Tooyoung's Story [21]- finasteride SIDES after 1.5 years


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story,8 month update! - (age 19)

sorry...i've seen now 19....too young for an implant...


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story,8 month update! - (age 19)

Well this is my first night using minoxidil foam, I found it quite difficult to apply to my scalp as my hair is not very short. Anyone with hair like mine have a better way to apply the foam? It seemed like most of it was just getting in the hair rather than on the scalp and I don't want to waste it.

I'll consider trying out the liquid since I'm going to only be using it at night, but does anyone have foam tips for medium length hair that is still somewhat thick?


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, 8 month update! (big3 started) - (age 20)

I'm planning on starting minoxidil next week hopefully. My hairs about midlength, coming down to my eyes. I'd imagine liquid would be easier to apply to thinning spots as it would be more precise with a dropper.

Are you applying the minoxidil all over or just particular parts?


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, 8 month update! (big3 started) - (age 20)

Cybergod said:
I'm planning on starting minoxidil next week hopefully. My hairs about midlength, coming down to my eyes. I'd imagine liquid would be easier to apply to thinning spots as it would be more precise with a dropper.

Are you applying the minoxidil all over or just particular parts?

I'm applying the foam all over once a day, I put about 5 or 6 small dabs of it around and spread it through the base of my hair.


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, 8 month update! (big3 started) - (age 20)

I dont think its that bad. Think you just got a bit of a shock when you cut it short and realised there wasnt as much coverage as you expected. But it still looks like a serious improvement to me. Maybe a wet picture with it combed back like your first one just to be sure?


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, 1 YEAR update (age 20)

So It was about a year ago when I decided to do something about my hair loss.

finasteride for 12 months and minoxidil for 4, this is where I'm at: (sorry about pics, took them with my iphone)

My temples seem to have receded a bit.


Overall thickness is still decent when the hair is dry and clean.





I'm starting to think about a buzz cut but I don't think I'd like to see my hair line that much.

3-4th month in on 1x/day minoxidil foam and it seems like my hair is shedding a big, before when I was only on finasteride I didn't see any hair around the bathroom or shower etc but now there's always a few strands. Hopefully that mean's its working.


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, UPDATE 1 YEAR finasteride/ 4MO minoxidil (age 20)

I miss my temples :(

Still only using minoxidil once a day. It's month 4 and I think I've been shedding lately.


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, UPDATE 1 YEAR finasteride/ 4MO minoxidil (age 20)

Looks alright to me. Your temples arent all that bad they seemed to have at least receeded into a more V shape as opposed to a fucked up U thing I seem to have going on. So unless someone closely inspected I doubt they will notice recession. The patch at the back though is pretty thin. Maybe try some of that concealer spray until minoxidil kicks in if you worried about it?


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, UPDATE 1 YEAR finasteride/ 4MO minoxidil (age 20)

I don't know how your hair looks wet now, but so far it looks like your thickness has almost come back compared to the original photos. At least enough to appear that way.


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, UPDATE 1 YEAR finasteride/ 4MO minoxidil (age 20)

Dude this is a success story in my opinion, you looked like you would be bald by early 20's in your pre-treatment pictures and now you just look like you have a receding hairline. I know it sucks losing the temples but it is one of the hardest areas to regrow hair, hell it is hard trying to regrow hair on slick bald spots.


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, UPDATE 1 YEAR finasteride/ 4MO minoxidil (age 20)

I'm with Obsidian, it looks a lot better than your baseline and certainly your photos on page 3


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Re: Tooyoung's Story, UPDATE 1 YEAR finasteride/ 4MO minoxidil (age 20)

Going into month 6 of minoxidil foam once per day.

14 months on finasteride.

What do you guys think?







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Re: TYFTC's Story, UPDATE 14 months finasteride 6 months minoxidil 1x (20yo)

While you're still somewhat you have practically gone from extremely aggressive thinning at a young age to thinning some in the front and crown. I say you have won the battle. :punk:

Also that hairstyle looks very great on you, I wouldn't think you were thinning at all.


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Re: TYFTC's Story, UPDATE 14 months finasteride 6 months minoxidil 1x (20yo)

Amazing success story
What did you use besides finasteride? did u use Nizoral?
Did you feel Minoxidil enhanced finasteride?


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Re: TYFTC's Story, UPDATE 14 months finasteride 6 months minoxidil 1x (20yo)

Karamba said:
Amazing success story
What did you use besides finasteride? did u use Nizoral?
Did you feel Minoxidil enhanced finasteride?

I used nizoral 1% a few times a week for the first month or 2 on finasteride, but I stopped using it completely after that. TBH I don't believe it's worth the extra bit of effort.

finasteride alone didn't regrow any hair for me, it did stop the loss though. When I added minoxidil foam at night every night I got some good thickening. I don't like to apply minoxidil twice a day because I don't like how it makes my hair look, especially when it's longer.


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Re: SUCCESS! 14 months finasteride 6 months minoxidil 1x a day (20 y/o)

Whatever you do don't stop!

Hopefully you won't have any sheds. I know Irish had amazing results with minoxidil and went through a couple of big sheds, I think he started finasteride to see if that helps prevent those sheds.

If for some reason you do go through one, don't stop, it will regrow!


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Re: SUCCESS! 14 months finasteride 6 months minoxidil 1x a day (20 y/o)

Wow, gr8 results man.
Tell me, how do you apply your minoxidil foam ? Do you use only the small recommended amount all over the head or use more ?



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Re: SUCCESS! 14 months finasteride 6 months minoxidil 1x a day (20 y/o)

Do u smoke.?when did the shedding stop?


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story-(SUCCESS w finasteride & Min 1x a day)

My hairline is definitely getting worse fast, but my overall thickness seems to be doing well. Luckily for me I can style my hair to hide the hairline but it sucks on windy days.

The first pic is from 5 months ago and then now, using minoxidil foam once a day all over and finasteride 1.25 a day.


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