Sucess 2 months on minoxidil 7% and 9%!


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Take finasteride: ruin your life with its side effects

Don't take finasteride: keep the decent lookin hair you have.


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Update: 15 months on minoxidil 9% + spironolactone and 3 months on Fins. To this point no side effects that I know off. Looking better than at 10 months and slowly but surely getting back to 4 month level.


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15 months in treatment


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Established Member
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man.. you lucky bugger!"! so jealous! been back on finasteride now for about 3-4weeks and hoping that it will thicken up what i have! i have great hair APART from the front and temples, where its prretty thin and horrible.. its in my genes.. but to be honest, im 39 and my dad was bald at 18!! so i think i am doing pretty well! i just want it ALITTLE thicker! :O)

Been thinking about taking minoxidil .. but sooo scared of the shed.. should i be worried or not? i think it will actually do me wonders! :O ))


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Hi Guys,

I’m turning 32 in July.

The biggest contributor to my regrowth has been minoxidil! Can’t really see if the propecia is making a difference but my Doctor says that it makes the minoxidil's work easier. Only been using propecia now for 5 months.

My temples are battling to get full but luckily it doesn’t seem to be getting any worse. It differs from month to month. Sometimes it seems fuller and other times it seems a bit thinner but I’m generally happy. Not nearly where I was at 26 but nobody at work would even know that Im lossingmy hair.

Just not sure whether to take propecia at night or in the mornings. I do use spironolactone at night and have been using propecia at night as well but was wondering if it wouldn’t be more effective in the morning?


Senior Member
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If you "can't see if finasteride is making a difference", then it probably is. finasteride doesn't always regrow a crapload of hair, it will usually just halt the hairloss where it is. So, if you haven't experienced further shedding, then I would wager that the finasteride is in fact working.

Don't make the mistake that others have made..."I can't tell if it's working, so I'll stop" then 3 months later they lose 1/3rd of their density.

Keep it up!


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Dont know if spironolactone helped because I've been using it since the beginning with the minoxidil. Only added propecia 5 months ago.

The spironolactone is 2% strength.


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awesome results pieter!

some questions if you dont mind. (if youre still around these forums)

you say your minoxidil is a custom made solution? is your dr. adding anything to it as far as you know? (azelic acid, retinol, retin-a?)

also, does dr.alexander have an email address one could reach him at?
