Success oral dutasteride and oral min


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I changed my regime and will do the same like yours @Johnshaker

Oral minoxidil everyday and topical Dutasteride 0.1% 5x/week if this crap not do sh*t I will just accept my fate :confused:
You need to microneedle too and then I predict good results on that protocol. With microneedling and maybe retin-A, you have the best male protocol that I know of, except I think oral works best for duta but at least you are using some form of duta cause you need that to maintain any gains.



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It was loniten oral minoxidil that gave you the real results not the dutasteride. I have read some that claimed great regrowth and thickening from oral minoxidil. That was your true savior because u already had results from oral dutasteride and then it stopped working. Adding topical dutasteride wouldn't make much or any difference to your hair. So I think it was mostly the oral minoxidill. Studies has even shown that oral dutasteride outperformed topical dutasteride and mesotherapy. The sad part of this is your face will age much faster than usuall because Oral minoxidil will reduce collagen production throughout your whole body including the face of course, this is why I'm reluctant to use it. And yes studies has shown that it does infact reduce collagen production.
Minoxidil has been show to inhibit collagen production. In mice. Who were put on something like 100 times the dose any human would ever be.


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What is 0.5% dutasteride daily in mg? 0.5mg?


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Minoxidil has been show to inhibit collagen production. In mice. Who were put on something like 100 times the dose any human would ever be.
I would probably sacrifice some skin aging for a full head of hair. I look ugly as f without hair - hair does A LOT for my looks.


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That's a lot of dutasteride - I'm applying 0.5mg EOD topically. I'm seeing results but I'm not sure what is contributing the most.


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That's a lot of dutasteride - I'm applying 0.5mg EOD topically. I'm seeing results but I'm not sure what is contributing the most.
Yup, my topical Dutasteride have 1mg/mg 5x/week and think this it alot but I have aggressive male pattern baldness

But yours looks right but seems you are using more treatments

The real goal of topical Dutasteride is maintain


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Yup, my topical Dutasteride have 1mg/mg 5x/week and think this it alot but I have aggressive male pattern baldness

But yours looks right but seems you are using more treatments

The real goal of topical Dutasteride is maintain
I take 10 drops of minoxidil now and feel no different. That's actually something like 15mg in total.


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I take 10 drops of minoxidil now and feel no different. That's actually something like 15mg in total.
I would probably sacrifice some skin aging for a full head of hair. I look ugly as f without hair - hair does A LOT for my looks.
Same brother. I'm 33 but look 25 but without hair that wouldn't be the case. Also my head is small so being bald would make me look like a freak of nature why u think I pop 2.5mg dutasteride each day and swallow minoxidil? Desperation.


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Bro you don't need a high dose
Look here .

That guy just use a small dose 2.5mg
Yes you are right friend, even that guy using 6 drops has great results after 9 months. But I'm also a pretty tall guy so I would need higher dose than smaller people. I'm gonna stick with 10 as I feel no dizzyness or anything. His results are great he's on finasteride too which helps but that regrowth was definately mostly the minoxidil.


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Yes you are right friend, even that guy using 6 drops has great results after 9 months. But I'm also a pretty tall guy so I would need higher dose than smaller people. I'm gonna stick with 10 as I feel no dizzyness or anything. His results are great he's on finasteride too which helps but that regrowth was definately mostly the minoxidil.
Do these "minoxidil hair" fall out if you stop taking oral minoxidil? Will finasteride or dutasteride protect them or do they solely rely on minoxidil?

Chill dude

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Hello guys,

Success with topical dutasteride and oral Minoxidil.

A brief little history,

Starting thinning at 22 and started finasteride. Worked great and maintained my hair for 7 years. Side effects started, and then stopped immediately. I recovered about 6 months after, however lost alot of hair.

I decided maybe the side effects was in my head and got on dutasteride and minoxidil. Funny thing, the opposite happened with dutasteride, libido went through the roof and hair regrew to even better pre-thinning days.
About 6 months on dutasteride, things went south and started losing hair and sexual sides started again.

A year later hair was in terrible shape and still suffering sides but only minor. So I stopped completely for a year.

Back in middle December I figured what the hell, let's try another regiment. Decided to try topical dutasteride and oral minoxidil ( 5 mg daily) . 2.5 month later, hair is growing back. As of now no sides and hair is looking good. Here are two pics, one from December when I started and the other this morning.

I buy topical dutasteride from regrowth labs, and oral min from an online pharmacy from Thailand.

I usually don't spend time on here but thought I needed to post this, and sorry if I don't reply right away!

Just realized I said oral dutasteride in the thread title, that is a mistake. TOPICAL dutasteride is what I use. Idont know how to change the thread title,
Wow amazing stuff my friend, just be careful on the oral minoxidil. That sh*t is lethal


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Wow amazing stuff my friend, just be careful on the oral minoxidil. That sh*t is lethal
Penn Jilette from bullshit took it for years he said he took massive doses of it and he's alive and well today. He recently stopped taking it because he has lost weight so his BP is good now but he said his hair is going now after quitting it. But he don't even care lol.


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Do these "minoxidil hair" fall out if you stop taking oral minoxidil? Will finasteride or dutasteride protect them or do they solely rely on minoxidil?
I wonder that too it does make sense but I'm afraid it's not the case. But if you grow back hair that you are suposed to have that dht shrank over the years and became dormant, then it would make sense that dutasteride would protect those hairs to not shrink or fall off again.


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It appears to me that finasteride/Duta protect all scalp hair regardless whence it comes. With topical minoxidil you rarely seem to get regrowth at all, let alone cosmetically significant regrowth. Only estrogen and microneedling can induce cosmetically significant regrowth, it seems, in white XY's.

Guys keep talking about new meds and they might lower the probability of any cure if they turn out as mundane as they always do. Baldness has complicated etiologies but body hair does not nor does beard growth. Perhaps a gene transcription related to stopping beard and body growth might cure male pattern baldness but that might too have effects on fertility. Guys are trying to become less male, purportedly just by using finasteride and RU and CB and fleuridil all involve reducing androgenic effects. Just like jumping off a train when you have almost missed your stop, both finasteride/duta and HRT tend to involve decisions that have acute time pressures.


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@Ascension this guy despite stopped using the oral minoxidil he claims he maintain the minoxidil's results and @Vannacci claimed too the same thing
That would be amazing as I don't want to consume oral minoxidil for the rest of my days. My heart has increased since starting it. Ideally get as much growth as possible and then maintain with finasteride/dutasteride. Wishful thinking?


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That would be amazing as I don't want to consume oral minoxidil for the rest of my days. My heart has increased since starting it. Ideally get as much growth as possible and then maintain with finasteride/dutasteride. Wishful thinking?
No. It might be doable. One presumes that estrogen somehow revives follicles but without reductase inhibition that might not be much point to restoring male hair via min or microneedling since when you stop, such improvements go whoosh into the wind but maybe if Min is healing of follicles too, then maintenance might work with duta/finasteride too.
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That would be amazing as I don't want to consume oral minoxidil for the rest of my days. My heart has increased since starting it. Ideally get as much growth as possible and then maintain with finasteride/dutasteride. Wishful thinking?
Except for Keto which might after all be best for dandruff, and not for hair loss you have pretty much the dream male protocol with no crap that might work or any crap said to be good for hair. Nothing ingested save estradiol and min and finasteride is good for hair and Biotin is in any good multi-vitamin just in case anyway. The Keto folks are presumably getting lots of business from MtF's with insurance coverage, similar to spironolactone which used to be mostly used for cis-female hair loss and acne. For non-trannies, your girl's Premarin prescription is known for growing boobs and presumably for hair loss except you don't want too much of the so-called pregnant mare estrogens as they differ structurally and struggle to be processed by the liver.

I love that a guy posted recently that finasteride/Duta/min were all out due to, well not sides but "potential sides". He advertised for help finding baldness treatments that are less effective than the Big 3 and presumably microneedling and that takes a lot of chutzpah to do and ever sketch out. I sent him to the experimental threads since they tout tons of crap that are less effective than the Big 3, that's what makes them the experts in terms of what meds and treatments to use if you don't want actual regrowth but instead seek anti-androgens with few sides related to feminization or hair. They should just call such things experimental maintenance and photograph the entire fall into complete baldness so we can calculate how long such treatments last until proving themselves to be the placebo equivalent of sugar pills.
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