Tissuse And J. Hewitt: Smart Hair Transplant Trial In 2019!


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So Dr. Tsuji, lower your price or get fucked of Tissuse/ J. Hewitt :D


J. Hewitt to trial hair multiplication in 2019.

CEO Dr. Jon Knight: " We will start with 5 Japanese patients - maybe three men an two women or four men and just one woman but only Japanes subjects. We are planning by December of 2019 to start. If successful, SHT can be offered to patients around the world who would come to Japan, have hair biopsies, and then return in 45 days for injection of the Neo-papilla. So we will know this year I believe SHT is a viable treatment. It will not take years like REPLICEL/Shiseido or Tsuji, etc. it will be much sooner."
and here we are, 1 year later and nothing came out of it. not even an update.


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If this was the case and you could launch a stem cell therapy with a single phase trial and 13 participants, Shiseido should have launched their product in 2018, yet here we are, 4 years have passed and we are still waiting.
Maybe they don't launch their therapy not because of lack of permission, but because the trials are showing their product is sh*t and doesn't work.


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Follicle Thought
March 4, 2020

Update on J Hewitt SHT Trial

So, I’ve heard from J Hewitt CEO Jon Knight today who reached out to me by email after reading some of the comments here.

He too, like everyone else is disappointed by the disruption of the projected trial timeline. But, he’s still pursuing the goal of a SHT trial in Japan and wanted me to reiterate a few things here.

For starters. most people are unaware that Jon Knight/J Hewitt literally invented PRP/Vampire Filler as an aesthetic treatment in Japan in 2005, this was verified in a court case which took place in 2019 involving two other British companies. Knight wanted to emphasize this in response to particular comments which were undermining the caliber of his company. To be fair, that treatment has now created billions of dollars in the aesthetic medicine industry. Not everyone has that on their resume.

Knight also told me that early on he had interest from 3 Cell Processing Center companies to do the trial, so, naturally he did not feel he was being too optimistic with a projected December trial date. He actually thought September was possible if not for the back-and-forth legal discussions. Knight also tells me that he feels some companies in Japan have turned him down because they did not want to be seen as helping a competitor to the big local cosmetic companies. Something to think about. I’ve mentioned it previously, but J Hewitt is a private company, is not stock listed, and literally gains no financial value for making announcements regarding the trial.

As for current status, I can say Knight is doing his best to get an SHT trial going. I think for now it’s best to leave it at that and see what comes. Interestingly, he also mentioned that he is paying attention to what Histogen is doing and thinks some good things can come from their recent business development and their new human collagen injectable. I’m hoping to get more commentary from him about that soon.

My take: I still appreciate the fact that J Hewitt has taken an initiative to potentially bring a next-gen hair growth therapy to market. I’ll continue rooting for them as long as they’re in the game. Understanding the situation that Knight was in, it makes sense to me and I think everyone understands that sometimes ‘sure things’ can unexpectedly change. I won’t blame him for that, we’re all human. I don’t believe in ridiculing someone when things aren’t going great and then smiling in their face tomorrow if they have good news for me. I think it’s also worth stating that after many years of the candidate therapy existing J Hewitt was the first company who finally decided to even give TissUse/SHT a chance. Every other pharma company and major investment firm in Europe (and worldwide) passed it up before Hewitt obtained a license. The trial that is being pursued could cost around $50k-$100k per trial subject! That’s pricey even for a 5 man trial and Knight is pursuing this with his own company’s money. I respect it. Here’s to hoping we get some good news on this subject soon.

Seems like SHISEIDO has so much faith to stop cell company’s working with J hewitt

Well, respect for Jon Knight for trying. But it's very furstrating that he is failing like all the other ones. Hopefully he isn't a quitter and will eventually grind it out.


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Folliclethought.com :

New TissUse Neopapillae Paper Published (4/16/20)
Today, a team of researchers from the German company TissUse published a new scientific study on the company’s hair cloning technology. The study appeared in the Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine and is titled “Reconstructed human skin shows epidermal imagination towards integrated Neopapillae indicating early hair follicle formation in vitro.” It is fantastic news to see the TissUse team publishing new hair cloning research in 2020. Renowned hair research scientist Dr. Kevin McElwee commented on the new study “So far not full follicle formation, but they are making good progress. Some additional differentiation factors need to be added to promote full follicle formation.”

Like I’ve said in the past, whenever a study is published in a scientific journal the researchers have progressed past what was published. Great news from TissUse!
in vitro, man, in vitro. The supposedly leading company in the business is still at the petry dish stage, and it wasn't even full follicle formation




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you don't seem very smart. you don't even begin to understand the difference between preclinical development, preclinical research, and clinical trials. Of course, Tissuse has not yet tested on people, they will do it next year at the latest when the Gmp facilities are open again
I never demanded that they already tested it in humans.

Anyways, I would love to be wrong about them. Please point me to single a research Tissuse did regarding HC that was done outside of a petri dish (eg in animals). Thank you.
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"Yes, the trials will be in human. We have solid in vitro data showing no side effects of the treatment."

in vitro guys. this stuff was never tested in a living being (animals).

there is no data about pre clinical research because it never happened. They are trying to jump from the petri dish straight to humans. No wonder it's not happening because "excuses".
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--> The fantasy reason why J Hewitt is not being able to start a 5 people human trial:
Cell Processing Center companies are trying to steal the technology! Replicel is trying to muscle us out!

--> The probable real reason:
The technology is still in its infancy and has not any permission from any governing body to test their stuff in humans. Therefore J Hewitt is having huge difficulties in getting the other necessary businesses involved because of the reputational risks involved.


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It would be great if J Hewitt would be as transparent as TissUse.

A pity that Jon Knight only answers a victim like folliclethought


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"Japanese regulations decree that if you can show sufficient in vitro safety data you don’t need to do animal trials. Besides it is widely known that mice hair trials are not very much predictive to the human situation."
"Please see our previous email. What J.Hewitt is currenty looking for is a manufacturing unit for the transplants. This unit would not be involved in the clinical trials. From a regulatory point of view in Japan all required data is available to initiate a clinical trial."
Cool man, thanks for not running away from the hard questions (like certain other users) and getting them to talk and clarify.

It's good that in theory they can already test their tech in humans in Japan (will believe it only when they actually start testing though).

But my suspicion that they never tested their treatment on a living animal has been confirmed. It shows the technology is very much in its infancy and even if it works on the fundamental level (and that's a big, BIG, BIGGGGG if) there is going to be lots of challenges to be overcome before it can yield a cosmetically acceptable result.
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Direction of growth is driven by the same factors as in normal hair follicle neogenesis. What the technology basically does is to mimic a critical step of hair neogensis in order to grow new hairs.

As to your other question: The SHT technology is not our main business so we as a company are not focussing on further development. This has to be done by external partners like J.Hewitt."

you said you have a japanese friend. Please let him contact Jon Knight, J Hewitt


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Do you guys also think that the cover has stolen one year of research about the covid ?


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Tissuse my Brother.
I believe in you
I hope TissUse pull through. They claim that if the trials go well TissUse could be available by 2025.


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This sh*t ain't even worth talking about until trials are done and we see full heads of hair coming out of bald men. I can't wait three years.

I'll demand a surgeon take every single last follicle out of the back and sides of my head and put them on the top of the scalp before I wait around forever for this stuff.


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Hair transplantation is a procedure that is currently invasive and costly. The current industry standard requires the surgical excision of a skin flap that contains roughly 8,000 hairs, and yields roughly 8,000 hairs upon transplantation. TissUse has discovered a more efficient and less painful process. By isolating cells from the dermal papilla, the root of the hair follicle, it is possible to expand and culture those cells to form neopapillae. Neopapillae are the precursors of hair follicles which have been shown to grow hair follicles under controlled conditions. The formation of natural hair follicles in human skin can be stimulated via a proprietary process of applying a collagen solution to the neopapillae and injecting into the scalp. The approach is extremely efficient compared to the standard and only requires the cells from thirty punch biopsies, while yielding 10,000 hair organoids. Each of these neopapilla has the potential to form a brand new hair follicle. TissUse’s hair transplantation technology is less invasive and three hundred times more efficient than the state of the art.


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Hair transplantation is a procedure that is currently invasive and costly. The current industry standard requires the surgical excision of a skin flap that contains roughly 8,000 hairs, and yields roughly 8,000 hairs upon transplantation. TissUse has discovered a more efficient and less painful process. By isolating cells from the dermal papilla, the root of the hair follicle, it is possible to expand and culture those cells to form neopapillae. Neopapillae are the precursors of hair follicles which have been shown to grow hair follicles under controlled conditions. The formation of natural hair follicles in human skin can be stimulated via a proprietary process of applying a collagen solution to the neopapillae and injecting into the scalp. The approach is extremely efficient compared to the standard and only requires the cells from thirty punch biopsies, while yielding 10,000 hair organoids. Each of these neopapilla has the potential to form a brand new hair follicle. TissUse’s hair transplantation technology is less invasive and three hundred times more efficient than the state of the art.

All they have to do is prove this potential, and if it still requires finisteride like other hair transplants.


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Hair transplantation is a procedure that is currently invasive and costly. The current industry standard requires the surgical excision of a skin flap that contains roughly 8,000 hairs, and yields roughly 8,000 hairs upon transplantation. TissUse has discovered a more efficient and less painful process. By isolating cells from the dermal papilla, the root of the hair follicle, it is possible to expand and culture those cells to form neopapillae. Neopapillae are the precursors of hair follicles which have been shown to grow hair follicles under controlled conditions. The formation of natural hair follicles in human skin can be stimulated via a proprietary process of applying a collagen solution to the neopapillae and injecting into the scalp. The approach is extremely efficient compared to the standard and only requires the cells from thirty punch biopsies, while yielding 10,000 hair organoids. Each of these neopapilla has the potential to form a brand new hair follicle. TissUse’s hair transplantation technology is less invasive and three hundred times more efficient than the state of the art.
Available when?