Thinning Quickly Need Recommendations


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Their business isnt very big and they need peoples success to help spread the word. This drug was developed by hair loss specialists and clincally tested and FDA approved so its not just some random shot in the dark. And the reason why I expect to see slight results in 2 months is because this supplement is supposed to be 75 percent better than finasteride meaning quicker results. If it doesn’t work out I’ll gladly get on finasteride

Hair Fact is clinically tested just as aggressively as finasteride. Please check your facts before making such statements.


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It seems many on here
Get on Propecia 1mg a day and minoxidil twice a day, shampoo with nizoral 2-3x a week, your pattern looks really salvageable, and if it's brand new you should be able to regrow and keep a lot of it.

Why would you suggest this regime?


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I dont know man, I looked up her instagram and I am even more skeptical. I just dont see you getting great results with her program. A lot of her before and afters were female. If she truly had a supplement that worked the same as finasteride without side effects then it would be mass produced and sold to all us desperate souls. She sounds too good to be true.

I can send you the clinical studies of 400 patients. The results are there and yes she is getting these results. The issues are men don't want to go to a trichologist and they prefer to stay with a Dr or a Dermatologist who are trained by drug companies. These Dr's are very rarely studying the science of hair themselves. I have spoken with a number of them and they are recommending products they often know very little about. One recommended 50mg of Biotin because he had no idea that 5mg is the maximum that you can absorb. If you want facts on hair please ask.


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Is this a joke? You think your screenshot will make them "look bad" they don't need your success: they need murky data and a crap ton of insecure people, of which there is an infinite supply.

What exactly is in it? I'm sorry man, it just seems like you want to give yourself an extra 6-8 weeks of balding before getting on the right track. By the way, you likely won't see results from anything in 6-8 weeks. Even finasteride takes far longer than that to work.

Finasteride takes longer to respond because it is an oestrogen compound and suppresses the DHT hormones therefore the response time is going to be longer.


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Just shave it & grow a beard breh! Baldness is a sign of high test and women find it sexy! /sarcasm

As others have said, get on the Big Three ASAP. Most importantly get a prescription for Finasteride first, then buy Minoxidil and Nizoral at any drug store/Walmart later. If doctors are being difficult, get on Saw Palmetto until you find one who's willing to write a prescription for finasteride.

This sort of reply is why so many men are not being treated successfully for hair loss.


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Honest opinion? Your crazy mate. Saw p wont do sh*t. Its basically a very ineffective natural cousin of what finasteride does. Looking at your pics youl be bald in a year

Interesting response. I agree there is speculation around Saw Palmetto and I assume you understand what and how finasteride works? There is also no way that you can support the statement that he will be bald in one year?


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The most proven regimine on this forum, unfortunately I got sides on 2/3 of the things used so i could not continue but as it seems most aren't that unlucky.

On this forum but not because you have seen a medical specialist? The issue that I present to many people in my presentations on hair loss and growth is that too often drs prescribe finasteride without thorough investigations. You should not be prescribing a DHT blocker unless you have elevated DHT levels otherwise you are causing more issues. DHT is not the only cause of hair loss in fact it has been clinically proven to be only 30-40% of the reason for hair loss which is why clinical studies have shown the success rate in patients using finasteride to be only 57% at best.


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If you can turn it around the natural way then that will be a huge blessing for you. Seems like you know your options which is good. Just dont be like many people who wait until it is too late to start finasteride. Getting good results on finasteride is really just maintaining what you have, so it is best to start the moment you notice thinning.

This is because finasteride doesn't improve hair growth


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Here is my question. Why would any man losing hair that cares about it not try propecia? I mean if you look at evidence, and results what other treatment right now is there to use instead?


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any man who has seen the evidence of negative side effects that it creates. there are several countries around the world who have band it due to the side effects and even the fda have increased the warning statements against it. it is on their radar because of the negative side effects. so no i personally would not want to just randomly try it.


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Here is my question. Why would any man losing hair that cares about it not try propecia? I mean if you look at evidence, and results what other treatment right now is there to use instead?
Exactly that is my question that is why im doing hair fact first because my situation is bad but not the worst. Ive seen success with worse on propecia and get major gains, but my goal is to see success with hair fact and prp and not worry about propecia. Im glad to have this conversation with you all . I hope one day we all can have a cure to this curse


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clinical studies help answer a lot of fear


  • Cyclical Nutritional Therapy Clinical Trial.pdf
    2.5 MB · Views: 203


My Regimen
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The most proven regimine on this forum, unfortunately I got sides on 2/3 of the things used so i could not continue but as it seems most aren't that unlucky.
Im sorry you got the side effects man that sucks, how bad was it? If hair fact works maybe i can recommend it to you

real kombo

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Their business isnt very big and they need peoples success to help spread the word. This drug was developed by hair loss specialists and clincally tested and FDA approved so its not just some random shot in the dark. And the reason why I expect to see slight results in 2 months is because this supplement is supposed to be 75 percent better than finasteride meaning quicker results. If it doesn’t work out I’ll gladly get on finasteride

I'm rooting for you man, message me after 6-8 weeks and let me know how it turns out. Good luck.


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On this forum but not because you have seen a medical specialist? The issue that I present to many people in my presentations on hair loss and growth is that too often drs prescribe finasteride without thorough investigations. You should not be prescribing a DHT blocker unless you have elevated DHT levels otherwise you are causing more issues. DHT is not the only cause of hair loss in fact it has been clinically proven to be only 30-40% of the reason for hair loss which is why clinical studies have shown the success rate in patients using finasteride to be only 57% at best.
Elevated DHT levels is very rarely the problem with hairloss, it's almost always the follicle sensitivity to DHT. Medical specialists will usually prescribe you finasteride, tell you to get on Min and Nizoral, there's a lot more things out there, these are just the most proven so far.