Tooyoung's Story [21]- finasteride SIDES after 1.5 years


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, New pics! - (age 19)

Little update, I think the shedding has begun... It's kind of hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure my hair has gotten a lot thinner. 1.5 months on finasteride, 2 weeks on nizoral. If no regrowth happens in 6 months will probably jump on minoxidil.

nizoral has been pretty good to me, but I think I shed more after toweling my hair dry after using it... More hairs in the towel than I normally see I think, may be due to a finasteride shed though.

nizoral has cleared the reddness of my scalp up and the sebum has dropped, but I fear that I'm going to have to buzz it off if this shed gets worse... I've ALWAYS worn my hair messy and longish, so a buzzed hair cut kind of scares me. Plus, I hate going to get it cut, having them wet it down and see how incredibly thin my hair looks when it's wet. :( It still doesn't look bad when its slightly damp or for long time after a shower, but later on at the end of the day the hair looks horrid.

I'll be starting taking biotin supplements this week, maybe it will help me in my regrowth quest.

I can clearly make out the horseshoe pattern with the shedding, looks like I'm destined to be a nw7 if something better doesn't come out in the next 10 years. :sobbing:

I'll post pics tomorrow hopefully.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, New pics! - (age 19)

It's now been just under 2 months on finasteride 1.25mg/day, about 1 month on nizoral 1%, and about a week on biotin.

Just got a haircut, and the depression is beginning to kick in. :( Allow me to show you why.

Not sure if my hair looks thinner because of a shed or not, I haven't really noticed a lot of hair falling out...


wet and combed back


horseshoe incoming, FML


dry, held back


dry, combed forward


parted at the center (yikes)


towel dried, slightly damp.. styled to how I wear it.

I know I should wait to start using minoxidil to see if finasteride alone will help, but coping with this look at 19 is really, really hard. :sobbing: Any words of advice? Thinking about toppik but it really doesn't appeal to me >.>


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

I think you'll have good results. Your type of hair loss is the easiest to reverse it seems.

Also, just an FYI - you said you're against using it, but you would be a perfect candidate for Toppik/concealer. You can order a little travel size container for about $6 if you want to just try it out for a day or two.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

I'd start using minoxidil


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

Thickandthin said:
I think you'll have good results. Your type of hair loss is the easiest to reverse it seems.

Also, just an FYI - you said you're against using it, but you would be a perfect candidate for Toppik/concealer. You can order a little travel size container for about $6 if you want to just try it out for a day or two.

I'll think about it, I just would hate to be in the situation where people would see my hair completely change over night if I hadn't applied it some day for whatever reason. Does toppik come out easily? If you run your hands through your hair, do the fibers come out?

Tyler_Durden said:
I'd start using minoxidil

I'm going to wait until the 6 month mark, I think it's worth waiting for that small chance that finasteride thickens it up for me.

Christ I hate my body, I have hair in all the wrong places and its leaving my head! :shakehead:


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

well when hair is wet its usually not that uncommon to see a persons scalp, have you always had thin hair? def wait on the minoxidil, give the finasteride another 4-6 months if i was you. you arent losing as much hair now are you?


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

astros148 said:
well when hair is wet its usually not that uncommon to see a persons scalp, have you always had thin hair? def wait on the minoxidil, give the finasteride another 4-6 months if i was you. you arent losing as much hair now are you?

Yeah, the wet pictures were to illustrate how bad it is as some of the angels/ other shots didn't make my hairloss look bad at all. TBH, I'd totally agree if I was like 30, but there's no need to not take someone with that much hair seriously when theyre only 19!

My hair as a child was somewhat thinnish, very light and it moved freely. I guess it really started thinning out at around 17ish but at the time I really didn't believe it was male pattern baldness, or I was in denile or what ever was going through my head.

I guess a 17 year old kid whos dad has is a nw1 wouldn't worry about going bald lol. And no, it seems that my hair isn't getting too much worse, but it's hard to tell sometimes. I didn't really keep track of it before I noticed scalp showing through a dry head of hair, but there is definitely a lot less of it than there was 7 months to a year ago.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

tooyoungforthiscrap said:
astros148 said:
well when hair is wet its usually not that uncommon to see a persons scalp, have you always had thin hair? def wait on the minoxidil, give the finasteride another 4-6 months if i was you. you arent losing as much hair now are you?

Yeah, the wet pictures were to illustrate how bad it is as some of the angels/ other shots didn't make my hairloss look bad at all. TBH, I'd totally agree if I was like 30, but there's no need to not take someone with that much hair seriously when theyre only 19!

My hair as a child was somewhat thinnish, very light and it moved freely. I guess it really started thinning out at around 17ish but at the time I really didn't believe it was male pattern baldness, or I was in denile or what ever was going through my head.

I guess a 17 year old kid whos dad has is a nw1 wouldn't worry about going bald lol. And no, it seems that my hair isn't getting too much worse, but it's hard to tell sometimes. I didn't really keep track of it before I noticed scalp showing through a dry head of hair, but there is definitely a lot less of it than there was 7 months to a year ago.

so its def helping, just keep on fighting and hold on and keep taking your finasteride!


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

Well I'm pretty certain my hair has either gotten worse or is going through a shed...


Here is the spiral of my head, which was the very first thing to thin out.


My hair is a bit messy in this picture but it looks a LOT worse... I'm hoping it's just a shed... About to start my 3rd month on finasteride

This sh*t is really eating at me emotionally... I guess I'll order some topik. Going to be awkward explaining to my friends why my hair looks thick all of a sudden though.....


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

Stick it out mate, what you need to do now you are on the drugs is forget about your hairloss. If it bugs you that much, then you could think about buzzing it or go for a very short messy look, lots of guys are doing that nowadays anyway and although you can see them thinning it looks good and they have plenty of women around them.

I would not say you are getting worse, but I would say the drugs are removing the hairs already impacted by DHT, have you checked the hairs? Is the bulb end showing loss of colour and thin? If so, then it is a good thing, you don't want them hairs. Also, don't forget that hair has a cycle, so although your 'dead' hairs are falling out, they will eventually be replaced by hairs not impacted by DHT, so will become terminal, but they don't usually cycle for up to 3 months.. is my understanding anyway. So, give it time, it is just a waiting game so don't waste your life worrying. Buzz, or cut very short... trust, it will make you feel better. I did it whilst it was at its worst. Even though my hair is thicker, it is a continued uphill struggle fighting this damn curse.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

Hey dude

My hair did pretty much the same as yours really quickly. As you can see from my story, a buzz isn't such a bad thing - in fact, it works so well that someone said that i didn't have bad hair loss (I do!).

It makes the emotional side of things go away for a bit, which helps recovery. If you carry on being emotional, then nothing much is going to work as your body goes into shock response and just ditches hair (Organs/Blood is more important than hair).

It's tough, but i'd suggest finding something to go and do that makes you feel good about yourself - maybe something that you can achieve, or at least something that relaxes you. That way you have something else to think about/do.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

It looks bad mate. Sorry to say it, it's bad hair loss especially for someone as young as you are.

finasteride is the main treatment for male pattern baldness, but it seems it might only maintain in your case.
The time is right to hit Minoxidil - as annoying as it is to have to apply it constantly.
If you're feeling brave, try some topical spironolactone? (though the jury is out on wether this actually works...)

Good luck, you might be relegated to the Buzz.
I won't buzz mine until the bitter end - it looks bad on me. Buzzing won't make you look like a new man in some cases - "buzz it" is the same tired old cliché as "get a tan, get some tats, hit the gym"


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

propecia to maintain and then hair transplant. only options man


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

patrik said:
propecia to maintain and then hair transplant. only options man

Being 19, a hair transplant isn't an option. Being a future nw6+, it's also hardly an option.

I switched from loreal thickening shampoo back to the pert shampoo I've used all my life. Pert makes my hair really soft and even, where the loreal actually made it hard and I think made the male pattern baldness look worse. Since then the hair looks a lot better.

I've also been taking 5mg of biotin every day in hopes of healthier looking hair. No word on if this is working yet but I do believe that little shed I was going through has stopped. Hair is looking better dry, will have to take pics later on to see if I've had any improvement yet, or if it's just that my hair is getting longer. (as long as winds not blowing, medium longish hair covers my pattern quite nicely actually)


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

It's still too early. Be patient and give it more time (at least 1 year) to work.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

Got any further updates mate? Am interested to know how you are getting on. I am almost certain you will see mass recovery.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

jimjams said:
Got any further updates mate? Am interested to know how you are getting on. I am almost certain you will see mass recovery.

Hey, yeah not really anything yet.

I check back here less and less though, my hair is maintaining excellently and I'm definitely not losing more. Really wish I started finasteride a little earlier though... My thinning only bothers me when my hair isn't clean. Fresh out of the shower looks pretty good though.

I had a small bout of watery semen, but it went away really quickly.

I don't think I've regrown anything yet, this would be my 3rd month on finasteride, 2.5th month on nizoral 1% a couple of times a week.

I've still been debating adding minoxidil, maybe I'll start with one application at night a day. TBH my hair loss has been bothering me a lot less lately, but it's still there and it still looks bad when it gets late if I haven't taken a shower since the morning. I just take a 2nd shower when I have to go out at night, maybe I need to change shampoos? I stopped using the loreal thickening crap after getting tired of the way it made my hair feel, went back to pert for soft awesomeness.

I'll take some pics later and see if I can compare anything yet. I think I have been noticing some very small vellus hairs around the hairline though, which is also pretty receded.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

Hey man Im 19 too and my hair is thinning in the same horseshoe pattern as yours. It f*****g sucks dealing with this sh*t at our age. Not trying to worry you or anything and im sure people are gonna say I'm an idiot, but i would be careful taking proscar at such a young age, as DHT plays a role in "sexual" development. At 19 you could be still going through this process. Look up the functions of DHT in the male body if you want to learn more. Just something to think about.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

Nuli said:
Hey man Im 19 too and my hair is thinning in the same horseshoe pattern as yours. It f****ing sucks dealing with this sh*t at our age. Not trying to worry you or anything and im sure people are gonna say I'm an idiot, but i would be careful taking proscar at such a young age, as DHT plays a role in "sexual" development. At 19 you could be still going through this process. Look up the functions of DHT in the male body if you want to learn more. Just something to think about.

I see your point and understand where you are coming from but at 19 you will be safe on finasteride. If you don't experience any side effects 3 months in then you are gonna be ok, no long term damage.

tooyoungforthiscrap, it sounds like you are making a recovery but you just need to stick with it, it's such a slow process. As for adding the min, do it. If you buy the foam it is so easy to apply and smells great :). My understanding is liquid is horrible on the hair!

Pretty dissappointed to hear L'oreal wasn't much cop, i was going to go and buy that today due to all the great reviews I had been reading.

Balding will not own us! :)