringe I can suck the gel up; I will use this method going forward to accurately measure the amount and apply with precision to intended areas
  • I’m not positive about this, but I had some irritation on my scalp I think from applying topicals including tretinoin/azelaic acid etc (the area stung when applying anything with alcohol), and I’m wondering if by applying the dutasteride there it was much easier to go systemic?
Initial Impressions
  • Ultimately it will be the follow up lab work that is of actual value, it’s hard to trust your own perceptions when you read so much despair on these forums
  • Day 1 (the next day after I applied) I noticed some ball ache. Was nothing debilitating, and If I hadn’t read so many people talk about this phenomenon I probably would have shrugged it off. This was recurring and feels like it actually became more persistent in the 2nd week. Needless to say the boys hurt a bit and it was not imagined. Anyone know why this happens?
  • Day 2 through 14 -- I had a bit less energy in general than in the weeks prior. Mainly felt like it was harder to get out bed in the morning and really had to push through some initial difficulty when doing cardio or weight lifting. I want to stop short of implying causation on this point; I have always had up and down weeks, but would be curious if lethargy/diminished energy is a side effect of 5-AR inhibitors that people commonly experience?
  • Libido is eh. Not non-existent but definitely a step back from how I was feeling 5-weeks after finasteride discontinuation.
  • Same with the shrinkage -- better than when I was on finasteride, but feel like the blood flow is not quite what it had been in the weeks prior
  • Too early to say impact on hair loss, but if the dutasteride went systemic I’m assuming it’s working for hair
Two Week Conclusions
  • This dutasteride sh*t is POTENT. I’m going to see if Parati can formulate a 0.1% concentration instead
  • I took a stupid mega dose, it went systemic and hit me pretty hard
  • I think it is ill-advised to hope this is some holy grail of hair loss, as we all know everything has a trade-off or is a compromise
  • That said, I am hopeful that with some experimentation I can calibrate a treatment regimen with a frequency/amount/concentration which will 1) stop my crown hair loss and hopefully enable some regrowth, and 2) allow me to maintain a sufficient serum DHT level to feel good (feel better than on finasteride)
  • Not sure what the numbers need to look like, but if I can suppress scalp DHT significantly while reducing serum DHT by only ~15% (rather than 60%) I hope this leads to the result I want. This is going to take a smaller dose.
  • Once I resume and am on some consistent regimen for a few weeks I’ll test DHT again
Next Steps
  • I’m going to wait 2 - 4 more weeks until I feel back to normal. Anyone know how long I should expect it to take for the effects of a dose like that to leave my system and 5-AR activity to resume?
  • Going to try to secure 0.1% concentration during that time
The jury is still out on all the theories about being “liposomal” or “500 daltons” and whether they actually matter. In my opinion it does go systemic, it’s not a miracle treatment, but may yet be the best 5AR inhibitor compromise for people that experience sides. As laughable as that story is about guys that tried applying dutasteride for like 3 minutes then washing it out, I can kinda see where their mind was at. I have before photos and will share if there are ever meaningful after photos.

Vincent if you’re here and Mustang -- hit me up on discord, username is”‘dgadgdea”. Or PM me here. Would be good to compare notes

Final note -- I encourage other people to experiment similarly. I think I’ve figured out you can get reasonably priced DHT tests below (IF YOU ARE IN THE U.S.). I haven’t tried these a la carte tests yet but I’m hoping they work out. If you can get a $50 DHT test, then for $150 you could do tests 1) before applying, 2) 24 hours after applying, and 3) one week after applying to get a sense for how systemic it goes and how long it lasts. Small price to pay for something that may benefit you for years to come.

From Quest, including Free DHT:

From LabCorp (doesn’t include Free DHT but who knows if this matters):

From Quest (doesn’t include Free DHT but who knows if this matters):

I'll post a summary of my baseline lab results in a later post

It's somewhat difficult to estimate because you don't know how much went systemic, but based on what you're describing I would wait at least four more weeks:


Like dgadgdea already notes, we could really use hormone levels taken relatively soon after applying (1-2 weeks, following a significant dose) so we can at least somewhat estimate how much is going systemic by comparing it to the literature. This would also allow us to start working out a proper dose and scheme.
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I applied the 0.5% liposomal topical dutasteride for the first time 14 days ago. Long post but I want to document for my own reference and everyone else’s. My initial impressions and baseline lab results are below but first some background:

Up until 7 weeks ago I had been taking 0.5mg of oral finasteride daily for about 6 months.

When I am on oral finasteride 0.5mg daily:
  • DHT = 19 ng/dL (measured by Quest Diagnostics, reference range = 14-77 ng/dL)
  • Basically zero libido, no interest in anything sexual, almost never feel the need to jerk it
  • No morning wood; getting an erection is forced and even then pretty weak
  • Weird to say, but on average my d*ck is 50% smaller while on finasteride
  • I’m not sure if I had other neurological effects; I had never given the possibility much thought so if I was operating with impaired mental capacity I probably just powered through it / compensated / deluded myself.
I stopped taking finasteride in order to experiment with topical dutasteride as an alternative.

After 5 weeks not taking finasteride:
  • DHT = 49 ng/dL (measured by LabCorp, reference range = 14-77 ng/dL)
    • Suggests that the 0.5mg daily finasteride was lowering my DHT by 61%
  • Feeling GREAT - not sure if this is the finasteride leaving / 5-AR & DHT returning but generally felt good energy levels and positive about day-to-day life. One caveat; I’ve recently been eating much healthier, working out more regularly, and taking more supplements so a number of variables are at play
  • After walking around for 6 months with a basically shrunken d*ck I suddenly feel like I have a hog in my pants. This alone gives me a weird sense of confidence
  • Morning wood like clockwork
  • Libido on high -- attracted to women I encounter in day to day life, and have a subconscious compulsion to pursue women where there had been none
14 Days ago I applied the Farmacia Parati 0.5% Topical Dutasteride for the first time
  • As a couple people mentioned, the packaging is a little difficult. It has a cap with a small hole and a clicking screw-in mechanism at the bottom which when clicked forces the gel out of the hole in the top. Kind of like a liquid deodorant
  • It makes it hard to dose -- I would click it once or twice, and using a plastic glove put it on my finger then try to strategically place it on my scalp between parts
  • Only after I had done this a number of times i saw the fine print that reads “4 clicks = 1 ml”
  • Not gonna lie I probably clicked that thing 12-15 times. So in my estimation I applied 3-4 ml, which I guess is equal to 15-20 mg of dutasteride. Mega dose off the bat, NOT ideal and big oversight on my part
  • I’ve since realized that I can pop off the cap and using a 1ml syringe I can suck the gel up; I will use this method going forward to accurately measure the amount and apply with precision to intended areas
  • I’m not positive about this, but I had some irritation on my scalp I think from applying topicals including tretinoin/azelaic acid etc (the area stung when applying anything with alcohol), and I’m wondering if by applying the dutasteride there it was much easier to go systemic?
Initial Impressions
  • Ultimately it will be the follow up lab work that is of actual value, it’s hard to trust your own perceptions when you read so much despair on these forums
  • Day 1 (the next day after I applied) I noticed some ball ache. Was nothing debilitating, and If I hadn’t read so many people talk about this phenomenon I probably would have shrugged it off. This was recurring and feels like it actually became more persistent in the 2nd week. Needless to say the boys hurt a bit and it was not imagined. Anyone know why this happens?
  • Day 2 through 14 -- I had a bit less energy in general than in the weeks prior. Mainly felt like it was harder to get out bed in the morning and really had to push through some initial difficulty when doing cardio or weight lifting. I want to stop short of implying causation on this point; I have always had up and down weeks, but would be curious if lethargy/diminished energy is a side effect of 5-AR inhibitors that people commonly experience?
  • Libido is eh. Not non-existent but definitely a step back from how I was feeling 5-weeks after finasteride discontinuation.
  • Same with the shrinkage -- better than when I was on finasteride, but feel like the blood flow is not quite what it had been in the weeks prior
  • Too early to say impact on hair loss, but if the dutasteride went systemic I’m assuming it’s working for hair
Two Week Conclusions
  • This dutasteride sh*t is POTENT. I’m going to see if Parati can formulate a 0.1% concentration instead
  • I took a stupid mega dose, it went systemic and hit me pretty hard
  • I think it is ill-advised to hope this is some holy grail of hair loss, as we all know everything has a trade-off or is a compromise
  • That said, I am hopeful that with some experimentation I can calibrate a treatment regimen with a frequency/amount/concentration which will 1) stop my crown hair loss and hopefully enable some regrowth, and 2) allow me to maintain a sufficient serum DHT level to feel good (feel better than on finasteride)
  • Not sure what the numbers need to look like, but if I can suppress scalp DHT significantly while reducing serum DHT by only ~15% (rather than 60%) I hope this leads to the result I want. This is going to take a smaller dose.
  • Once I resume and am on some consistent regimen for a few weeks I’ll test DHT again
Next Steps
  • I’m going to wait 2 - 4 more weeks until I feel back to normal. Anyone know how long I should expect it to take for the effects of a dose like that to leave my system and 5-AR activity to resume?
  • Going to try to secure 0.1% concentration during that time
The jury is still out on all the theories about being “liposomal” or “500 daltons” and whether they actually matter. In my opinion it does go systemic, it’s not a miracle treatment, but may yet be the best 5AR inhibitor compromise for people that experience sides. As laughable as that story is about guys that tried applying dutasteride for like 3 minutes then washing it out, I can kinda see where their mind was at. I have before photos and will share if there are ever meaningful after photos.

Vincent if you’re here and Mustang -- hit me up on discord, username is”‘dgadgdea”. Or PM me here. Would be good to compare notes

Final note -- I encourage other people to experiment similarly. I think I’ve figured out you can get reasonably priced DHT tests below (IF YOU ARE IN THE U.S.). I haven’t tried these a la carte tests yet but I’m hoping they work out. If you can get a $50 DHT test, then for $150 you could do tests 1) before applying, 2) 24 hours after applying, and 3) one week after applying to get a sense for how systemic it goes and how long it lasts. Small price to pay for something that may benefit you for years to come.

From Quest, including Free DHT:

From LabCorp (doesn’t include Free DHT but who knows if this matters):

From Quest (doesn’t include Free DHT but who knows if this matters):

I'll post a summary of my baseline lab results in a later post

Awesome feedback. Yes, the Paratti bottle sucks. Most break during shipment and it's a pain in the *** to get out of the bottle.

You applied 4ML of 0.5% Dutasteride. This means you took 20MG of Dutasteride which is 40 times the oral dose. Yes, FOURTY TIMES. Of course you will have sides. My plasma DHT was reduced by 50% with a mega dose that while it was only 15% lower with the normal dosage.

Still, I am glad you are giving this a go. I will spare the Liposomal formulation moving forward.

I know use 2ML 0.05% which is 1ML of 0.1% to cover my crown. No sides.

I think you should wait 2 months for it to clear your system completely and try again with a normal dosage.


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I have actually had 13 hair transplants now, not 12 and no, my donor is quite average if not on the thin side. Thankfully I have pictures and data of every one of them which I will post in a blog but thanks for freely calling me a liar though.

Just because you are ignorant on a subject doesn't make others a liar. The amount of hair transplants is completely irrelevant. You can have 50 hair transplants of 100 grafts each and you will have had less work done than one patient with two 3K hair transplants. Use your brain.

Where am I selling you or anybody else a bottle for 50 bucks? Where did I post that or charge anybody here for anything? People have offered me money over 30 times to get them some bottles and my answer has always been that I can't for now but I will try to get some extra on my next prescription for others to test it. Do you also realize this sells for 50 dollars up to 100 dollars in the market, where would my gain be on this? You are an idiot dude. Seriously dude f*** off.

Thanks to people like you other stop coming on here to help. I am certainly about to leave this forum and stop sharing any research or information. What for, I don't have time to deal with idiotic comments like these.

If you can't cope with 15% less DHT then go bald. The sides are not worth it. At least be a happy or classy one and not a jerk calling others liars because you can't do the math.

The very reason im saying that you are vain is because you have had a ridiculous amount of hair transplants. I had money to get a transplant for my NW3 hairline but I chose not to because im not as vain as you are. there is a LIMIT to being vain and you have crossed that line already you need to seek a shrink ASAP. and btw many of us got diffuse thinning all across our scalps front mid and back. we cant possibly apply 1 or barely 2ml of duta to cover all the areas of our head to hit every hair folicle, or does it spread around under the skin to other areas of the scalp abit? I doubt it.

and look what mustang replied with "Awesome feedback. Yes, the Paratti bottle sucks. Most break during shipment and it's a pain in the *** to get out of the bottle."

That comment says it all doesnt it? I knew he was a salesman. I mean the dude owns several "businesses" and now he wanna get into the hairloss industry haha xD
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The very reason im saying that you are vain is because you have had a ridiculous amount of hair transplants. I had money to get a transplant for my NW3 hairline but I chose not to because im not as vain as you are. there is a LIMIT to being vain and you have crossed that line already you need to seek a shrink ASAP.

Lol shut the door on your way out mate