This is it: I am infertile!


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This thread is freaking me out.. I just recently started taking finasteride, about a month.. I haven't had any sexual side effects, but i've shed ALOT.. and now this as a possibility, it just doesn't seem worth it at all..


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zinc can help with sperm count and mobility
Tribulus can help return testosterone levels to more balanced levels
and DIM can help metabolize excess estrogen.
Get positive about personal health and fitness as well as taking the right supplements.
Don't do it thinking about your fertility but do it for your own well being.
keep positive and don't go getting tested at too many intervals.
Hormones do normally self regulate over time... sometimes they need a little push.
As for fertility and sperm... this too falls into the area of requiring a little help.

I do get annoyed at all the finasteride lovers who get on the bandwagon about Finasteride not bing evil and not causing problems.
While in this case there was no base sperm test to check whether in fact finasteride is the contributing cause... is it also that far fetched?
Part of Finasterides main function works in that is causes atrophy of the prostate.
I have no doubts in my own mind that it could have more serious side effects for some people as we are all different and sit on the bell curve at different points. for some Finasteride has very little side effects... for others.. it can/could fark em right up.

I know personally I got every symptom under the sun with Finasteride over a period of time.
Sore testicles after the first 2 days
initially watery semen (didn't effect volume or how far it would shoot initially... in fact due to it going so damn watery the girlfriend got an eyeful on a few occasions).
Thereafter though my sex drive declined and whilst I rode the sides out for a month and the viscosity of my sperm returned... the volume definitely decreased... as did my sex drive, as did my mood, grew 2cm of tissue under each of my nipples, body fat content increased etc etc.
Hair was awesome.. rest of me fell to bits.
Took an endocrinologist and naturopath 4 months to help get my hormones and health back to normality... but got there in the end.

I wish you all the best of luck bro.. chin up, look after yourself - get healthy


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done said:
This thread is freaking me out.. I just recently started taking finasteride, about a month.. I haven't had any sexual side effects, but i've shed ALOT.. and now this as a possibility, it just doesn't seem worth it at all..

finasteride is the safest of this kind of drug. But that doesn't mean it's safe for everyone, not by some way. I would say just.. watch your body CAREFULLY. If I could go back in time, I would not have taken finasteride, but that's not to say it doesn't work well for some, I'm sure it does.


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Hoppi said:
done said:
This thread is freaking me out.. I just recently started taking finasteride, about a month.. I haven't had any sexual side effects, but i've shed ALOT.. and now this as a possibility, it just doesn't seem worth it at all..

finasteride is the safest of this kind of drug. But that doesn't mean it's safe for everyone, not by some way. I would say just.. watch your body CAREFULLY. If I could go back in time, I would not have taken finasteride, but that's not to say it doesn't work well for some, I'm sure it does.

Hoppi you are making it sound as if finasteride only works for a small amount of users and most get side effects. It's quite the opposite. Most people get maintenance or regrowth with finasteride and only a small percentage get side effects. That needed to be cleared up because I think some people reading your posts are getting the wrong idea.

Mens Rea

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TheGrayMan2001 said:
finasterided said:
It was originally designed as androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer.

No, enlarged prostate, not cancer. ... yperplasia

which can induce prostrate cancer no?

Anyway, finasteride is a disgraceful drug. It messes with your T/Estrogen levels which can cause chain reactions in your body that may be VERY hard to reverse

Im hoping i can recover but i'll be needing sme drug assistance as its been 6 months now.

You guys can bullshit all you want, this stuff will affect most people imo, especially with pesistent use!


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Just because some guys turn out to be unlucky,it doesn't mean that everybody would be affected by it.We are all built differently,I believe a decent majority can handle it while a few unlucky ones experience those horrible sides.

Of all the websites I have seen selling hairloss products,Merck seems like one of the few companies that sells their product as it is.They dont exaggerate the effectiveness of the drug nor do they underplay the side effects.If you dont trust me do look at some of the videos and pics there and the guys who talk are often truthful about the effectiveness of the drug.Nobody calls it the juice of Eden but I do understand that the drug just doesn't agree with some.At the moment it is the best option we have got against male pattern baldness.I don't see HM and other fancy techniques coming out in the next two decades.

My uncle recently said that back in the 70s there was a lot of buzz about a cure for hairloss being available by the 80s and this rumor kept continuing for years with only the availability date being pushed back each time.We are here in the age of technology where we are able to make ear implats,nose jobs,liposuction,organ transplants,Boob jobs,treat wrinkles and a lot of other medical techniques have advanced but still we are nowhere near finding a cure for hairloss.So our best bet would be to say f*** it and move on or take finasteride and delay the progression or hope treatments like RU become a lot cheaper in the next few years[which doesn't seem likely either].


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Okay- i'm not sure if anyone else pointed this out. Changes in the color of sperm do not have anything to do with the sperm. His sperm may be in his testes, but the change in color is a prostate thing. Maybe his prostate fluid has started to kill swimmers.


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PolarKangaroo said:
Okay- i'm not sure if anyone else pointed this out. Changes in the color of sperm do not have anything to do with the sperm. His sperm may be in his testes, but the change in color is a prostate thing. Maybe his prostate fluid has started to kill swimmers.
And prostate fluid is what gives the sperms their mobility and viability. So if the semen is colorless, there's little prostate fluid and the sperms are also weak.


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How are you doing these days Fanjeera? any recovery from the terrible side effects? it has been a long time for you..


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My sperm count has improved to 80 millions per ml, but they're still not healthy( bad motility and defects). Semen still looks watery and won't shoot out. I have been diagnosed with prostatitis, though, and the doctor thinks that's behind it, so we're not talking about finasteride a lot anymore and trying to cure me with antibiotics, alpha-blockers and vitamins.
When will I get my semen back!? How come can you get prostatitis from just a few days of finasteride?! The symptoms came like on the 4th day. That's so srange.


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Boondock said:
I've looked at it, and I think it's true that there may be some decline on sperm quality while on the drug. But every single study looking at this has shown that sperm rates go up to normal after cessation of the drug, and when someone's been off it for several months you have to start looking at alternative explanations.
Can you post the studies?


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Yeah, I think prostatitis is the case for many of us. I treated out Ureaplasma parvum in 2009 when I was only 18 and off the drug for a half a year. Now they can't find a bacteria anymore and we're clueless. So we are just trying to relieve the symptoms with alpha-blocker, so I can pee more easily and have less pains.


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Fanjeera, which antibiotics have you tried?

Seems like your docs may have given up on treating the prostatitis.

What's your prognosis?


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I took ciprofloxacin and ampicillin/sulbactam. The prognosis is that it's a chronic disease and chronic disease won't go away that easy, if at all.