Taking the plunge. Advice appreciated - Oral minoxidil


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Hey all

I've decided to add oral minoxidil in the form of Kirland liquid 5% to my regime

Just wanting some input if anyone has drank the topical liquid & if you've noticed any side effects? - short term / long term.

If so how much are you consuming each dose?

thanks =]


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Hey all

I've decided to add oral minoxidil in the form of Kirland liquid 5% to my regime

Just wanting some input if anyone has drank the topical liquid & if you've noticed any side effects? - short term / long term.

If so how much are you consuming each dose?

thanks =]
I seriously would not do that. It was meant to be topical only. Get a doctor to prescribe legit oral minoxidil. I think if you use the topical foam twice daily you will be fine. The foam goes on fast and acts like a hair thickener mousse.
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Hey all

I've decided to add oral minoxidil in the form of Kirland liquid 5% to my regime

Just wanting some input if anyone has drank the topical liquid & if you've noticed any side effects? - short term / long term.

If so how much are you consuming each dose?

thanks =]

Fist calibrate your dropper. Fill it with 1ml of minoxidil and slowly empty it to figure out how many droplets is in 1ml. In my case it was 40 droplets. I put 2 droplets (that's roughly 2.5mg of minoxidil) under my tongue, wait 5 mins and wash it down with water. Make sure you always use the same dropper and re-calibrate it at least once a month.

I hade 0 side effects, but everyone is different of course.


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Fist calibrate your dropper. Fill it with 1ml of minoxidil and slowly empty it to figure out how many droplets is in 1ml. In my case it was 40 droplets. I put 2 droplets (that's roughly 2.5mg of minoxidil) under my tongue, wait 5 mins and wash it down with water. Make sure you always use the same dropper and re-calibrate it at least once a month.

I hade 0 side effects, but everyone is different of course.
Have you considered buying a smaller dropper and putting the contents in an empty capsule?


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Fist calibrate your dropper. Fill it with 1ml of minoxidil and slowly empty it to figure out how many droplets is in 1ml. In my case it was 40 droplets. I put 2 droplets (that's roughly 2.5mg of minoxidil) under my tongue, wait 5 mins and wash it down with water. Make sure you always use the same dropper and re-calibrate it at least once a month.

I hade 0 side effects, but everyone is different of course.

Thanks for your regime

Has it halted your hair loss?


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So I started drinking 1ML of my kirkland liquid twice daily, which is equivalent to 1.25mg of minoxidil if I'm not mistaken. No side effects I've noticed

Will up the dosage now to 2ML


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So I started drinking 1ML of my kirkland liquid twice daily, which is equivalent to 1.25mg of minoxidil if I'm not mistaken. No side effects I've noticed

Will up the dosage now to 2ML
Wrong complete wrong 1ml = 50mg 2ml = 100mg don't do that this will f*ck up your health
Just use 5-10mg max


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Wrong complete wrong 1ml = 50mg 2ml = 100mg don't do that this will f*ck up your health
Just use 5-10mg max

That's my mistake sorry. I was drinking 0.1ML , now upping to 0.2ML. Got my decimals wrong lol


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So about 3 weeks into drinking 0.2ML , twice daily. No side effects I've noticed - perhaps my beard is growing slightly faster? Can't be sure yet


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How are you measuring the topical? I am using about 5 drops twice a day. I think this is 10-12 mg each dose, so 20-24 mg each day. Does that sound right?


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How are you measuring the topical? I am using about 5 drops twice a day. I think this is 10-12 mg each dose, so 20-24 mg each day. Does that sound right?

My dropper has a label of where 1ML is, so I estimate 0.2ML from that - Which is 10mg I believe


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So nearly 4 weeks in, I've had minor headaches from time to time. No other side effects , shedding has begun to increase. Beard potentially growing faster


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I've been consuming about 10 drops of the 5% topical per day. At first, i got pretty substantial headaches and facial bloating (eye bags). In the past week or so, I noticed my legs felt tight. I've been doing a ton of vigorous mountain biking, so I assumed my muscles were just sore. I've now determined that I have noticeable edema (water retention) in my legs, ankles and feet. I have laid off the Minoxidil for a couple of days to let the edema resolve and then I will resume consumption at a much lower rate. I think I was pushing way too much. I was really motivated by some photos of a guy on 20 mg oral daily that went from hairless twink to absolute hairy beast. Legs and arms covered in fur.

I am consuming Minoxidil for the sole purpose of increasing body hair - specifically the forearm, hand and leg hair that many guys report getting as an unwanted side effect. I want the virile look of having really hairy extremities. My head hair is full and I already have a nice beard.

About four weeks in, I am seeing increased thickness of hair on the backs of my hands and on my knuckles. Also seeing some more density in my beard cheek line and new hairs coming in above the cheek line towards my eye, giving me the wolverine look (totally wanted, the more the better). These appear to be vellus hairs that have turned terminal. I am seeing new hair on my shoulders and stomach. Increased hair density on my quads, knees and calves. I am hoping for very thick hair on my legs in crazy amounts if I get nothing else out of this exercise.
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I am thinking of adding this along with dutasteride and topical minoxidil.

What are we thinking for the prospect of increased temple growth via this method?


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I am thinking of adding this along with dutasteride and topical minoxidil.

What are we thinking for the prospect of increased temple growth via this method?

@Grim had impressive temple/hairline growth with oral minoxidil, I'm not sure if there are many studies as this is currently an off label treatment for hair loss

This is really a last resort for me - finasteride gave me sides, keto shampoo hasn't really helped, topical minoxidil & microneedling are maybe maintaining for me just. Maybe I should look into RU


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Following my observation of edema in my legs and feet last week, I paused the oral Minoxidil for a couple of days and the swelling went away and things look and feel normal. Over the weekend I resumed consuming topical at a lower dose (about 3 drops 1-2 times a day) and I am not seeing any edema.
I continue to get development of darker hairs on my wrists, hands, knuckles, stomach, shoulders and legs. It's noticeable in the shower, particularly my hands and legs. I will stick with this experiment in the hopes the hair will continue to get thicker.
If any guys are experiencing these sides, please share stories and pics. I would appreciate it.


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Nearly two months in. Pleased with how my shedding has reduced the last 1-2 weeks , I used to dry my hair and shake the towel in the shower where upwards of 20-40 hair strands would be present. Now I'm seeing 5-10. Eye lashes have grown which I'm surprisingly happy with as well. My beard grows faster which is slightly inconvenient & there's increased density on my chest/stomach


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Nearly two months in. Pleased with how my shedding has reduced the last 1-2 weeks , I used to dry my hair and shake the towel in the shower where upwards of 20-40 hair strands would be present. Now I'm seeing 5-10. Eye lashes have grown which I'm surprisingly happy with as well. My beard grows faster which is slightly inconvenient & there's increased density on my chest/stomach
All sound like good side effects lol


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Nearly two months in. Pleased with how my shedding has reduced the last 1-2 weeks , I used to dry my hair and shake the towel in the shower where upwards of 20-40 hair strands would be present. Now I'm seeing 5-10. Eye lashes have grown which I'm surprisingly happy with as well. My beard grows faster which is slightly inconvenient & there's increased density on my chest/stomach
this is encouraging. do you still dermaroll?