To all Suicidal HairLossTalkers ....


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you may find out that she has breast implants - isn't that also deception?

I would not call it a deception, it is not the same.
First, you "notice" that those are fake boobs in one of first encounters, then you will decide does it bother you or not.
Second, breast impatants are IN, they are part of her body now. Hairpiece is OUT, it is on our scalp, not integrated to our body. I think good equivalent would be if man has hair transplantation done.

uncomfortable man

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Hairloss is a sign of aging.

BIGGEST misconception EVER! Age related hair loss and early onset male pattern baldness are totally different. You mean to say that when I became NW5 @ 24 that I was getting OLD? NO! You mean to tell me that 60 yo men with full heads aren't old? NO!

male pattern baldness is a sign of male pattern baldness and that is that!!

uncomfortable man

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Well, you can almost always tell the fake from the real. I hate fake breasts.


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rofl some of these replies are funny.

most of these are opinion, and a hair transplant/Wig are one and practically the same thing, technically they are different, but the result is the same, I don't see any real social issue over one or the other.

for girls,well I mean, there are soo many things that can be said after being together for 2 years, I'd be surprised if it going to be the end of the relationship, I'd be very surprised if she ended the relationship based on the fact that you are pre-maturely loosing your hair and your wearing a -good- hairpiece to hide your hairloss.

honestly how -odd- is that, outside the context of a hairloss forum where people have real problems and real lives to move on with, girls have to worry about friends and studies and what not and then she finds this out it's going to come as a shock but I mean, well it's not THAT big a deal.

i'd be surprised if the turnover ratio was 1 out of 1000 in that situation, aka she has to find a new guy over this and it's a big show stopper, in fact once she get's to know you she will probably be ok with you being bald, or at least, bald with a beard!

if she's over 27, that will soften the blow.


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You just do not posses enough sense for human aestethic.

But your face does not change...your hair does...what so hard to understand?.

uncomfortable man

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But your face does not change...your hair does...what so hard to understand?.

Were not saying it changes the shape of your nose or the color of your eyes. The lack of a hairline gives you a disproportionately large forehead, which changes the CONTEXT of the rest of your face. Your being too literal... even after an extensive explanation and VISUAL AID, you still don't seem to get it. Do you really not grasp what we are saying/showing? are you really that dense?


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Were not saying it changes the shape of your nose or the color of your eyes. The lack of a hairline gives you a disproportionately large forehead, which changes the CONTEXT of the rest of your face. Your being too literal... even after an extensive explanation and VISUAL AID, you still don't seem to get it. Do you really not grasp what we are saying/showing? are you really that dense?

Yes i get it dude trust me i know BBSA said in his last message i can read... what you said has been happening to MY looks since i was 16 so yes dude i get it...thats what i meant when i said your face dont change your hair does (i should off put your face dont change that much but your hair/hairline does i thought you would off got what i ment...obviously not i be more clear next time)....which know... that your hair goes its not there what does that mean? means more skin gonna show cause there is no hair left there...which means? yep you are right your forehead gonna look bigger...duuh... but you lot go on as if it changes EVERYTHING as if you have a totally different face and its the worst thing what could happen and all it has done has made your forehead bigger...your "looks" are still there but hair/hairline changes off cause its gonna look different and change the context off it all captain obvious...oh and thanks for putting some words in bold letters i never would off got what you was trying to say if you didnt >___________>

uncomfortable man

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So alright, this isn't the first time you've had to admit to not being articulate enough to get your point across.
Is English your first language?

It's just that you make these statements like "there is nothing wrong with baldness" and "Women don't dislike bald guys" and "baldness doesn't detract from your appearance" almost just for the sole purpose of being contrary. If you really don't have a problem with your hairloss and you are at peace then why isn't that good enough for you? Why do you feel the need to convert people to your polar perspective?


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My Regimen
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"HairMeansSoMuch" is the same person as "BeingBaldSucks", "BeingBaldSucksAss", and "BeingBaldSucksBalls" ....

So he was banned.

And im sure he will be back. And I would appreciate anyone's assistance identifying him. You can learn to read the posting style. Writing style. Username Style .... etc.



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So alright, this isn't the first time you've had to admit to not being articulate enough to get your point across.
Is English your first language?

It's just that you make these statements like "there is nothing wrong with baldness" and "Women don't dislike bald guys" and "baldness doesn't detract from your appearance" almost just for the sole purpose of being contrary. If you really don't have a problem with your hairloss and you are at peace then why isn't that good enough for you? Why do you feel the need to convert people to your polar perspective?

dannyboyy will try to oppose any implications about male pattern baldness's negative effect whichever aspect is being discussed, on principle.
he thinks he's being supportive that way, doing the right thing by battling the evil people who just trying to bring others down. but all his efforts fall flat, because he doesn't have valid arguments to counter the negative outlooks, he has nothing to support his position with, it's always just incoherent mumble from him.


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Admin, it was reported who he was. Much like how ScarHead is Scarred4Life who was banned yet allowed back.


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dannyboyy will try to oppose any implications about male pattern baldness's negative effect whichever aspect is being discussed, on principle.
he thinks he's being supportive that way, doing the right thing by battling the evil people who just trying to bring others down. but all his efforts fall flat, because he doesn't have valid arguments to counter the negative outlooks, he has nothing to support his position with, it's always just incoherent mumble from him.

I keep saying mumble? coming from a guy who had a dream watching linkin park and flipping out in the dream while trying to make out it must be something to do with male pattern baldness when yourself said there was no hint...hmmm makes sense...cant be that it was just a weird dream could it? anymore off YOUR pointless efforts off trying to back up your claim of how bad male pattern baldness is?

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So alright, this isn't the first time you've had to admit to not being articulate enough to get your point across.
Is English your first language?

It's just that you make these statements like "there is nothing wrong with baldness" and "Women don't dislike bald guys" and "baldness doesn't detract from your appearance" almost just for the sole purpose of being contrary. If you really don't have a problem with your hairloss and you are at peace then why isn't that good enough for you? Why do you feel the need to convert people to your polar perspective?

I said it once...and i say it here to help others which i have done...this convo is pointless in here i admit but you lot are not getting what im trying to surprise there...if it was left to you lot you would make people feel worse...which you have done so many pointless things have been said here have you SAW the forums being made here?...its hard to get my point across to people who are paranoid and thinks the whole world is looking at and judging them...


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I keep saying mumble? coming from a guy who had a dream watching linkin park and flipping out in the dream while trying to make out it must be something to do with male pattern baldness when yourself said there was no hint...hmmm makes sense...cant be that it was just a weird dream could it? anymore off YOUR pointless efforts off trying to back up your claim of how bad male pattern baldness is?

yea, i flipped out in that dream because i remembered i had male pattern baldness in my life. LP were on telee and the only reason why i even mentioned them is because the dream was very short and brief, so i wanted to give a more detailed description. the flipping out had nothing to do with them, but it was due to male pattern baldness. i believe i tried to explain this to you before.


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yea, i flipped out in that dream because i remembered i had male pattern baldness in my life. LP were on telee and the only reason why i even mentioned them is because the dream was very short and brief, so i wanted to give a more detailed description. the flipping out had nothing to do with them, but it was due to male pattern baldness. i believe i tried to explain this to you before.

Yeah you did mention it but nothing to do with male pattern baldness you didnt explain it you just assuming it must be you said it cant be cause i was watching linkin park why i flipped out it has to be male pattern baldness...if you remember i was there trying to think off ways to why you think it could off been about male pattern baldness...i joked about maybe it was an egg on you plate...or that linkin park was singing about it...but nope you just woke up and assumed it was something to do with male pattern baldness...was there an ACTUAL hint that i missed what was in your dream? or did you wake up and think...i flipped out has to be cause off male pattern baldness.


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no, it's not like i woke up and assumed something.
i remember having thoughts of male pattern baldness before the flipping out. for no reason, that's how it happens.

anyway this is miserably off topic.


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no, it's not like i woke up and assumed something.
i remember having thoughts of male pattern baldness before the flipping out. for no reason, that's how it happens.

anyway this is miserably off topic.

Ah i see fair does i must off missed when you said it last time...cause when you said "surely that wasn't Linkin Park's fault, i don't find their music that horrible, in fact i used to be a fan. it's that mother ****ing male pattern baldness again" me that sounds like you are not sure...but hey what do i know.....

uncomfortable man

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That's Ok DB, we will hold your hand and walk you through it for as long as it takes until you understand. <______<

Your slow, but at least your heart is in the right place.

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Bald heads look so much better with thick necks.

Because thick necks connote strength and stability which helps counter the perception of baldness being weak.

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people who are paranoid and thinks the whole world is looking at and judging them...

Because they are. We are all looking at each other every moment of every day making brief judgments calls like kneejerk responses almost involuntarily. We are constantly assessing each other. People respond to my bald head, I can attest for that. It is real, not some paranoid delusion. Sometimes it's subtle and other times it's blatant but it is always a constant factor. There are a few people at my work who have literally scoffed at me while passing through the hall. Now I'm a nice guy... anyone at my work who dares to know me knows that. It's just that there are always going to be those snoby, superficial people out there who won't see me as anything other than an inferior bald man.