Tooyoung's Story [21]- finasteride SIDES after 1.5 years


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

jimjams said:
Pretty dissappointed to hear L'oreal wasn't much cop, i was going to go and buy that today due to all the great reviews I had been reading.

Balding will not own us! :)

It all comes down to personal opinion, the loreal stuff made my hair heavier and it never blew as lightly in the wind but it made it feel... fake. I dunno, maybe it's just because it was so different than the pert I'm used to, which makes my hair silky and soft (chicks would constantly touch my hair haha)


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, UPDATE pg3 - (age 19)

About to be 4 months in on finasteride, 3 nizoral 1%. it's completely stopped the loss (no more hair in shower or on towel when drying it) and no side effects. Took some more pics recently:

I think my hair has thickened up slightly, as when it starts to get greasy/ wet It doesn't look as bad as it did before treatments... Could just be my imagination though..

If I don't see regrowth in the next 3 months I may experiment with minoxidil 1x a day, I've seen a few success stories with it being applied only at night, and I figure its worth a shot to try every available option!


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 4 month update - (age 19)

Hey buddy, congrats on the results - looks great!

Was just wondering whether you experienced any malting/further hair loss before your hair started to come back?

And how often were you applying.

And (Sorry for all the questions!) did you take any vitamins/change your diet at all?

Thanks alot man.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 4 month update - (age 19)

TeamCatfish said:
Hey buddy, congrats on the results - looks great!

Was just wondering whether you experienced any malting/further hair loss before your hair started to come back?

And how often were you applying.

And (Sorry for all the questions!) did you take any vitamins/change your diet at all?

Thanks alot man.

Eating 1.25mg of proscar(finasteride) a day, was using 5mg of biotin a day for a little while but IDK if that helped at all... Nizoral 1% 2 or 3 times a week let soak into scalp for about 3-5 mins with other shampoo.

I think I may have experienced a small increase of shedding in the 2nd month, but I'm not 100% sure, it could have been all in my head or due to a shorter hair cut... I didn't change my diet but I made every effort to ignore my hair aside from the occasional emotional days where it looked really terrible.

I wouldn't say it's regrown a whole lot, but it's definitely halted all loss. I wish I started finasteride a little sooner!


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 4 month update - (age 19)

only 4 months ? that last pic looks like a great improvement in such a short time .. congrats


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 4 month update - (age 19)

Those pictures are poorly lit and hide a lot of what my older ones show, I posted them to highlight the worst part (crown)

I'll post a better pic later, don't get too excited for me yet :whistle:


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 4 month update - (age 19)

5 months in on Finasteride...

I find myself thinking less and less about my inevitably bald future and trying to enjoy what I have while I have it... Hit month 5 this month so I thought I'd share my progress.

My crown is still noticeably thin, my temples seem to be slightly thinner, but it could be due to the length of my hair right now (which needs a cut, badly)

Overall my hair has thickened up a little bit, I'm considering adding minoxidil 1x a day at night pretty soon. I don't think I can commit to 2x a day minoxidil, and a few people had success with it once a day...

finasteride has halted additional loss dead in its tracks, I'm still using nizoral a couple of times a week.



Yikes, still looks pretty bad wet.


The mid scalp has thickened up a little bit.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 5mo update/pics pg5 - (age 19)

Well, I'm about to hit the 6 month finasteride mark, and I've come to this conclusion:

I f'ing love finasteride.


Left: 5.5 months
middle is 3 months or so in.
right: pre treatment


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride SUCCESS! - (age 19)

Congrats man, keep sticking with it! Hopefully I'll be :punk: at five months on finasteride as well.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride SUCCESS! - (age 19)

oarf11 said:
Congrats man, keep sticking with it! Hopefully I'll be :punk: at five months on finasteride as well.

Thanks, wish you luck!


New current vs midway crown pic

Very happy with results so far!


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride SUCCESS! - (age 19)

irishpride86 said:
i hope the pic in the right is the new pic

irish, i know youre crazy but are you also blind? the picture on the left is new/better.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride SUCCESS! - (age 19)

Well, I got a short haircut today...

I guess the length of my hair had hid my loss more than I noticed, because under a light it was starting to look pretty bad again short lol.

It is a little better than 6 months ago for sure though, I'm thinking of giving in and trying minoxidil :p

It's not a very good haircut, really makes my temple recession stand out >.<






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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride SUCCESS! - (age 19)

i have diffuse thinning down the middle too but i shaved my head and am now too scared to grow it out long.

point being, dont shave your head or go any shorter! you get more coverage/look less thinning when it's longer, dont you agree?


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride SUCCESS! - (age 19)

Hi mate,

Have been monitoring your progress and agreed, longer hair does hide it... but the fact remains you are more improved over baseline and are still only about 6 mths in. Some people take up to 2years to see maximised results. In fact, many like you tend to give up because they think it is not working... hopefully you can see it is.

The problem I find with logner hair is it is hard to monitor progress. I would say try keep it at the same length throughout.

Just wanted to say though, I think you are making progress. I am like you really, up and down about my results. I think I am receding more but to be honest you are your worst critic, everyone is. Get minoxidil in on the mix, foam, oncer per day. Hopefully that will fill it in some more. :)

PS. Could you post up some pics with more light? I noticed your baseline picture is under a bright light, would be good to compare with that.




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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride SUCCESS! - (age 19)

My hair loss is nearly identical to yours, tad bit worse.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride SUCCESS! - (age 19)

jimjams said:
Get minoxidil in on the mix, foam, oncer per day. Hopefully that will fill it in some more. :)

Heh, just game to this site again contemplating minoxidil. I'd be down to give foam once a day a go but I have the looming idea that once a day will cause shedding and may not regrow afterwords or something lol. Has this happened for anyone? I'm not sure I can keep up with 2x a day because when theres any sort of product in my hair it looks very thin and bad. I try to keep it clean.

I'll post up some better pics later.


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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story, 6 month finasteride success? - (age 19)

Update April 2010: The long haircut I was wearing turned out to be hiding most of my thinning, after cutting it short it seems like I am in the same place I was 8 months ago, which is a good thing for only using finasteride I guess. I wasn't keeping up with my nizoral very often.

I'm now ordering minoxidil foam to use once a day at night. I'm worried about shedding, but my current situation is pretty bad when lighting is involved already anyway.

new pics: 8 month finasteride 1.25mg







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Re: Tooyoungforthiscrap's Story,8 month update! - (age 19)

maybe if u have a good donor you can think at hair transplant...