Tinder 10/10 Male Experiment


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I read some escort ads, i was surprised that a lot of them specify no black guys.

thats for safety not preference. Ive explained this in other posts.

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Good for you! I don't understand why women dress seductively and then get offended when old or what they consider unattractive guys flirt with them. They are going to draw attention from ALL men. They can't pick and choose. A woman I know once made a comment to me that my mother's boyfriend (or whatever you call a 90-year-old companion) was staring at her boobs and she was uncomfortable. All I could think was, Then don't wear low-cut tops. I really feel for you guys sometimes.

because they are not doing it for unattractive men. They are doing it for the Pitts and Clooneys and they dont think you deserve to look at them so instead you get shamed. Theres no reason for you to be gawking when you have no shot!

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You say escort when you don't wanna say prostitute.

you say pot"A"to I say pot"a"to


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This sanctimonious world has gone bat crazy with it's emphasis on political correctness.
We are so "Semantically obsessed", that you can hardly have a real conversation freely with anyone it seems
unless you're thoroughly up to speed with the latest edition of the guidebook on modern euphemisms.


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I feel somewhat as you do H.l.
I think for some of us it just might be less emotionally trying
to reject our vulnerabilities than it is to fight and protect them.
We have to be careful how often we rely on this inner defense tactic,
by reinforcing this indifferent approach overtime ,
we run the hazard of rendering ourselves spiritlessly jaded.
Exactly!! Whenever I look at these men who appear to not feel anything, I think to myself "Damn! He must be spiritually empty!"
Not to mention, a boring conversationalist.


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You know if we seriously want to experience this life fully there is no safe way around it. I guess we can either fold, submit, or keep playing.
If that's the choice and we're resigned to make it to the last round,
then I say to my friends, put on your best poker face, and hit me baby!
Exactly!! Whenever I look at these men who appear to not feel anything, I think to myself "Damn! He must be spiritually empty!"
Not to mention, a boring conversationalist.


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All things in moderation, being a "balanced" individual is the only way we can cope with our complex emotions, keeping ourselves in-check when the extreme possibilities of our brain can leave us mentally tortured. Even a little tipping too far can off-set ourselves in completely unpredictable ways, and then we end up like GG:


"Not giving a ****" and probably more sensitive about the perception of himself than anyone, even a preppy guy trying to keep his crew cut with minoxidil. But GG's just a visual representation of what some people feel inside by denying and bottling up insecurities we feel about ourselves or how we feel others view us.

If you don't embrace the fact that it's completely healthy and normal to be self-conscious, you'll end up isolated, and as social creatures anyone is kidding themselves if they think they can enjoy or even survive such an existence.


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If you don't embrace the fact that it's completely healthy and normal to be self-conscious, you'll end up isolated, and as social creatures anyone is kidding themselves if they think they can enjoy or even survive such an existence.

Very well put


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How has this thread moved on to referencing some lunatic who enjoyed eating sh*t?


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How has this thread moved on to referencing some lunatic who enjoyed eating sh*t?

Good point. Y'all are a bunch of SICK F*CKS!! :punk:


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**** me this theard is long.

anyways, i've done the same thing like 7 years ago, there was this app on facebook (same idea as tinder, you click yes or not on some random girl) made a fake profile of some model dude, funny thing is i also used the "dircet approach"... would write things and litterly tried to insult the girls... it didnt help, they were all over my profile.
it made me understand that girls are just like men, if not even worse. superficial as ****.

im newly single again, im not trying to hook up or meet any girl these days, yes what i notices that made me extremly worry is that people around me are trying to set me up on dates in hope to get me to marry.... im worried about that because if i wasnt balding they woudlnt do that, i mean, they would clearly understand that a good looking guy after long term relationship wouldnt jump dricetly into another (you need a time off), the subtext is : if your bald, your good to be a husband, not good to **** around with.... as if even in our relatioships we are bound to be slaves to women.

as my father used to say "women are all garbage". im starting to think he was right.


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**** me this theard is long.
the subtext is : if your bald, your good to be a husband, not good to **** around with....

I can relate to this and I can tell you I actually heard it from a woman.
It was 8 years ago. This girl was the company's sl**y girl. I don't mean it as an insult: she said that herself and she did have fun being sl**y. Don't we all?
Anyways: after she had slept with all of my colleagues, she refused me with these words: "I like you, but for a serious thing, not for a f**k."


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I can relate to this and I can tell you I actually heard it from a woman.
It was 8 years ago. This girl was the company's sl**y girl. I don't mean it as an insult: she said that herself and she did have fun being sl**y. Don't we all?
Anyways: after she had slept with all of my colleagues, she refused me with these words: "I like you, but for a serious thing, not for a f**k."

Slept with ALL you colleagues? You dodged a bullet my friend.

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I am not too judgemental, but at the same time I don't condone being a sl*t either. I like cheeseburgers, but I don't eat them every day, or else I would be 300lbs.


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I don't understand the need to condemn women who enjoy sex.


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I don't understand the need to condemn women who enjoy sex.

1) How am I condemning any one. I am stating my opinion on an open forum

2) You may have misinterpreted my post. Like I said, it's one thing to enjoy something, it's another thing to abuse it. I am allowed to have a personal opinion that I slightly lose respect for people who abuse sex.

I love sex, like the next man and have had a lot of it in my life. I just PERSONALLY think it's more responsible, especially when we get older, to respect and cherish it like anything else we enjoy. It's called balance my friend. I have way too many single momma friends that got knocked up by douche bags and now come begging for nice guys like me. I even dated one for a while and never judged her for a second. Let me repeat - I am not condemning or judging anyone. If you're responsible go for it. I just think it's kinda lacking class to f*ck every one in your office.


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I don't understand the need to condemn women who enjoy sex.
We have to put these women in their place.
We have to shame them for taking advantage of their circumstances.
Circumstances rarely afforded to most men.

That's the thinking behind it, David.

Only insecure men utter the word "sl*t."


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We have to put these women in their place.
We have to shame them for taking advantage of their circumstances.
Circumstances rarely afforded to most men.

That's the thinking behind it, David.

Only insecure men utter the word "sl*t."

I used the word sl*t in response to his post, which stated she was slutty. Yes, I am definitely insecure, no hiding that, but that does not determine my reasoning on this issue. You guys are just putting words in my mouth. when the hell did I ever talk about shaming, judging or thinking that they are sl*ts?? Let me say this one more time - my PERSONAL opinion is that I PERSONALLY think it's IRRESPONSIBLE of WOMEN (not whorish sl*t bags) OR MEN to take sex for GRANTED. When the hell did I try to shame them. I just THINK sex is special dude and it's better when there is some emotion involved. Calm the f*ck down. You obviously have never had a girlfriend who's told you she's slept with like a hundred dudes... once you have, lets see how quick your perspective changes.


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enjoying sex is one thing. being a sl*t is another! dont mix the two!

i look down on women who have sex with everyone , ill be glad to **** her and drop her too, but i would never want this kind of person as a mother to my kids. thank you. your such a liberal?! great for you, wait in line while we all **** your wife to bem and let us all have the good sain girls.
when im in serious relatioship, i need a serius person, a balanced person who values themselves and thier body, and a sl*t doesnt exactly qualify as one.
sl*ts are fun, but you never ever date one seriusly, otherwise its a recipe for trouble (and women think exactly the same about douchebags - they would love to **** him, but they want the submessive nice guy as a husband)
double standard my ***. at the end of the day we are all the same.


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It seems like everyone goes from one extreme to another. From verbally crucifying women for having sex to thinking that sex with different dudes every night is healthy. Man, isn't there any middle ground? I am sorry, but f*cking everyone in your office is not indicative of healthy behavior. I am NOT saying she is Lucipher's spawn devil wh***, and it's not even the sex part that is troublesome, it's the need and insecurity to control men through it that worries me. You really think the women that have sex with tons and tons of different dudes do it to satisfy their sexual needs? C'mon now...


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I have nothing against women enjoying sex with a ton of people but I wouldn't even think of being with one. It's the same with homosexuals, I don't care where they stick it, it's not my business. They can do whatever they want.

If the woman really enjoys multiple dicks, why the **** not? It's not right or wrong in any way. And a lot of us enjoy watching women get banged on camera so let's be serious.