This Shows How Women Lie About "liking Baldness".


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Hey Evil :) Nice to see you on here, I was wondering how you were getting along in life. I remember once I talked about women having a switch for genuine attraction (on/off and pretty instantaneous) and you said you felt the same yourself. It's something I've noticed in girls and that's not to say a girl can't fall for a guy over a certain period of time but that brings different factors into play. I don't think you're picky in the sense I believe hair loss opened your eyes a little, however, what you desire/desired never truly changes and is important for a fulfilling relationship. I respect your opinion because it's similar to other pretty girls I know well. While they may want a full head of hair, they will tolerate some minor hair loss as they get older or even bit more as long as it's kept clean/stylish and not diffuse like you said.

You look really young so I don't think you have much to worry about! Like you said, it happens to everyone eventually, so the key is to create good memories while you can so you're less bitter about it as you get older. It will be hard either way for everyone but imagine being unattractive from youth on wards and how hard that would be? This could have happened with hair loss to us if it seriously consumed us, so something to think about and how different life could be if we didn't find a "method" for hair. I've seen many times how miserable plain girls can be when they see attractive guys check out pretty girls and often will start hating the guy and the girl so they are aware of that privilege. That rush is someone else's misery but over time they begin to accept relationship dynamics begrudgingly. If someone said at the beginning, you'll be pretty, age well and have your health in check, there's not much more a human being can wish for. The rest is up to us to achieve and cultivate with normal to above average intelligence.

It's really important to me when you said a woman has to be more than looks because for any person (male/female) having many other purposes really does help change the mindset, occupy more time and you derive happiness from other factors too. I know you were working on that and it sounds like you made some progress. A well rounded pretty girl is also more appealing than just a pretty face.

Men do generally age better than women but really it's a case of looking at your parents and I think you're going to be okay there since that's how you're progressing. I've seen some girls look really old at 25 and past it it's just their genetics. On that same note, I've seen too many older attractive women with real sex appeal so I'd say it's about staying slim, having good skin genetics and keeping the hair long. Most men out there will value looks and beauty more than age at first glance.
Alcohol, smoking and leaving make up on are very ageing to women. Well to everyone of course. A woman’s hands or neck never lies.

Wolf Pack

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Alcohol, smoking and leaving make up on are very ageing to women. Well to everyone of course. A woman’s hands or neck never lies.

Truth. I actually wasn't very aware until recently about the make up issue so it's interesting you mention that. I noticed a girl who is around an 8 and does some minor part time modelling looking much older and my girl said it's because she's been living on make up for years. You literally never see her without it. Though she looked older at 19 too so I think that's just how her genetics are but she didn't help her cause with her lifestyle choices. She's still pretty though and I'm sure she will be for years to come, it's possible to reverse some of that early skin damage too.

And yet I think we balding men, who are trying to cure it, have a different relation with aging than the people who have no health-looks problems.

We balding men (especially those who started thinning early) have always had an idea of what ageing might feel like: it has been impending on us all the time in the form of a receding hairline.

So I guess we have never really felt young, because hair as prevented it, and we will never feel old, as a consequence of the first issue.

I'm sorry you had to deal with that from a younger age. You're absolutely right, we become aware of ageing much more rapidly and frightened regarding this impending doom of baldness. Those without health/looks issues can simply stroll through life and think about "ageing gracefully." This is alien to us and we may start to focus on other age related deterioration and not just hair. Whereas another person with a full head of hair won't really notice their other minor ageing signs till much later in life and they can carry these signs better too. One may say on a positive note we will take care ourselves more than these people, perhaps, but some members on here are doing more damage to themselves than helping. Becoming "looks aware" has been detrimental to their health and ability to focus on other endeavours. It of course depends on your age, aesthetics but also mindset.

For what it's worth, I think your black good calibre wavy hair and transplants do provide density and a natural look without noticeable recession. I know how you must have suffered before the transplants with this receding hairline because I had the same shitty one. A perfect hairline or close to it really completes the attractiveness of an otherwise good looking man and can keep their high value for years with pretty women. There are less full heads as men get older so it's more acceptable to be balding but the value of full hair increases due to the rarity. Still, youth is the time for normal hair since literally no one has hair loss then or at least the men that matter.


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This got me. The big tragedy of being a woman is that in 100% of cases, she will become invisible sooner or later. Even the world top 1% most beautiful women will become invisible at a point in time. Beauty grows, peaks, then slowly fades. For those of you who know my posts in the past this has been a major concern of mine. I freak out more with each passing year, at the same time I have this growing peace about it, like it calms me down that this will happen to everyone not just me. But I can't say that it doesn't suck. Such a big part of being a woman or being human in general, is being attractive and desired by others. I think a lot of women start to freak out once they hit their mid or late 20s, because they start to realize that the wining and dining, the chasing and the pampering is not going to last forever. Maybe their husbands or significant others are starting to look at other women, starting to act distant and cold, struggling to get it up in bed. And that must be a huge blow to anyone's confidence.
Luckily for me I am in shape and have a baby face so I feel I'm set for a few more years and yeah I'll enjoy the hell out of that attention lol. But once you enter your 30s, 99.9% of women will already have dropped significantly on the attractiveness scale. Even 10/10 models like Miranda Kerr (now 35) are aging, and not getting the privileges they used to. Call us spoiled, but once you are used to that attention is becomes a rush, and when it one day disappears that sh*t hurts I bet.
That is why a woman has to be more than looks, she has to do more with her life, have a different purpose in addition to taking care of herself of course which I belive in 100% no matter what age. I feel like a woman's femininity and ''beauty'' can remain, although her sexual attractiveness cannot.
Hi, EL! :)

I think you'll have lots more years ahead of you than you think before you become invisible. When we moved into our house over 20 years ago, all the husbands used to check out an attractive French woman in her 50s down the street from us more than anyone else. Although she looks pretty much her age now, she still dresses feminine and stylish, and I'll bet she still gets glances from men. It's not always about looking younger. I'd prefer to be attractive and look my age than the opposite (of course, both would be my first choice!). Also, I live in a large, family neighborhood, where I see moms jogging by and looking great. One in particular is 40-ish with four young kids, and she still has a cute, small, curvy body. I also see a woman my age every week (former model) who still stops traffic. And I think Miranda Kerr is still drop-dead gorgeous!

Men are always going to notice pretty women, no matter how happy or unhappy they are in their marriages/relationships. That doesn't mean they're not attracted to their wives, though. I check them out myself and even point them out to my husband sometimes. I think my husband would agree that the only turnoff for him is my insecurity about my looks and harsh self-criticism. It's not always our appearance that will drive a man away, and sometimes we need to realize that.

You've started taking excellent care of yourself at a young age, so you've got a good head start in staving off the effects of aging. I think, though, that our genes are the biggest determining factor in what's to come (at least I see that with myself). As far as men aging better, I feel that they're faced with the same issues as women but they just seem to wear older skin better.

Wolf Pack

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Hi, EL! :)

I think you'll have lots more years ahead of you than you think before you become invisible. When we moved into our house over 20 years ago, all the husbands used to check out an attractive French woman in her 50s down the street from us more than anyone else. Although she looks pretty much her age now, she still dresses feminine and stylish, and I'll bet she still gets glances from men. It's not always about looking younger. I'd prefer to be attractive and look my age than the opposite (of course, both would be my first choice!). Also, I live in a large, family neighborhood, where I see moms jogging by and looking great. One in particular is 40-ish with four young kids, and she still has a cute, small, curvy body. I also see a woman my age every week (former model) who still stops traffic. And I think Miranda Kerr is still drop-dead gorgeous!

Men are always going to notice pretty women, no matter how happy or unhappy they are in their marriages/relationships. That doesn't mean they're not attracted to their wives, though. I check them out myself and even point them out to my husband sometimes. I think my husband would agree that the only turnoff for him is my insecurity about my looks and harsh self-criticism. It's not always our appearance that will drive a man away, and sometimes we need to realize that.

You've started taking excellent care of yourself at a young age, so you've got a good head start in staving off the effects of aging. I think, though, that our genes are the biggest determining factor in what's to come (at least I see that with myself). As far as men aging better, I feel that they're faced with the same issues as women but they just seem to wear older skin better.

That sounds like you too :p I could say something about stopping traffic which would make you laugh! I agree with what you wrote totally as you know from our previous discussions. I'd also take looking attractive over simply looking younger which doesn't have much value or satisfaction alone. Men do carry ageing better as it can provide a rugged look whereas women with good skin are deemed more feminine. But even then, I've seen some older women who turn heads and they have some obvious signs of ageing, so I'd say looks with a complementary style takes much more importance. And some men simply can't carry a rugged look without a masculine baseline so there's no set rule and of course add in potential deadly balding. Younger pretty girls need to only look around to realise how attractiveness still continues for a longer time but I understand their fear of the unknown. There's a few interesting examples recently and I've been meaning to tell you, I will pm soon enough I hope! Overall I'd say looking good at any age (relative to your peers and up to a point) is an achievement. These kind of people will also look attractive to people much younger then themselves and I've seen younger girls and guys develop crushes like this so it's not just an idealistic view from me.


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That sounds like you too :p I could say something about stopping traffic which would make you laugh! I agree with what you wrote totally as you know from our previous discussions. I'd also take looking attractive over simply looking younger which doesn't have much value or satisfaction alone. Men do carry ageing better as it can provide a rugged look whereas women with good skin are deemed more feminine. But even then, I've seen some older women who turn heads and they have some obvious signs of ageing, so I'd say looks with a complementary style takes much more importance. And some men simply can't carry a rugged look without a masculine baseline so there's no set rule and of course add in potential deadly balding. Younger pretty girls need to only look around to realise how attractiveness still continues for a longer time but I understand their fear of the unknown. There's a few interesting examples recently and I've been meaning to tell you, I will pm soon enough I hope! Overall I'd say looking good at any age (relative to your peers and up to a point) is an achievement. These kind of people will also look attractive to people much younger then themselves and I've seen younger girls and guys develop crushes like this so it's not just an idealistic view from me.

We men are, with regards to aging, more lucky than women, that is a fact.

I have had many more opportunities with women when 35-45 than when 25-35. When I was 25-35, I was too worried about my hair looking bad to actually be a good candidate for sentimental/sexual sh*t. When I made peace with my bad looks, women did not seem to care about my older age.

However, I have known women (not many) who were attractive even at 50.

I met a doctor who was attractive even in her early 60. Exceptional blue eyes. But honestly, and unfortunately, it is pretty rare.


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As far as men aging better, I feel that they're faced with the same issues as women but they just seem to wear older skin better.

Hi Joan, nice to hear from you ^^,

I agree with your post partially, yes of course there can be older women who are still beautiful, I see it all the time. Miranda Kerr is still pretty yes, just not as pretty as she was in her 20s which was my point :)
I think many men will date older women too esp. if they are older themselves, but if they were given the choice between an equal personality 22 year old and a 32 year old they'd definitely go with the 22 year old. Same if it were between a 32 year old and a 42 year old, then they'd go with the 32 year old. Like I said in a previous post, some settle (happily even) for less because they can't get more.
However, I see no point that us women should throw in the towel just because we're past 30 or 35 (I'm not but you get my point).
I often see older women who look pretty and think to myself ''I hope I look that good when I am that age" :)
But we also have to face the facts - sexual attraction in general is limited with women esp. The world seems to revolve around women's youth and beauty, we cannot change that.

Anyway, I highlighted this quote and I agree. Men do not really age better but because women's beauty and youth are so intertwined they get critiqued if they are starting to look even slightly old (celebrities).
While men are just ''aging like fine wine'' lol.


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I agree with your post, but this is an extreme example.
That woman has clearly let herself go completely, put on loads of weight, cut her her into an ugly mom cut and stopped dying it, wearing boring and ill-fitting clothes, glasses and no makeup etc.
If she lost weight, grew hair long and dyed it, ditched the glasses, put on some makeup and flattering clothes at least she'd look a lot better.

This woman is 64 and is looking presentable to me. No, she's not a ''sex symbol'' anymore, but at least she never let herself go:)


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I think the problem is that female skin is less thick than male skin, and has less collagen.

A slight reduction in superficial tension, combined with gravity, gives a woman’s skin that “falling” look that men get a bit later in life.
Interesting read, Roberto. Botox is in my (near) future for sure!
Hi Joan, nice to hear from you ^^,

I agree with your post partially, yes of course there can be older women who are still beautiful, I see it all the time. Miranda Kerr is still pretty yes, just not as pretty as she was in her 20s which was my point :)
I think many men will date older women too esp. if they are older themselves, but if they were given the choice between an equal personality 22 year old and a 32 year old they'd definitely go with the 22 year old. Same if it were between a 32 year old and a 42 year old, then they'd go with the 32 year old. Like I said in a previous post, some settle (happily even) for less because they can't get more.
However, I see no point that us women should throw in the towel just because we're past 30 or 35 (I'm not but you get my point).
I often see older women who look pretty and think to myself ''I hope I look that good when I am that age" :)
But we also have to face the facts - sexual attraction in general is limited with women esp. The world seems to revolve around women's youth and beauty, we cannot change that.

Anyway, I highlighted this quote and I agree. Men do not really age better but because women's beauty and youth are so intertwined they get critiqued if they are starting to look even slightly old (celebrities).
While men are just ''aging like fine wine'' lol.
Ok, I thought you were talking about men in long-term relationships who start to look around because their GFs/wives start to look old, not single men who are seeking relationships. I can't say whether I agree or disagree that many men would choose a woman 10 years younger than one with an equal personality because I don't know if 10 years is a big deal to them. Thirties are nothing, EL--you'll see. Even 40s if you have good genes and stay in shape. In my 40s I actually got more compliments than any other time in my life. Someday you'll be one of those pretty older women that young girls, like you are now, hope they'll look like! My inspiration and motivator is Rachel McLish. Check her out at 63.


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they get critiqued if they are starting to look even slightly old

Idiots will criticize anyone who gets old
As if they had chosen to.
Take a look at the comments on a Friends reunion:

There isn’t a comment that is not surprised or outraged by the fact that people... AGE

Wolf Pack

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We men are, with regards to aging, more lucky than women, that is a fact.

I have had many more opportunities with women when 35-45 than when 25-35. When I was 25-35, I was too worried about my hair looking bad to actually be a good candidate for sentimental/sexual sh*t. When I made peace with my bad looks, women did not seem to care about my older age.

However, I have known women (not many) who were attractive even at 50.

I met a doctor who was attractive even in her early 60. Exceptional blue eyes. But honestly, and unfortunately, it is pretty rare.

I think you had recovered your hair to a good standard by 35-45 but due to the early hair loss from your youth, it still scarred you. It's an important point though, age for a man doesn't matter as much and that's why you had success as the basic looks were there. I'm still able to attract girls much younger and although I also look only slightly older than them, I don't think it would change much if I looked my age. Looking good and being comfortable with yourself, willingness to listen and have fun takes precedence over age. Age really is just a number up to point.

Yeah no, the wall is real for women. It's even based in biology, it's quite simple. A man can father children even when he's 50 years old with ease...a woman? When a women hits 30 it's getting harder and risks are high for the kid getting medical problems.

I'll also tell you something about sexual market value since we're on a hairloss forum: A 35 year old bald man > a 35 year old woman with a full head of hair.


View attachment 104331

That picture gets floated around a lot but it's a very extreme example of Tom Cruise who aged well genetically (also uses a lot of cosmetics) and someone who was the polar opposite. In reality, there is not that as much difference except ageing signs on an older attractive man can add to his look which women don't really have the advantage of. A 35 year old bald man who is average otherwise is like bottom of the pile, a 35 year old full head woman who is a 6 wouldn't have any attraction for him and plenty of suitors.


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Idiots will criticize anyone who gets old
As if they had chosen to.
Take a look at the comments on a Friends reunion:

There isn’t a comment that is not surprised or outraged by the fact that people... AGE
Sometimes you can't win: Celebrities who get cosmetic surgeries/treatments get called out, and if they just age naturally, then every wrinkle and piece of saggy skin make news. I think the key is not to go overboard and try to erase too many years.


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I agree with your post, but this is an extreme example.
That woman has clearly let herself go completely, put on loads of weight, cut her her into an ugly mom cut and stopped dying it, wearing boring and ill-fitting clothes, glasses and no makeup etc.
If she lost weight, grew hair long and dyed it, ditched the glasses, put on some makeup and flattering clothes at least she'd look a lot better.

This woman is 64 and is looking presentable to me. No, she's not a ''sex symbol'' anymore, but at least she never let herself go:)
View attachment 104347

This bird had loads of surgery I am sure. Don’t get your hopes up.


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Alcohol, smoking and leaving make up on are very ageing to women. Well to everyone of course. A woman’s hands or neck never lies.
You forgot the #1 culprit to aging: sun.
I am so glad I started protecting myself with sunblock every single day of the year at a young age and being careful with sun exposure in general. I have never, and will never understand why girls (or guys) strive to be the darkest shade of tan possible and spend all their day at the beach like these Instagram girls. And then maybe they put a small coat of sunscreen on their face and think ''now I am protected from aging!" Lol no. The body ages as well and who wants a wrinkly saggy body, not me :')
I have maybe 4 small moles on my body and no freckles, so I am doing something good, I see women my age (25-26) or younger with tons of moles, freckles and general rough skin texture. It makes me sad


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You forgot the #1 culprit to aging: sun.
I am so glad I started protecting myself with sunblock every single day of the year at a young age and being careful with sun exposure in general. I have never, and will never understand why girls (or guys) strive to be the darkest shade of tan possible and spend all their day at the beach like these Instagram girls. And then maybe they put a small coat of sunscreen on their face and think ''now I am protected from aging!" Lol no. The body ages as well and who wants a wrinkly saggy body, not me :')
I have maybe 4 small moles on my body and no freckles, so I am doing something good, I see women my age (25-26) or younger with tons of moles, freckles and general rough skin texture. It makes me sad
It’s ridiculous indeed.. sunbeds for that quick boost of attention, while each session turns you more and more into an old suitcase. Japanese women have the nicest skin, they use umbrellas when the sun is out. Squinting and smiling can definitely increase those crows feet too.


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It’s ridiculous indeed.. sunbeds for that quick boost of attention, while each session turns you more and more into an old suitcase. Japanese women have the nicest skin, they use umbrellas when the sun is out. Squinting and smiling can definitely increase those crows feet too.
Right. Especially when you can just get a spraytan and be tan without the damage. I will never understand why girls do this.


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You forgot the #1 culprit to aging: sun.
I am so glad I started protecting myself with sunblock every single day of the year at a young age and being careful with sun exposure in general. I have never, and will never understand why girls (or guys) strive to be the darkest shade of tan possible and spend all their day at the beach like these Instagram girls. And then maybe they put a small coat of sunscreen on their face and think ''now I am protected from aging!" Lol no. The body ages as well and who wants a wrinkly saggy body, not me :')
I have maybe 4 small moles on my body and no freckles, so I am doing something good, I see women my age (25-26) or younger with tons of moles, freckles and general rough skin texture. It makes me sad
There is a gender divide here.

Men often look good with wrinkles - Gandy, Beckham, Fassbender or all weathered and wrinkled before their time and yet look exceptionally good.

The two form of ageing for men which do look awful are bags under the eyes and jowls - these are mostly genetics though


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I'd never read that before, thanks it was interesting. What surprises me here is that she was so unaware of her status since most hot girls begin to realise how men are treating them differently from the age of 21 and beyond. It's possible to live in a bubble though especially since her friends were all good looking guys and girls and you take it for granted and "normal" until something hits. She probably never deeply thought about all this and was in a career without exposure to different people. However, if she had read the news, history, interacted with different people or looked at the treatment of her acquaintances (school friends and wider social/work circle) she would notice the difference but it probably wouldn't feel too real and personal. I know I had never thought about looks or searched until my temples went back in my late 20s. This is echoed by a few people on here who have the mantra "I was fine and happy with girls/friends/life until my hair started going." I know others are in a more difficult spot with more issues.

For her to become "invisible" it was ageing, like it can be balding for attractive men on here. Both these are eye openers concerning their previous beneficial status. I feel like she's counting her blessings for what she had and realises it wasn't for ever. Think about it, most men are invisible to begin with and for girls being around a 7 ensures some attention from the right guys that they crave. There are quite a lot of bitter depressed unattractive girls as there is more pressure for beauty compared to men, at least on paper although the number of men with image issues is rising massively. I think neither gender can really be happy when they're on the periphery of life and being "aware of reality" especially in their 20s - it's getting harder with each generation. Before, lots of men may have realised they were unattractive (was still known) but there wasn't the constant bombardment from the media and they also married and had kids early on. They also had bigger worries about health and work so overall less time to reflect on so called "vanity issues."

It surprised me a bit too because (as you said) most good looking girls know that they're hot - you can see it a mile off in the way they carry themselves. Even the shy hotties will be aware that of that they are attractive. The smart ones will use it to their advantage when it comes to the opposite sex and have a certain influence over men too.
I've noticed it myself when I look good I definitely get more smiles/attention from women.

As for older women I think Amy Adams looks youthful and cute for 44 (for any age actually).