The Natural Internal Regimen


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lack of nitrix oxide is not the cause of baldness... it's either excess androgens or follicle AR sensitivty. What do you got for that?


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lack of nitrix oxide is not the cause of baldness... it's either excess androgens or follicle AR sensitivty. What do you got for that?'re right....but it is still important to have healthy levels of NO and it won't hurt matters, that's for sure...and on top of it. a healthy body leads to a healthy mind and I am curious if lobsterlobster has overall health issues...I don't want to rag on the guy, I want to help him, so I apologize if I came off beating him up...

...but hairloss becomes less stressful when you up your overall fitness and health still sux, but it does help....and it might explain why he is so sensitive to everything...


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That was my bee guys. Right as I started the Natural's regimen, I got this nasty sickness. I'm pretty sure it was a coincidence now. But I felt so light headed and all that mumbojumbo, and my libido was far far away. But now, I'm attributing my loss of libido to being sick, and I'm attributing me being sick to traveling a lot and not getting a lot of sleep. Now I'm back on the Natural's full regimen (without equol), and I feel great actually. My head feels less 'inflamed' and all of these nutrients are actually making me more welcoming of life. So I'll see what happens in the next few months.

And no, I'm a fairly healthy guy, just very paranoid. finasteride did a number on me, and I was quite disturbed by the experience.

The Natural

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Just to be clear. This is the "Alternative Section" so your posts are appropriate and I'm not discounting the validity of any cited study. Just the highlighted sections are troublesome.

IDW, please look for some attention (and/or conspiracy theories) in another thread. You are an employee of Life Extension, I presume. LOL!


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Please dont look into DIM for hair loss. male pattern baldness, pcos, androgenic alopecia hair loss. I read about people shedding heavily from it, tried it myself, shed like a cheap rug. Stopped it, back down to my reg shedding. Started it again, shedding again 300 - 400 hairs daily. Stopped it back down to my reg shedding. 100.

I'm done.


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Please dont look into DIM for hair loss. male pattern baldness, pcos, androgenic alopecia hair loss. I read about people shedding heavily from it, tried it myself, shed like a cheap rug. Stopped it, back down to my reg shedding. Started it again, shedding again 300 - 400 hairs daily. Stopped it back down to my reg shedding. 100.

I'm done.

how is that even possible?

Plant-derived 3,3′-Diindolylmethane Is a Strong Androgen Antagonist in Human Prostate Cancer Cells

Indole-3-carbinol inhibition of androgen receptor expression and downregulation of androgen responsiveness in human prostate cancer cells

this is so far the best alternative to 5AR blockers that is pretty much 100% safe

- - - Updated - - -

Staying pat with my regimen, thank you. I still have no idea why you feel the need to troll this thread. Stay on topic, 2020.

I don't believe that the stuff you're taking(and nothing else!) was enough to halt your hair loss...

The Natural

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I don't believe that the stuff you're taking(and nothing else!) was enough to halt your hair loss...

If I could only impress upon you how insignificant and irrelevant your belief is to me and countless others here.


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TN, aged garlic, curcumin, resveratol, and vitamin C, all have something to do with interfering with the activity of the transcription factor NF-kappB, relating to induction of COX-2 expression (correct me if I'm wrong), and I've seen, at least in the case of curcumin, that it can help prevent over-expression of TGF-beta. ...or in oversimplified terms: prevents induced inflamation and programmed cell death/fibrosis.

Have you ever considered a topical that can do the same? If so, what can be used?

The Natural

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Hair loss is complicated. But I have read that inflammation can accelerate the death of hair cells in those genetically susceptible. So my objective was to find, through trial and error, an internal regimen which could lower self induced inflammation, and thereby slow the aging process. I have no doubt that these supplements do "interfere" with the activity of pro-inflammatories, repair mitochondria, and prolong the life of hair cells.

I am not familiar with a topical with similar capabilities, though, one could very well exist.


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Hey, just last week i wanted to PM u about ur regimen, now i don't have to. I've read in a discussion somewhere else that Curcumin might be linked to reduction in DHT. I was not able to find any studies backing it. Have you come across anything like that in your research? Also Cayenne and ginger, are those taken in extract form or are they taken in their natural state (ex: cayenne pepper and ginger root)? Because i actually use both for cooking.


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Is aged garlic extract the same as garlic pills at longs drugs? Which of the items you mentioned can be bought at popular convenience stores?

The Natural

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Is aged garlic extract the same as garlic pills at longs drugs? Which of the items you mentioned can be bought at popular convenience stores?

I do not know. If, after researching, you find the answer to either one of these questions, please post it here.


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Is aged garlic extract the same as garlic pills at longs drugs? Which of the items you mentioned can be bought at popular convenience stores?

You can find some of this in typical grocery stores (like omega 3, vit c, maybe aged garlic), but I would go to a vitamin or supplement store.

The Natural

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How does aged garlic help with hair loss?

"DHT, which stands for Dihydrotestosterone (5α-Dihydrotestosterone), is a male sex hormone, an androgen. 5α-reductase, an enzyme, synthesizes DHT in the adrenal glands, hair follicles, testes and prostate. Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia or androgenetic alopecia, is caused by the hair follicle's sensitivity to DHT. The follicles miniaturize (shrink), resulting in a shorter lifespan and the abnormal production of hair.

The most important part of the hair follicle is the dermal papilla (papilla of hair), which is responsible for the growth of hair. The dermal papilla cells divide and differentiate to form new hair follicles. The papilla is in direct contact with the skin's blood capillaries, from which it gets its essential nutrients for proper hair follicle growth. The dermal papilla has a large number of androgen receptors (more in males than females). When DHT gets to the dermal papilla, it undermines the absorption of vital nutrients required for healthy hair follicles."

It is believed that S-allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC), a sulfur compound that forms as garlic ages, reduces the amount of DHT produced.