Spectral.F7 Astressin-B Topical Solution


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Anyone else heard about them?

THey claim their peptide regrows hair...

I tried calling them and was connected to one of their sales people.

pretty much cookie cutter answers. I asked if it wrks and what evidence they have ie photos? the generic response was that because it has not gone through clinical trials and because it has not been released yet they cant give that out, however it does grow hair.

I asked if it has any side effects? her answer was because it is a peptide it does not have any side effects. i asked with regard to live damage, puffiness etc... she answered no to both.

I asked how long it was tested for, and she was not allowed to give that info out.

because it is not out yet i can understand them not giving certain info out, however it seems bit fishy to me.




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i will buy this and give it a try - could not find any online shops stocking it..maybe its not out yet ?


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I just ordered some for Aiken Skin Care. I am going to give a try since I know some of my hair loss is stress induced. I like the fact it is alcohol free and no minoxidil in it.

chore boy

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I'm having a hard time keeping my clothes on. Astressin and Prohairin B4 in a cheap-enough topical? Why not, I say. I'll put the lil' money out there and see how it do.

One day, something will grow some hair... simple as that, hopefully. If I could even get a favorable silhouette for a buzzed head, I'd be eternally stoked.


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There are side effects whether they will tell you or not. Astressin-b is cortisol blocker which acts as sort of on/off switch for different functions in the body. I have been using PS which is another CRF blocker and have been experiencing side effects. The 2 major side effects are hypersomnia and hyperkinetic gallbladder. This makes sense if you think about it because low cortisol levels activate bile production while high cortisol levels help you wake up. Also all current trials of astressin-b are being conducted by injection because the majority of cortisol is produced in the pituitary gland. As of right now it is not know how or if the topical solution will work. Astressin-b is a large molecule, so large that they had to do a nano lipid encapsulation on it. This form of transdermal carrier is effective at reaching the subdermal layers of the skin but has not been proven effective at reaching the blood stream.

But I am curious to see if it works.

You can follow my progress at http://homehairgrow.blogspot.com/


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This is complete snake oil guys! Don't drink the kool aid! Take a quick look at some of Astressin B's properties:

Structure Weight: 3,944.67
Polymer: 1 Type: protein Length: 34
Chains: A

Have you guys ever heard of the 500 dalton rule? Any chemical that weighs over 500 dalton will not pass through the epidermis, this chemical ways a whopping, 3,944 Dalton there is simply no way this would be effective topically at all, additionally, the only results that were documented in mice were acheived through injections, no topical effect was shown to be beneficial at all by the actual researchers, spectral is full of sh*t, they are simply trying to jump on the band wagon because of the hype around astressin B. And another thing: Astressin B is very, very, expensive to synthesize, I have seen quotes in the ten's of thousands for mere Millagrams of Astressin-B, there is no way in hell they put a meaningful amount into this product, if anything the effects they claim they witnessed must be from the GHK peptides or other ingredients in the F7 solution, but not from the Astressin B. Caveat Emptor!


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kinofthedemo2 said:
This is complete snake oil guys! Don't drink the kool aid! Take a quick look at some of Astressin B's properties:

Structure Weight: 3,944.67
Polymer: 1 Type: protein Length: 34
Chains: A

Have you guys ever heard of the 500 dalton rule? Any chemical that weighs over 500 dalton will not pass through the epidermis, this chemical ways a whopping, 3,944 Dalton there is simply no way this would be effective topically at all, additionally, the only results that were documented in mice were acheived through injections, no topical effect was shown to be beneficial at all by the actual researchers, spectral is full of sh*t, they are simply trying to jump on the band wagon because of the hype around astressin B. And another thing: Astressin B is very, very, expensive to synthesize, I have seen quotes in the ten's of thousands for mere Millagrams of Astressin-B, there is no way in hell they put a meaningful amount into this product, if anything the effects they claim they witnessed must be from the GHK peptides or other ingredients in the F7 solution, but not from the Astressin B. Caveat Emptor!

I thought I saw this same exact post somewhere else. Hmmmmm.....

Anyway..what about with the use of nanosomes? The follicular route? Using a dermaroller as well?


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Jacob said:
kinofthedemo2 said:
This is complete snake oil guys! Don't drink the kool aid! Take a quick look at some of Astressin B's properties:

Structure Weight: 3,944.67
Polymer: 1 Type: protein Length: 34
Chains: A

Have you guys ever heard of the 500 dalton rule? Any chemical that weighs over 500 dalton will not pass through the epidermis, this chemical ways a whopping, 3,944 Dalton there is simply no way this would be effective topically at all, additionally, the only results that were documented in mice were acheived through injections, no topical effect was shown to be beneficial at all by the actual researchers, spectral is full of sh*t, they are simply trying to jump on the band wagon because of the hype around astressin B. And another thing: Astressin B is very, very, expensive to synthesize, I have seen quotes in the ten's of thousands for mere Millagrams of Astressin-B, there is no way in hell they put a meaningful amount into this product, if anything the effects they claim they witnessed must be from the GHK peptides or other ingredients in the F7 solution, but not from the Astressin B. Caveat Emptor!

I thought I saw this same exact post somewhere else. Hmmmmm.....

Anyway..what about with the use of nanosomes? The follicular route? Using a dermaroller as well?

Yeah I also posted this on HLH, the main problem here is that there is not enough Astressin B in this solution to do anything! Were you not aware of the actual Astressin B concentration they put in this solution? And thats not even to mention that Astressin B has only been shown to be effective when injected!


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But maybe it was injected because applying it w/out a nanosome-type vehicle would be pointless? Who knows. But again..the follicular route and a skin-puncturing-blood oozing dermaroller? :dunno:

I'm not much of a fan of the company btw..back when they first came out they were talking about minoxidil being encapsulated and yet the only ingreds listed as encapsulated were the herbal ingreds....etc.


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It's horseshit.

- No studies to show it does anything for Androgenetic Alopecia
- All studies show it being injected, not applied topically
- The DS labs explanation about it being 'nanoencapsulated' is hocum

Come on DS back up your crazy claims about this product.


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It seems to have reduced hair shedding for me. Also, a possible side effect or not? I was having a minor stomach infection. Within a week of using Spectral.F7, I "crashed" and came down with a fever. I don't know, reduced cortisol levels or something or just plain coincidence. Now, I was using minoxidil + Spectral.F7 before, and one thing i have noticed. If I stopped using minoxidil in past for a few days (its been 1 week+3 days now for me), my hair would immediately thin out noticeably and bald patches appear. So far, this effect has been reduced. Again, not conclusive but what I can see visually Also after applying Spectral.F7 it seems to have some additive that thickens the hair, it could be that...
All in all, as long as I can afford it, I will continue this product. I somehow feel its more effective than the combination of Fluridil and minoxidil I was taking together. Once I am better, I will restart minoxidil too. I wanted to drop minoxidil and replace with Latisse but I got immediate sides (eye spasms). In hindsight, I think it was a good thing, better for sides to appear immediately, then appear in a huge manner later and cause severe issues.
The lack of minoxidil has caused the thinning on my crown to be very noticeable though. One thing about minoxidil is that causes me some sort of acidity in my foodpipe. I am getting the same with this other thing, but its probably because I just recovered from a proper infection.


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EL Duterino and anyone else using it? Any first impressions? Particularly interested in seeing what you have to say EL dutasteride.


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Hard to say what its doing as I use other stuff - maybe thicken up hair a bit ?