The Natural Internal Regimen

The Natural

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Everyone is different. But if you are inclined to follow just this regimen, journal your progress, and update the forum after three months.


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I'm just starting something close to this regimen. For vit. C I'm using camu camu powder for now although not everyday. Been using curcumin 95 for a week now and getting aged garlic extract soon. I've read your threads around your web about this combination to relieve dandruff. I have sebrehhoic dermatitis and been having dandruff since a young teen (now I'm mid 20s) so I know it's a contributor to my situation now. I hope it really helps for this at the very least. Don't want to use prescription shampoos cause even if that helps, all it does is hide the symptom, not actually fix the problem. I also just started using Ecklonia Cava Extract. Wondering why you didn't include that in your list? Is it because you already halted your hair loss so what's the point in adding more?

You guys should also try out an autoimmune diet in case it might help your condition. Nothing to lose and hopefully lots to gain.

The Natural

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"When" you take supplements is just as important as "what" supplements you take. Garlic and vitamin C, garlic and curcumin, resveratrol and curcumin are all synergistic: The effectiveness of both is increased when taken together.

Curcumin and resveratrol reduced my dermatitis to virtually nil. Aged garlic extract and curcumin have maintained this condition.

I have read some literature on Ecklonia Cava Extract. It seems to do the body good. Not sure about its effect on hair loss though. And it is quite expensive.

Been reading up on the tradional Japanese diet: rice, natto, tofu, miso soup, fish; full of essential fatty acids; pro hair!

The Natural

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UPDATE: In an effort to keep the board abreast of my current status, I feel obliged to inform members that I must return to the curcumin and resveratrol combination, though not for hair-related reasons. Several years ago, I was diagnosed with a mild case of elbow bursitis that prevented me from engaging in sporting activities for several months. During this period, I began various supplements to reduce dandruff and thinning hair: Two of them were curcumin and resveratrol.

After several months with these supplements, I found that my elbow felt significantly better; so much so that I could return to my sporting activities full-go. For three years, the pain and swelling did not return. But in February of this year, I removed resveratrol from my regimen, and found that my scalp/hair maintained just fine without it.

Unfortunately, my elbow bursitis returned, and has become progressively worse over the past couple of months. I don't think that it is a coincidence. So I am returning resveratrol to my regimen. Since I am not one that likes to take a lot of supplements, I will be dropping (for now) cayenne pepper/ginger, though these could very well be taken together.

The Natural

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( -- Fish oil supplements, widely touted for their ability to improve heart health, may not be as useful in protecting the heart as once thought, according to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Fish oil supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in salmon and other cold-water fish. These healthy fats have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce triglycerides, and prevent heart rhythm abnormalities, but clinical trials investigating whether these properties translate into a lower risk of heart attack and stroke have had mixed results.

In the new study, researchers sought to resolve these inconsistent findings by re-examining data from 20 previous clinical trials involving nearly 70,000 patients. Overall, they concluded, fish oil supplements were no more effective than a placebo at preventing premature death or serious cardiovascular problems.

"Omega-3 supplementation did not statistically significantly reduce all-cause mortality, sudden and cardiac death (heart attack), or stroke," says Dr. Moses Elisaf, the senior author of the study and a professor of internal medicine at the University of Ioannina Medical School, in Greece.

The study isn't the first to cast doubt on the benefits of fish oil. In April, a similar analysis of previous research found that the supplements did not help prevent second heart attacks or strokes in people with cardiovascular disease. Diets rich in fish and omega-3s have been linked to a lower risk of heart attack, so what accounts for the disappointing results from supplement trials? Inconsistencies in the trial details -- such as the dosage used and the participants' preexisting conditions -- may be partly responsible, but it could also be that fish oil doesn't provide the same benefits as omega-3s in their natural state.

In theory, the omega-3s found on drugstore shelves are no different than those found in fish and other dietary sources, such as flaxseed. In reality, however, the concentrated dose provided by supplements may behave differently in the body than the slow and steady intake that comes with food.
That pattern has been observed with other types of supplements, says Dr. John Erwin III, a cardiologist at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, in Temple, Texas. For instance, diets that are naturally high in vitamins C and E appear to reduce the risk for heart disease, but the corresponding supplements don't, and may even harm the heart, Erwin says.

Similarly, studies have suggested that calcium supplements -- but not a calcium-rich diet -- may actually contribute to heart attacks in postmenopausal women. It's too soon to say why fish oil supplements haven't proven more effective. Questions regarding dosage and other variables will need to be explored further before doctors can confidently recommend fish oil supplements (or not) to their heart patients, Elisaf and his colleagues say.


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The Natural.. Aged garlic? Afraid of Vampires??

- - - Updated - - -

Cucurmin and Resv.. suppresses NF-Kappa functions.. anti inflammatory anti aging..Liposomal Cucurmin fight cancer and have the best absorption..same for RESV ..have to be in a liposomal form.. The pill or powder form are almost useless.. Both good supplements in my book... I don't personally trust Ecklonia Cava Extract.. Over expensive and overrated.. I can see your affiliation with Immortal forum lol

The Natural

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The Natural.. Aged garlic? Afraid of Vampires??Cucurmin and Resv.. suppresses NF-Kappa functions.. anti inflammatory anti aging..Liposomal Cucurmin fight cancer and have the best absorption..same for RESV ..have to be in a liposomal form.. The pill or powder form are almost useless.. Both good supplements in my book... I don't personally trust Ecklonia Cava Extract.. Over expensive and overrated.. I can see your affiliation with Immortal forum lol

Yes, it's almost that time of year: Halloween. So I'll need to stock up on the garlic to ward off this recent wave of wannabe vampires!

You need to read up on Meriva's phytosomes. I think that they will change your mind about "powder forms." I was neither pressured nor persuaded to pay all that money for Ecklonia Cava Extract. But you are correct, some at IH's forum swear by the stuff.


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Hello The Natural.

I am willing to give it a go but you didn't put any dosage on the thread I think. Could you tell us your dosage, the form etc ...
Like ginger ? Are you buying caps ? Powder ? Do you eat something when you take the combo ?

What brands could you recommend ? Or if you don't want to recommend brands what should we be careful about when we choose our supplements ?

Other question: do you think Vit C could be replaced by a diet rich in vitamin C ? I mean I take a big glass of orange/acerola juice every morning. Should I get a supplement on top of that ?

Ok so to bring something to the table, I have been supplementing my self with nigella seeds for 3 months now, nothing noticable yet but it has the potential to be a key anti inflammtory agent. A guy on a French forum has been using it for 2 years and his hair loss stopped after something like 8 months of use and he noticed a slight regrowth.
It contains a gaz called thymoquinone that has the properties inhibiting COX2 and **** we are looking for.
Here are some sources

I still have some hair, I am like NW2 or smg, I don't want to wait longer to stop that **** so I wanna try your regimen on top of that. I won't be the perfect guinea pig for nigella though cause I am not taking this alone, I know.

Thank you for your time

The Natural

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do you think Vit C could be replaced by a diet rich in vitamin C ? I mean I take a big glass of orange/acerola juice every morning. Should I get a supplement on top of that ?

I don't know. I take 500 mg. of ascorbic acid a day, and have not caught a cold in three years. A diet should include at least this much, in my opinion.

I have offered information in my signature as to some forms that I prefer: curcumin - Meriva; MSM - OptiMSM. Beyond this, you will have to find out for yourself what is best for you.



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I bought aged garlic mixed with vitam C and olive leaf, curcumin and ginger.
I already have a very good fish oil supplement.

When you say "I have found that cayenne/ginger work better than resveratrol at quickly circulating curcumin throughout the body." do you mean ginger + cayenne or ginger OR cayenne.

I will post results in three months. If that can make my scalp to stop hurting and itching that will be something.

The Natural

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I have used curcumin and aged garlic extract as well as curcumin and resveratrol to successfully combat scalp inflammation. I hope that you find some relief too.



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Ok but should I take curcumin + cayenne + ginger to maximise the circulation through the body or is curcumin + ginger is enough ?

What do you think about nigella seeds btw ?

The Natural

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Ok but should I take curcumin + cayenne + ginger to maximise the circulation through the body or is curcumin + ginger is enough ? What do you think about nigella seeds btw ?

I do not know. Our Q&A session has ended. Best wishes for whatever you decide to do. I have not looked into nigella seeds. Will do so in the near future.


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No need to be so fierce, you never explicitly said that you didn't know how this works. You actually implied the opposite.
Maybe edit the main topic if you do not want to be disturbed.

Anyway thanks for the help, I will report results or absence of results in a few months, unless some side effects show up.

The Natural

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And you have become obnoxious.

Re-read my first post. Follow the regimen as stated or do not. Report your results in three months or do not. The choice is yours, Scarlett.

But I will ask you kindly to refrain from posting any more of your pedestrian questions in this thread.


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Natural what was the condition of your hair loss before you started this regimen? Was it aggressive, NW3+? Just trying to figure out whether the regimen you follow would assist NW3V and above folks..

The Natural

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My hair loss pattern was nearing your typical NW3, significant loss in the temple and crown area (almost see-through). It (the loss) became more aggressive due to the stress of work and relocation.

At that time, I just wanted to find something to stop the thinning (shedding), and happened to read a post in another forum about curcumin and resveratrol. They really helped me. I am maintaining well at a NW2 now. Though admittedly, the hair that has regrown is not as thick as it was before the loss.

My real success began when I redirected my attention from "inhibiting all of my DHT" to "reducing my inflammation" and "increasing my circulation."


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It's time that we gave boswellia serrata some more of our attention.

Many moons ago I posted about these guys..supposed to be one of the most potent:

And..not as potent..but phytosomal:

- - - Updated - - -

True Botanica lists it under their "Hair growth" section: ..FWIW.