The biggest mistake young men make - Not treating their hair loss early.


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It really is ALOT easier to maintain than it is to regrow. I get depressed when young guys come on here and they want to treat their hair loss when its already 2/3rds gone. The number one thing about male pattern baldness is that it is progressive. If you're 18 and you see some thinning, get on treatments right away, at least to buy yourself time. Its almost 2014. Whether its Histogen, Follica, Replicel, Donor regen, whatever saves us, the point is - It will be a lot easier to treat if you have maintained what you have.

I don't plan to stay on treatments forever, just until one of these other options comes on the market which may still be years away. Things are progressing in our favour though. First it was the FUT transplant that blew everyone's minds away, then it was FUE that left little to no scars. Now we're hearing about Pilofocus next month that is truly 100% scar less and yields the same as FUT's with the potential for donor regeneration.

I personally don't know who I got my male pattern baldness from, as it isn't really strong in my family. My dad still has hair, moms dad still has hair, both her brothers still have hair etc. Obviously someone higher up in the family tree must have gone bald early.. whatever. Doesn't matter who you got it from.. Just treat it early is all I'm saying. If you guys have brothers or friends that are young and start losing their hair, get them on treatments now and not when they're 70% bald.

I know this post is useless but I just wanted to rant about my frustration. :smoke:


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This times a million. If your barber says something, take it seriously. Go see a dermatologist, assuming you care about keeping your hair.


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I agree with this wholeheartedly but it is a really sensitive topic for most because any comment, outside of the sanctity of the barber's chair, about someone's hair, even in a helpful way, will almost certainly garner animosity since you are insinuating that this person is losing it up there. I have taken a lot of flack from friends in the past for just trying to help (but i totally understand how it can be taken the wrong way since its such a sensitive topic).
I kind of have a theory that the reason why so many people get on the meds so late in the game is because of the taboo and politeness that exists around this topic coupled with a self-justifying rationalizing attitude of something like 'my hairs not so bad' or 'its just not in my genes' that can be poisonously ignorant to the fact of the matter-- that your hair is going on you.


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My Regimen
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I wish I'd known sooner, but it's such a gradual thing that it's so easy to miss. Nobody told me, I didn't notice thinning until a month ago and I don't often get a chance to look at the top of my head! Not to mention the fact that my hair length covered up the thinning areas so that I don't think anyone else noticed either, until I got a bit of sunburn on my scalp where it was thinning!

I probably should have checked, but male pattern baldness wasn't even a consideration in my mind until somebody pointed it out to me. Actually I did check, but still wasn't certain, I should have gone to a dermatologist when there was still a doubt in my mind... I think most guys need people around who will tell them the second they noticed it start. Unfortunately I didn't have that, but I'm still glad that I caught it when I did, befor the thinning patches started progressing into full on bald patches, I'm hopeful I can grow a little back, at least enough that my scalp is no longer at risk of sunburn!


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This is my biggest regret in life, not getting on treatments sooner. I think most people don't even realise that male pattern baldness can be treated with genuine medication. Barbers should know and advise their customers!!!! My barber told me to cut my hair shorter because it puts less pressure on the roots, what sh!tty advice. If every barber knew about Minoxidil and Propecia, there would be a lot fewer bald men! The fact that so many people go bald makes people thing there is nothing you can do about it, so they don't even bother researching into treatments.

Also most people don't realize how their baldness will pan out as it is slow/gradual.

I started noticing my balding at 21 and it was a slow progression, by my mid 20s my hair was in a bad state.

Most GPs are useless when it comes to hair loss, they won't spot the early signs of baldness.

Anyway, I'm hoping Follica release something soon.


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I'm hoping Follica will come out with something soon too or off the house I go.


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It really is ALOT easier to maintain than it is to regrow. I get depressed when young guys come on here and they want to treat their hair loss when its already 2/3rds gone. The number one thing about male pattern baldness is that it is progressive. If you're 18 and you see some thinning, get on treatments right away, at least to buy yourself time. Its almost 2014. Whether its Histogen, Follica, Replicel, Donor regen, whatever saves us, the point is - It will be a lot easier to treat if you have maintained what you have.

I don't plan to stay on treatments forever, just until one of these other options comes on the market which may still be years away. Things are progressing in our favour though. First it was the FUT transplant that blew everyone's minds away, then it was FUE that left little to no scars. Now we're hearing about Pilofocus next month that is truly 100% scar less and yields the same as FUT's with the potential for donor regeneration.

I personally don't know who I got my male pattern baldness from, as it isn't really strong in my family. My dad still has hair, moms dad still has hair, both her brothers still have hair etc. Obviously someone higher up in the family tree must have gone bald early.. whatever. Doesn't matter who you got it from.. Just treat it early is all I'm saying. If you guys have brothers or friends that are young and start losing their hair, get them on treatments now and not when they're 70% bald.

I know this post is useless but I just wanted to rant about my frustration. :smoke:

I couldn't agree more!!


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Treatments were kinda pointless to me in the end i mean yeah you can keep the hair what you have but it is not a cure there is noway im wasting money on a drug what dont even cure...the reason i hated losing my hair in the first place was cause i didnt want to be judged soon as i got over that i was fine...i admit it was weird cutting it to the point where you can see your head shape etc at first (i was worried my head would look weird and to be honest it is not the best shape but it is ok) but i did it and finally "free" sort of speak but thats just me.


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I don't plan to be on treatments forever either, I'm just doing it until something better comes out. I'll wait a few years and see what happens.

The main point is to keep what you have because it will be a lot easier to treat with newer options rather than being slick bald.

If everything fails - Replicel, Histogen, Follica, Donor regen etc. I'll probably shoot myself.

Until then, I think we're all going to make it !! :love:


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I don't plan to be on treatments forever either, I'm just doing it until something better comes out. I'll wait a few years and see what happens.

The main point is to keep what you have because it will be a lot easier to treat with newer options rather than being slick bald.

If everything fails - Replicel, Histogen, Follica, Donor regen etc. I'll probably shoot myself.

Until then, I think we're all going to make it !! :love:

Newer options wont come. That is reality.
Taking pills for whole life and still cant save your hir (at least NW3) ?!

Only good option for all guys who are not or wont be more than NW5 is FUE!!!
Lot of money, 1-3 procedures 4.000 - 7.000 grafts in total and even using beard hair for crown.
Only this way, true NW3, NW2 or even 1 is acheivable.


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Newer options are already here, Follica is not far from releasing their treatment, and CB 03 01 isn't too far out either, and that will wipe out finasteride for good.

I cant feel sorry for young guys that let their hair get so bad it cant be fixed. I cant be held responsible for their mistakes. No one can but themselves.

If you see your hair thinning, don't wait 5 years until its bad to start treatment. Its the guys that didn't have treatment in their time that I do feel bad for.

Newer options will come, they're basically already here, just need to finish trials and get them to the market. You're negativity wont get you far either.

I'm very confident someone will master donor regeneration, and that combined with something like CB or Follica will be sure to be a near cure for most.


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Hopped on the big 3... I'm 22... hopefully it works. Not seeing much yet, but it's only been about 2 months.


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It's easy for you to say that when you're capable of financing yourself. Imagine starting University and having this issue. Medications won't magically grow your hair and it costs a fortune to maintain. It pisses me off when people on here think that all hair loss is down to male pattern baldness. When an 18 year old guy is suffering from hair loss, it's not normal, you're misleading them by advising them to go on medications which 100% of the time do not work on guys who are suffering from hair loss due to medical conditions, not male pattern baldness.

Armando Jose

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My Regimen
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it is said that when one realizes it has problems with alopecia, he has lost almost 30 or 40% of the original hair


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Usually hair loss due to medical conditions grows back and is not permanent.


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I pray to God mine does, the doctor suspects that I have hypothyroidism as my TSH level is 9.8. All of my hair problems have happened over a space of 5 months and it just doesn't make sense that it could be male pattern baldness, it just doesn't.


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You should be happy that you may have hypothyroidism. I'm sure everyone on the board would trade their male pattern baldness for it. I would.


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Happy? Why would I be happy? It's still affecting my hair and my whole life, same as male pattern baldness. I'd rather have male pattern baldness at 30 than hypothyroidism at 18.


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You sure like to play victim don't you ? No one likes losing hair more than the person next to them does.

male pattern baldness doesn't always start at 30, actually for many of us, it starts in our early twenties and sometimes even earlier.

I wish this was a medical condition, because most can be easily corrected.