The Israeli–Palestinian conflict


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

The Gardener said:
The reason why Israel hasn't been able to unseat Hizbullah or Hamas is because the politically correct lefties are forcing them to fight these wars with a hand tied behind their back.

Yes, Israel has definetely showed restraint.

Bombing the f*** out of apartment buildings in Beirut and Gaza, telling civilians to leave areas in case they get caught up in fighting and then just incinerating anyway, waste hundreds of children, deliberatly target UN facilities and then spreading cluster munitions over huge areas AFTER a ceasefire is a sure sign that you have weakened to the bleeding hearts in your electorate.

I don't know what's worse, Gardenmeister. The insinuation that the IDF haven't already taken the gloves off or your belief that they could (and presumably should) 'finish the job' using all means necessary, no matter how many more civilians die. The IDF have shown that they don't have the capability or the stomach for the casualties.

Your Gulf War analogy sucks!

Until the Palestinians either stop attacking Israel, or until they are willing to come to the negotiating table without their position being one of "NONE of Israel is allowed to exist" then they'll continue suffering.

And of course nothing is demanded of Israel. Ever.

If the Palestinians have to put down their weapons, then why don't Israel?


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Re: Max Blumenthal Interviews Israel Supporters At Rally In NY.

Old Baldy said:
When, OH WHEN, will this problem between Arabs and Jews get resolved? :(

When the US government stops kowtowing to the Zionist lobby. That's not going to happen in the near future, at least not for the next 8 years. Or Obama might surprise us.


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Re: Max Blumenthal Interviews Israel Supporters At Rally In NY.

:laugh: I love this town, there's so many wackos and idiots including Patterson. That guy needs to GTFO


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

aussieavodart said:
me and my goverment do not belive in massacring a group of people

Nobody who knows anything about Israeli history wouldn't believe one shred of that.
Let me remind you the holocaust, you think people who been tho so much pain and agony and suffering could do the same ?!?!
and please show me ONE RELAIBALE source where Israel massacre a group of people based on their belifes???? and dont link me to one or two extreme leaders that got killed by Israel after commiting crimes, killing Israeli people, show me a place wher Israel massacre an ENTIRE groupe of people BASE ON THEIR ELIFES!!! see it as :)

aussieavodart said:
So you are trying to destroy the organization as a whole then?
Have you heard of Ritaline?! you need to read and understad the words too, Isreal do not belive in massacring a group of people no matter how extreme their view is, it belive in killing the heads and not the whole oganization, if Israel would want that, it probebly would already happend.

aussieavodart said:
Yeah he was so diplomatic that he completely shut down a group offering a peace treaty
:roll: Obviously a professional.
Feel more then free to post your B.A/Deploma in international effairs that proves that you know more or have more exprience then ANY of the American deplomates :) ...we all can talk sh*t, i want proofs that you know more, or understand more then the Us deplomate before you OVERULE what a proven smartest man then you say...(its like i call Einstein and idiot in a physics-related arrgument ).
aussieavodart said:
What about all the attacks on Palestinians before and after the arrest?

Hamas observed the ceasefire and offered a truce while Israel ignored both yet you still want to harp on about them being the ones who aren't genuine about a solution?
Hamas are bounch of liers, they dont want peace, they want Isreal out of the map, here are two links to the Hamas agenda::
Hamas on Wiki (Click)and if you too lazy to read it all, ill help you ...
Queted from the text:
Hamas's charter calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic Republic in their historic homeland of Palestine, in place of Israel.[58] Hamas sees this view as an Islamic religious duty and prophesy that comes directly from Hadith.[59] In 1999, late Hamas co-founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin mentioned the year 2027 as the possible date for the "disappearance" of Israel.[60] The group has not issued a clear statement about how it would deal with the current population of Israel, should it succeed in overthrowing Israeli and secular Palestinian government. Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, one of its co-founders, stated that the movement's goal is "to remove Israel from the map".[61]
Hamas on BBC News (Click), again, if you too lazy i queted from the text :
Hamas does not recognise the right of Israel to exist. Its long-term aim is to establish an Islamic state on land originally mandated as Palestine - most of which has been contained within Israel's borders since its creation in 1948.
Stop feeding them with lies Auusie, Hamas is a violnte group, your effort of portraiting them as a bounch of angels that all the seek is peace is bullcrap, you know it exactly like i do.
here is a clip for the Hamas education and what they learn their kids on schools::
yeah right... "Hamas wants peace"... lol f*** you.
aussieavodart said:
Your Gulf War analogy sucks!
aussieavodart said:
aussieavodart said:
your belief that they could (and presumably should) 'finish the job' using all means necessary, no matter how many more civilians die
So much for you being pacifist, im not gonna argue with Aussie-kid anymore, your either a kid looking fot attention or extreme liberal, a smart man said once: " the difference between Cannibals and Liberals is that Cannibals do not eat their friends".
Point in case, i said what had to be said, Aussie doenst want to hear the sad truth, for some people it is easeir to close thier ears and eyes, to be left alone with thier own thought because this is what suites thier type of perception and interpretation of "reality"...
I hope some of you can see the real face of Hamas, and understand that these type of terrorists dont understand anything else then aggresive force, terrorists dont negotiate, they force their ways by using extreme violance, bombing and killing of innocents, if you give them what they want, they will only ask for more, and more, and more, the same way a bully treat you in highschool, when he beats you and takes your lounch every day, once you stand up to him he will learn to leave you alone, thats life, this is nature, this is how thing go, and i tell you this, if Israel goes ack to '67, then i say : "thank god for America, im getting the hell out of here with my US passport and start another life overseas" because there is no way in earth Israel will survive one year like surronded by enemies like that, me, my close firends and my family, basicly 67' lines means=no Israel, Israelis will leave asap, and the first that will leave (listen to the sad thrue ironic thing here...) will be the ones that serve in fighting units because we know exactly what we deal with here....eitherway im standing up for Israel untill wwe go back to 67' then i trule wont give afuck anymore, then im out for the US.


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

SE-freak said:
tembo said:
So how come the Muslim world is not saying anything much about the current Taliban Gazaing of Western Pakistan? Or the Arabs doing a Gaza in Darfur?

And why is Turkey not even apologizing for doing a Gaza on Armenia in the past? Or Turkey on doing a Gaza in neighboring regions in decades gone by? Or Muslim plunderers doing a Gaza on India/Pakistan/Bangladesh for centuries, effects of which still haunt those countries?

I could go on giving examples of brutalities in the past and present where most Middle Eastern countries have
had a role, but it seems like the Palestinian cause is the only one that they care about.

Wonder why....I think I know, but we are not allowed to talk about those things on these forums.

So since Turkey has been a brutal dominating nation for centuries we should shut it up for Palestine. Right?

Look at the bright side, there was no Palestinian conflict under the Ottomans :innocent: until the Brits got involved.

tembo is saying that X form of extremism is bad, but if he uses Y form of extremism it's acceptable.


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

Smooth said:
Let me remind you the holocaust,

Here we go :roll:

ONE RELAIBALE source where Israel massacre a group of people

Have you heard of Ritaline?! you need to read and understad the words too, Isreal do not belive in massacring a group of people no matter how extreme their view is, it belive in killing the heads and not the whole oganization, if Israel would want that, it probebly would already happend

Yes I heard the first time:

Israel doesnt belive in whiping an entire organization of people

Israel vows to destory the Hamas and Hizollah means killing the heads of these extreme organizations in order to destroy it as an organization

You need to learn how to construct sentences that don't contradict themselves. Either you are trying to destroy the whole organization or you aren't.

Feel more then free to post your B.A/Deploma in international effairs that proves that you know more or have more exprience then ANY of the American deplomates :) ...we all can talk sh*t, i want proofs that you know more, or understand more then the Us deplomate before you OVERULE what a proven smartest man then you say...(its like i call Einstein and idiot in a physics-related arrgument ).

So when Hamas say publicly that they are ready to negotiate and accept an Israeli state and the US rejects it and says nothing has changed, you consider it to be a display of intelligence and diplomatic skill?

Hamas are bounch of liers

Yes the lies and terrorism only exist on one side

Stop feeding them with lies Auusie

I posted source articles to everything I said. You haven't disproved any of it, you've just denied it.

barca FC

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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

Smooth said:
aussieavodart said:
and please show me ONE RELAIBALE source where Israel massacre a group of people based on their belifes???? and dont link me to one or two extreme leaders that got killed by Israel after commiting crimes, killing Israeli people, show me a place wher Israel massacre an ENTIRE groupe of people BASE ON THEIR ELIFES!!! see it as :)

r u for real? do u really live there? u guys have done and still doing things the nazis wouldn't do.
BTY the number of deaths is more than one thousand now(half of them children and women). I dont know if u guys ever protest against your government, this is the time to do it... for the sake of humanity

The Gardener

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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

aussieavodart said:
Oh, what a hypocritical list to post... who would rant and rave against attacks on harmless victims, and then go on to post a list of attacks... but the list is made up of only transgressions BY ONE SIDE in the conflict?! If you were being intellectually honest, your list should also include: ... de_bombing ... de_bombing ... e_bombings ... de_bombing ... de_bombing ... de_bombing ... de_bombing ... de_bombing ... de_bombing

If you are so passionate about death, injury, and maiming of innocent civilians, then WHERE was your PASSION and RAGE when a suicide bomber walked into an Israeli cafe and detonated himself, spraying hundreds of innocents with nails and shrapnel? I bet you were really angry about that, right?

Unlike Hamas, at least the Israelis don't make policy out of trying to kill innocents. Hamas deliberately intends to kill innocent civilians. AND, Hamas also makes a DELIBERATE policy of HIDING AMONGST ITS OWN CIVILIAN populations so as to have them serve as human shields, in effect:

Both Palestinians and the Israeli army criticize Hamas for blending into the Palestinian civilian population.[115] In his analysis of the Battle of Jenin, Dr. Gal Luft, co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, wrote, "[L]ike in any other case of forces operating in urban areas, Israeli soldiers learned how difficult it is to distinguish the enemy from the general population. Military personnel of non-state actors often do not wear uniforms and therefore look like regular civilians."[116] In 2009, the Israeli government publicized video evidence of Hamas's human shield tactics.[117] Hamas frequently uses mosques as hideouts and places to store weapons.[118][119] Hamas leaders also store weapons in their homes, which makes it difficult to ensuring that civilians in the neighborhood where the legitimate military target is located don't get hurt.[120]

It is "an open secret" among Palestinians living in Gaza that Gaza's Shifa Hospital is used as a meeting place and hiding place for Hamas. Hamas leaders have been known to dress in doctors robes and to kick out legitimate doctors out of certain rooms so that they can hold meetings. Shin Bet head Avi Dichter said that it would be impossible for Israel to attack the hospital used as a cell "for obvious reasons."[121] ... _civilians

You also have gotta love how Hamas "governs"... of course it all starts with indoctrination of children into hatred:

Al Fateh is Hamas' web site for children.[130] The site says it is for "the young builders of the future"[citation needed] and it has a link to the official web site. Several Israeli reviews and news coverages of the site describe it as hate-mongering and accuse it of glorifying death and suicide for God [131][132]

Al-Aqsa TV is a Hamas-run television channel.[133] Its programming includes ideologically tinged children's shows, strident news talk, and religiously inspired entertainment.[134] According to the Anti-Defamation League, the station promotes terrorist activity and incites hatred of Jews and Israelis.[135] ... on_program

The point I am making is that this is is not a "responsible" organization. It's a criminal enterprise that deliberately targets civilians, deliberately puts its own civilians at risk, and deliberately creates institutional hatred amongst its populace so as to deflect its OWN shortcomings in governance onto Israel. Without an Israeli "bogey man", they would have no excuses as to why their governance has resulted in a failed state.

"Well, Israel is blockading Gaza...." blah blah blah. Maybe if they weren't REPEATEDLY caught importing weapons and more advanced Iranian missiles, there would be no need for a blockade. And, if Hamas has money for missiles and weapons, then why are they not spending this money on FOOD?

But of course any attempt to oust Hamas from power is immediately squelched out, as Hamas rules Gaza with an iron fist and supresses dissent:
Human rights groups and ordinary Gazans accuse Hamas of forcefully suppressing dissent. An August 26, 2007 article from British conservative newspaper The Telegraph accuses Hamas of using criminal means, including torture, political detentions, and firing on unarmed protesters who object to Hamas policies.[136] In October 2008, Hamas announced it would release all political prisoners in their custody in Gaza. Several hours after the announcement, 17 Fatah members were released.[137]

Hamas members have also been harassing and arresting Palestinian journalists in Gaza.[138][139] On August 29, 2007 Palestinian health officials reported that Hamas had been shutting down Gaza clinics in retaliation for doctor strikes - Hamas confirmed that "punitive measure against doctors" who, according to Hamas, "incite others to strike and suspend services" have been taken.[citation needed]

In 2007 Hamas disbanded the Gaza Strip branch of the pro-Fatah Union of Palestinian Journalists, a move that was criticised by Reporters without borders.[140]

On September 7, 2007 Hamas banned public prayers, after Fatah supporters began holding worship sessions that quickly escalated into raucous protests against Hamas rule. Hamas security forces beat several gathering supporters and journalists.[141]

On November 14, 2007 Hamas arrested a British journalist and canceled all press cards in Gaza. No news photography is allowed without a license from Hamas.[142][143]

On February 8, 2008 Hamas banned distribution of Al-Ayyam newspaper and closure of its offices in the Gaza Strip due to a caricature that mocked legislators loyal to Hamas,[144][145]. Hamas had later issued an arrest request for the editor.[146] ... _the_Press

Look, I want a two state solution in Palestine and Israel more than anyone. But I'm tired of this leftist liberal guilt turning idiots into heroes. Palestine does NOT need Hamas or more cowardly wannabe-macho strongmen. It NEEDS an MLK or a Gandhi.

optimus prime

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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

ali777 said:
The Gardener said:
The reason why Israel hasn't been able to unseat Hizbullah or Hamas is because the politically correct lefties are forcing them to fight these wars with a hand tied behind their back. You want an example of "disporportionality"?... how about the first Gulf War. I didn't hear anyone whining about how "disporportionate" we were being when trying to get Saddam out of Kuwait.

Until the Palestinians either stop attacking Israel, or until they are willing to come to the negotiating table without their position being one of "NONE of Israel is allowed to exist" then they'll continue suffering.

I think that this Kunstler piece cited below sums it up pretty well. This whole "Israelis are the new Nazis" claim is merely a left wing attempt at being clever.... but in truth, its a bunch of baloney. ... tinia.html

Imagine I come to your country and I systematically push you into a very small territory where I control every single aspect of your life. Then you ask for your right of self determination, and I declare to the world that I am giving you "an independent government". In reality, I still control every single aspect of your life and the independent government can only police the territory on my behalf. In effect, the small territory is an open air prison and the government is the prison guard.

Hey Ali,

I appreciate your point, however they would quite comfortably do it to us if they had the fire power. In fact they are. Muslims in the Philippines are arriving and forming communities, and then they demand to govern themselves with the eventual aim to form their own country using Philippine land. Muslim terrorists with Osama Bin Laden backing are behind it. They rape, murder and bomb civilians to get their own way.

Israel took land some years ago and formed their own country, Bin Laden calls for a holy war against Israel. They have one aim in this world. And yes, if they had the fire power they would remove Israel from the face of the earth.


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

aussieavodart said:
Smooth wrote:
Let me remind you the holocaust,

Here we go
Yeah, the truth hursts doesnt in Aussie?! especially when it doesnt fit with your preceptions.

aussieavodart said:

Lol all these are great examples how coward these terrorist organizations truly are, hiding within populated areas, behind civiliens, and when you in a war mistaks happens, theres a huge difrance between an army mistakes in war then deliberately killing of innocents, shame you cant see it...or maybe dont want to see it, after all you did gave me the eyes when i mention the holocaust.....
Nonehteless you didnt managed to find what i was asking for (as avidance you didnt quoted the whole line that i wite becuase you coulnt find) one example for Israel killing a whole group of people that done nothing to it, based on its beliefs! and i want a proof that its based on belifes and that this group done nothing to Israel or attend to.
And look how far you had to look to find those.... all these have happend decades ago...and all are military mistakes during fightings
So ill give you some exmaples for killing of innocence that were a deliberate attecks against unarmed innocence civiliens, and ii dont even have to go as far as you did, these all from the last decade, i wounder how you will justify those :

Ashdod Port attack (2004)
Jerusalem bus 2 suicide bombing (2003)
Haifa bus 37 suicide bombing (2003)
Jerusalem bus 20 suicide bombing (2002)
Pat Junction Bus Bombing (2002)
Matza restaurant suicide bombing (2002)
Passover massacre (2002)
Café Moment bombing (2002)
Ben Yehuda Street bombings (2001/1997/1975/1948)
Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing (2001)

All carried by Hamas in the last decade! and these are only the ones i could find a Wiki links to.. times that by 30 and you get the picture in the last 10 years here.

aussieavodart said:
You need to learn how to construct sentences that don't contradict themselves. Either you are trying to destroy the whole organization or you aren't.
:woot: Apperntly you have some heavy reading comprehension issues, ill try to rewrite it like to a retard :
Israel wants to destroy the organizations that want to kill it or already have executed assualts on it; Israel belive that there is no need to whipe the whole organization in order to shut it down, its enough to kill the leaders, and it is imposible to kill terror organization totally because its not like you can tell where they all are hiding, and there is no point doing so, it is enough to kill the understan now Adam? :shock: before your telling me to how to construct a sentence, try to reread my words after having some Retaline, i promise it will make more sense!

aussieavodart said:
So when Hamas say publicly that they are ready to negotiate and accept an Israeli state and the US rejects it and says nothing has changed, you consider it to be a display of intelligence and diplomatic skill?
Hell yeah! and thank god they can see that there is a huge diffrance between what Hamas say and does! what you fail to recognize, just read the the marked areas in my last post and see Hamas's real agenda. again, be more then wealcome to post your deploatic affairs deploma here...

barca FC said:
u guys have done and still doing things the nazis wouldn't do.
Apperntly you have no idea what the Natzis have done :roll:, obviously your uneducated and looking your profile tells me you started posting after the figthings in Gazza, amplies you have an agenda, your not worth any of my time or attention, first get some propper education, and learn what happend in the holocaust, then come back and "preach" me. (what a prime example for waste of spearm you indeed are :jackit: ).


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

The Gardener said:
Look, I want a two state solution in Palestine and Israel more than anyone. But I'm tired of this leftist liberal guilt turning idiots into heroes.

It reminds me of some of those expressions we used during the 60's and 70's like "radical chic" and "after-dinner liberal", which referred to certain people who didn't let common sense stop them from having political views which they thought were really hip and avant-garde! :)

Old Baldy

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Re: Max Blumenthal Interviews Israel Supporters At Rally In NY.

aussieavodart said:
Old Baldy said:
When, OH WHEN, will this problem between Arabs and Jews get resolved? :(

When the US government stops kowtowing to the Zionist lobby. That's not going to happen in the near future, at least not for the next 8 years. Or Obama might surprise us.

I admit to not knowing all the in's and out's of this long standing "war" between Arabs and Jews.

So do you mean: Once the Americans stop providing military arms to Israel, they will weaken to the point where the Arabs will wipe them off the map?

barca FC

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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

[quote="SmoothApperntly you have no idea what the Natzis have done :roll:, obviously your uneducated and looking your profile tells me you started posting after the figthings in Gazza, amplies you have an agenda, your not worth any of my time or attention, first get some propper education, and learn what happend in the holocaust, then come back and "preach" me. (what a prime example for waste of spearm you indeed are :jackit: ).[/quote]

the nazis killed ur people and made them homeless, same thing u have done to the palestiniens.
and I have been posting here since 2007 with my old account..I just lost my email Password, why would any one come to a hair loss forum to talk about politics unless he already been here before u idiot


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Re: Max Blumenthal Interviews Israel Supporters At Rally In NY.

Mr.Bean said:
As another example, in Israel there are opposition parties allowed in their government institutions that serve as a voice to those who want to take a more conciliatory line with the Palestinians. These issues are an open and honest political debate

Israel bans Arab parties from coming election

dont worry . the will soon appeal to the supreme court of justice here and they will reverse this decision . happens every elections .
i guess that in the place where you come from parties that undermine and denounce the existence of the country they live in and openly support and visit enemy countrys are never banned from running to elections and are free to publish their platform.


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

it's nothing like the jews and nazi germany .

the jews in germany never claimed independence or demanded a country of their own on german soil . they were a minority but they were german citizens . they lived there an contributed to their state in every aspect (art,philosophy,science) . they never initiated violence or rallys even though they suffered from anti semitisem that was encouraged by the german authorities (mainly to let the public blow off steam . a common thing in countrys with jewish minority) . they even drafted jews in WW1 . they confiscated the jews property,homes,bank accounts and sent them to camps because of a crazy regime and its race theory .


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

Cassin said:
The Gardener said:[/url]

Absolutely...I get so sick of people reducing what the Nazi's did by flinging it around into so many political argument.[/quote:1fivp1ah]

I'm gonna disagree with both of you on this subject... The humanity needs to learn lessons from the past and not make the same mistakes again. I'm not talking about the Palestinian context here, I'm talking in general terms.

When a certain group of people target another group of people purely based on their race, believes, colour, etc there is nothing wrong with drawing parallels with Hitler. Talking about Hitler or reducing a problem to Hitler has a very strong shame attached to it. So, any comparison with Hitler will make the aggressors think twice.

Organisations like the UN, Geneva Conventions, etc were born as a direct result of the atrocities carried out by Hitler. So, when we talk in terms of the Geneva conventions, the aggressor by default becomes modern day Hitler.

Then there is also the argument of "Hitler was a democratically elect leader", which goes to highlight the problems of democracy. Hamas, Bush, Putin, etc were also democratically elect. Democracy requires people to make an educated choice, but most of the elections are based on deceit and political spin. In other words, someone like Hitler is capable of using democracy to spread violence. We probably see this most in places like Africa, where dodgy leaders keep winning elections and yet they keep fighting for God knows what...

My point is, there is nothing wrong with drawing conclusions from the history.


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Re: DERSHOWITZ: Israel's Policy Is Perfectly 'Proportionate'

"I'm gonna disagree with both of you on this subject... The humanity needs to learn lessons from the past and not make the same mistakes again. I'm not talking about the Palestinian context here, I'm talking in general terms.

When a certain group of people target another group of people purely based on their race, believes, colour, etc there is nothing wrong with drawing parallels with Hitler. Talking about Hitler or reducing a problem to Hitler has a very strong shame attached to it. So, any comparison with Hitler will make the aggressors think twice."

My point is, there is nothing wrong with drawing conclusions from the history.

Exactly Ali!!

And thats why I fear that once there is peace in Palestine, a certain "group" of primarily desert origin people that has historically had trouble with all who are different for 100s of years will finally be able to focus on Chechnya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Philippines, Thailand, Amsterdam, Paris, Londonistan etc..

Even worse, if the two sects of this "group" unite in Saudi Arabia and Iran (by hijacking a peaceful religion of course), we heathens and kafirs will have major issues to deal with for the rest of our lives.

We kafirs should definitely learn from history and wish a major war between Iran and Saudi Arabia that puts these tribes back 100s of years so they can continue playing amongst themselves rather than disturbing the progress of technology in kafirlands.