Thinning Quickly Need Recommendations


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Same for derms and gps. Their knowledge is awful. Even finasteride they dont like giving. My doctor (a bald man) told me at 19 theres nothing you can do for balding and finasteride didnt work. So i bought it online and still have my hair at 31.

Yeah. There are some good doctors that specialise in hair disorders but they are very few and far between. They've usually worked abroad and do lectures at universities. Certainly not your average gp and the nhs waiting list once referred can be up to 18 weeks in a lot of areas.

So finasteride is keeping you steady? You should give your 19 year old self a pat on the back. Great decision!


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For thickening hair you should check out piroctone olamine shampoo:

You can use both ket and pir shampoos on alternating days. Alternatively you could do piro and head and shoulders (Head and Shoulders uses Zinc Pyrithione, not nearly as effective as the other too but having some affect) and/or stemoxadyne shampoo on alternating days and use 2% Ket cream which is more effective than either 1% or 2% Ket shampoo. All of this can be done in addition to fina and minoxidil. Derma rolling/stamping is another option as well.


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Just nervous to take propecia because of side effects but i may take the risk if it can buy me a couple of years of thick hair again. I want to give these supplements a shot for a month see if i gain progress and if not I definitely will be going with propecia
Has bought me 15 years, so far..


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Yeah. There are some good doctors that specialise in hair disorders but they are very few and far between. They've usually worked abroad and do lectures at universities. Certainly not your average gp and the nhs waiting list once referred can be up to 18 weeks in a lot of areas.

So finasteride is keeping you steady? You should give your 19 year old self a pat on the back. Great decision!
Yeah i was starting to feel as if i was scammed by this lady. But i found a trichologist who has lots of good before and afters and her clinic is called hair again in weeks shes getting guys their hair back in 5 weeks its ridiculous. She teaches other trichologist I recommend if you have Instagram to look her up hairagaintx is the name of her page. I also agree its hard to find any legit doctor who can tell you what to do about hair loss. I will start propecia since it does have a very good success rate. But first i want to try this hair fact supplements its supposed to work like finasteride but without any negative side effects. If i dont see results within 4-5 weeks ive decided to go with finasteride since i was already given it by a dermatologist


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For thickening hair you should check out piroctone olamine shampoo:

You can use both ket and pir shampoos on alternating days. Alternatively you could do piro and head and shoulders (Head and Shoulders uses Zinc Pyrithione, not nearly as effective as the other too but having some affect) and/or stemoxadyne shampoo on alternating days and use 2% Ket cream which is more effective than either 1% or 2% Ket shampoo. All of this can be done in addition to fina and minoxidil. Derma rolling/stamping is another option as well.
Yes i was going to try out Nizoral, i have horrible dandruff and see red all over my head my shedding is everywhere but the thinning is only noticeable on top of my head. If i run my fingers through the side of my head after a couple if days no showering i will have a fair amount of hairs in my hand


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Yeah i was starting to feel as if i was scammed by this lady. But i found a trichologist who has lots of good before and afters and her clinic is called hair again in weeks shes getting guys their hair back in 5 weeks its ridiculous. She teaches other trichologist I recommend if you have Instagram to look her up hairagaintx is the name of her page. I also agree its hard to find any legit doctor who can tell you what to do about hair loss. I will start propecia since it does have a very good success rate. But first i want to try this hair fact supplements its supposed to work like finasteride but without any negative side effects. If i dont see results within 4-5 weeks ive decided to go with finasteride since i was already given it by a dermatologist

I dont know man, I looked up her instagram and I am even more skeptical. I just dont see you getting great results with her program. A lot of her before and afters were female. If she truly had a supplement that worked the same as finasteride without side effects then it would be mass produced and sold to all us desperate souls. She sounds too good to be true.


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I dont know man, I looked up her instagram and I am even more skeptical. I just dont see you getting great results with her program. A lot of her before and afters were female. If she truly had a supplement that worked the same as finasteride without side effects then it would be mass produced and sold to all us desperate souls. She sounds too good to be true.
I agree lol my hair loss was so sudden im trying to do any natural thing i can do to turn it around before i go finasteride, i will definitely go the finasteride route in a couple of months if no progress. My sh*t has been going like wild fire but i had hope yesterday my hair shed was much less than it has been yesterday after a couple of weeks of using a DHT blocking shampoo called xtc but yeah these bastards due prey on us unfortunately. Hopefully i dont have to go hair Transplant route last option trying every thing i can before i give up the fight. I ate so unhealthy man i was living like sh*t i have no male pattern baldness in my fam so im confident i can turn this sh*t around living right. But over the last 3 months it hasn’t done sh*t but get massively thinner sorry to write a novel


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I agree lol my hair loss was so sudden im trying to do any natural thing i can do to turn it around before i go finasteride, i will definitely go the finasteride route in a couple of months if no progress. My sh*t has been going like wild fire but i had hope yesterday my hair shed was much less than it has been yesterday after a couple of weeks of using a DHT blocking shampoo called xtc but yeah these bastards due prey on us unfortunately. Hopefully i dont have to go hair Transplant route last option trying every thing i can before i give up the fight. I ate so unhealthy man i was living like sh*t i have no male pattern baldness in my fam so im confident i can turn this sh*t around living right. But over the last 3 months it hasn’t done sh*t but get massively thinner sorry to write a novel

If you can turn it around the natural way then that will be a huge blessing for you. Seems like you know your options which is good. Just dont be like many people who wait until it is too late to start finasteride. Getting good results on finasteride is really just maintaining what you have, so it is best to start the moment you notice thinning.


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If you can turn it around the natural way then that will be a huge blessing for you. Seems like you know your options which is good. Just dont be like many people who wait until it is too late to start finasteride. Getting good results on finasteride is really just maintaining what you have, so it is best to start the moment you notice thinning.
Yeah my sh*t look bad right now so maintaining what i have wouldnt help unless it didn’t thicken up what i had then i would be good, but i guess i can be a test rat for you guys on the hair fact supplements and if it works i can provide a spark of hope to others, if not well guess im fucked or haveto hope for good finasteride results


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Just shave it & grow a beard breh! Baldness is a sign of high test and women find it sexy! /sarcasm

As others have said, get on the Big Three ASAP. Most importantly get a prescription for Finasteride first, then buy Minoxidil and Nizoral at any drug store/Walmart later. If doctors are being difficult, get on Saw Palmetto until you find one who's willing to write a prescription for finasteride.


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Just shave it & grow a beard breh! Baldness is a sign of high test and women find it sexy! /sarcasm

As others have said, get on the Big Three ASAP. Most importantly get a prescription for Finasteride first, then buy Minoxidil and Nizoral at any drug store/Walmart later. If doctors are being difficult, get on Saw Palmetto until you find one who's willing to write a prescription for finasteride.
The supplement im getting ready to take has saw pelmetto, i have a prescription of finasteride lined up if this stuff doesnt work just havnt picked it up yet


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Contacted hair fact and this is what they have to say. I am still not fully sold but i will give my updates next month. I will be starting in a day or two

Well I hope they are right! Take a bunch of pictures to track your progress.

real kombo

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This supplement isnt only saw p ... i don’t understand why people think finasteride is the only way. People get their hair back in other ways. Just because im in a bad spot doesn’t mean I can’t recover some. And my plan is to give these supplements 6-8 weeks and if theres no progress i will start finasteride. Apparently theres been clincal studies this stuff works better than finasteride. And if they’re lying well i got them on screenshot and that makes their company look bad.

Is this a joke? You think your screenshot will make them "look bad" they don't need your success: they need murky data and a crap ton of insecure people, of which there is an infinite supply.

What exactly is in it? I'm sorry man, it just seems like you want to give yourself an extra 6-8 weeks of balding before getting on the right track. By the way, you likely won't see results from anything in 6-8 weeks. Even finasteride takes far longer than that to work.


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Is this a joke? You think your screenshot will make them "look bad" they don't need your success: they need murky data and a crap ton of insecure people, of which there is an infinite supply.

What exactly is in it? I'm sorry man, it just seems like you want to give yourself an extra 6-8 weeks of balding before getting on the right track. By the way, you likely won't see results from anything in 6-8 weeks. Even finasteride takes far longer than that to work.
I understand being a critic but you cant knock it till you try it. And yes ot does make them look bad preventing them from getting more business.


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Is this a joke? You think your screenshot will make them "look bad" they don't need your success: they need murky data and a crap ton of insecure people, of which there is an infinite supply.

What exactly is in it? I'm sorry man, it just seems like you want to give yourself an extra 6-8 weeks of balding before getting on the right track. By the way, you likely won't see results from anything in 6-8 weeks. Even finasteride takes far longer than that to work.
Their business isnt very big and they need peoples success to help spread the word. This drug was developed by hair loss specialists and clincally tested and FDA approved so its not just some random shot in the dark. And the reason why I expect to see slight results in 2 months is because this supplement is supposed to be 75 percent better than finasteride meaning quicker results. If it doesn’t work out I’ll gladly get on finasteride